Google Earth

See aerial views of Breinton from 1999, 2001 and 2009. In addition, Street View provides a virtual tour of Breinton.

Old Maps

View small sections of old maps of Breinton (or other places) online, from 1887, 1889/90 and 1904, according to post code or coordinates.

Breinton old map 1815

The British Library has a map of Hereford including Breinton map 1815

Wildlife and Biodiversity

1) Building biodiversity into the LDF, 2009 (pdf file)

Biodiversity maps for Hereford :

Map 1 Habitat categories

Map 2 Protected and priority habitat buffer zones

Map 3 Protected and priority species

2) Green Infrastructure Strategy Herefordshire (Local Development Framework) 2010

Maps include biodiversity, land use, landscape character, designated and accessible open space, green infrastructure study.

3) MAGIC maps

This interactive map service is very useful (it is regularly up-dated), with categories including:

Agri-environmental schemes, with at least 75% of Breinton shown to be under such schemes
Forestry and woodland schemes, such as Drovers Wood, Breinton Wood, and Breinton Court gully
Traditional orchards, with at least 25 shown for Breinton.

4) Woodland Trust Ancient Tree Inventory

ancient tree inventory woodland trust

Many of Breinton’s ancient, veteran and notable trees have been plotted on this interactive map, – but there are more to add!

5) Herefordshire’s Ecological Network Map Feb 2013:

6) Map of traditional orchards from the Peoples’ Trust for Endangered Species

On the PTES maps, red dots are sites that have already been surveyed (ground-truthed) and blue dots are sites that still need checking, or may no longer exist.

Soil, Water and Geology

1) Geology of Britain Viewer

This is an interactive map showing the details of bedrock and surface geology

2) Environment Agency interactive map of Risk of flooding from surface water

This site shows high risk  of surface water flooding in some areas of Breinton, e.g. close to Kings Acre Road

Potential western bypass plans

The Red Route has been approved (July 2018) for further detailed work.

Hereford Bypass Red Route
Hereford bypass red route Belmont
Hereford Bypass Red Route Warham
Hereford Bypass Red Route Huntington
Hereford Bypass Red Route Roman Road

(section updated by N. Geeson, December 2018)