Minutes of Meeting
held on 31st August 2016
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Keith Ray, Anthony Powers, Jackie Morris, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis.
In attendance: Tom Davies (internal auditor), Graeme Adkin (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 John Wade (footpaths officer), Ward Cllr Bob Matthews.
2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book. No declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of meeting 29th June and matters arising
3.1 Minutes were amended slightly, but otherwise agreed and signed.
3.2 TG updated mtg on HC Budget Consultation. GA to prepare consultation response following points agreed by Anthony and Liz.
3.3 TG advised that HALC / SAM had written to Cllr Price, requesting that outlying parishes should be more involved in the Reference Group and the formation of the Hereford Area Plan.
4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay
4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 29th July.
4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
PIP printing (NDP material) £175.17
Nepeta (website repair) £1,290.00
Grant Thornton (external audit) £120.00
Village Hall £72.00
Clerk salary – (July & August) as agreed by Cllrs
4.3 Cllrs agreed that the Parish Council would take advantage of the free (empty) sandbags from Balfour Beatty, and deliver these where necessary at this stage, but that residents are to fund and fill the bags with sand themselves.
4.4 Jackie and Anthony signed the cheques. Lorraine initialled the invoices and Jackie verified the bank statement balances.
4.5 Clerk updated Cllrs on other issues.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr
5.1 No report.
5.2 Clerk advised the Cllrs of recent police reports pertaining to Breinton.
5.3 Agreed positioning of anti dog fouling signs.
Footpaths Officer
5.4 In John’s absence, Clerk updated the meeting on these matters.
Village Hall
5.5 Lorraine advised that the VH floor had been varnished recently.
5.6 The VH Committee are seeking additional committee members and others to help weed the surrounding area.
Tree Warden
5.7 No report.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
6.1 Following consideration of the Examiner’s Report by the Steering Group (SG) the previous evening, Tony updated Councillors on this matter, in particular the various modifications required by the Examiner if the NDP was to proceed to a Referendum.
6.2 Cllrs are waiting for comments on the Report from Kirkwells, and are aware that some minor clarifications and grammatical adjustments are required to the Examiner’s Report.
6.3 Mindful of the issues at 6.2 above, the Councillors unanimously agreed to accept the Report, inform Herefordshire Council of this decision, obtain confirmation that they also accepted the modifications and would be arranging a referendum as soon as possible.
6.4 Tom (internal auditor) verified that the decision was unanimous.
7. Comments on non-controversial planning applications
7.1 Cllrs agreed to dispense with the ‘Planning Book’, and to adopt the procedure drafted by Tony.
7.2 Tony’s draft to be reviewed and finalised, and Cllrs to consider it further at the October meeting.
8. Lengthsman
8.1 GA provided update for Cllrs.
8.2 Cllrs agreed that Lengthsman to quote to replace noticeboard and carry out clearance of some drains and grips.
9. Planning
9.1 GA updated Cllrs on recent decisions and progress on applications.
10. Correspondence
10.1 No points arising.
11. Items for next agenda
11.1 Precept. Fireworks.
Meeting closed at 20.45hrs
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 12th October 2016