Herefordshire is proud of its diversity of plants and animals, in a wide range of habitats. In 2009 Herefordshire Council published a report on Building Biodiversity into the Local Development Framework.
For Hereford and adjacent areas this includes descriptions and maps of a) internationally and nationally designated sites; b) locally designated sites; c) semi-natural habitats and wildlife corridors/linear features; d) artificial habitats and arable land; e) legally protected and priority species; and f) opportunities for habitat enhancement and creation.
See also Herefordshire’s Ecological Network Map Feb 2013:
The Herefordshire Council reports and maps are very interesting, but they do not include all features of interest for Breinton. Recent research suggests that Breinton is much richer in biodiversity than previously thought. See Sections on Wildlife and Woodland Heritage, especially the 2013 survey around Warham House and Breinton Wood. File 6 Warham House Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Biodiversity in traditional orchards
The area covered by traditional orchards nationally has declined recently, and therefore they are now included in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.
People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) are creating an inventory of traditional orchards to help guide future conservation work in this unique and special habitat.
“The beginnings of orchards”, by Rebecca Roseff, 2007.
includes photos of the rarely-seen Noble Chafer beetle and Early Purple Orchids in a Breinton orchard.
(Section compiled by Nichola Geeson, 2014)