The role played by Breinton Parish Council in Planning
Breinton Parish Council is not the Local Planning Authority, that is one of Herefordshire Council’s roles. However Herefordshire do consult the Parish Council on all planning applications in the parish and some of those close to the parish borders. The Parish Council meets regularly to make comments on planning applications.
This part of the website should tell you all you need to know about any current planning applications in Breinton and also recent decisions made by Herefordshire Council.
There is also a link to the Local Plan / Core Strategy for the whole of Herefordshire. In addition Breinton has recently created a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish that includes specific local planning policies. There is a separate part of this website about the Neighbourhood Plan. When the Neighbourhood Plan is a finally approved it will sit alongside Herefordshire’s Local Plan / Core Strategy and the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework to guide development in Breinton.
This part of the website also contains details of two important plans from the past. The Community Led Plan that replaced an earlier Parish Plan and the Sustainability Action Plan – Painting Breinton Green.

Hereford Bypass
Find out how the bypass around Hereford will affect Breinton and how the project is developing.

Local Planning Applications
See the latest planning applications in the Breinton area and responses from the parish council.

Herefordshire Core Strategy
Details of how the Herefordshire Core Strategy affects Breinton.

Breinton's Neighbourhood Development Plan
The final outcome of the plan is available for viewing.

Previous Planning Initiatives
The Community Led Plan is the predecessor to the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Painting Breinton Green is the name of the Sustainability Action Plan developed fo the parish.