Welcome to Breinton Parish Council

Breinton is a rural parish west of Hereford. It is home to approximately 850 people. With this website, we aim to provide all the information you need to know about Breinton, the area and activities happening there. In addition to the reports and information on parish council business, there are sections about Breinton’s history, nature and things to do. We hope you enjoy exploring our parish.

Roads and Planning

Image from Herefordshire Council


For more information on Roads and Planning,  click the button to go to the pages about planning.

Bypass update

Herefordshire Council’s Cabinet has agreed to prioritise the progress of the development of a bypass to the west of Hereford.

Click on the Bypass buttons to find out more about this.

About Breinton

Waxcaps in a long-established ungrazed meadow (N. Geeson)

Learn more the historic and environmentally special parish of Breinton. Much of the information has been collected over the past decade and it forms part of the evidence base for the Neighbourhood Plan. More is being discovered every month by local volunteers and a history group has recently been created to provide a focus for local research.

Click on the buttons find out more.

Useful Information

The River Wye has cut through Devonian Raglan mudstones to form a steep-side gorge by Breinton Springs (N. Geeson)

Key contact details of organisations in Breinton, things to do, including local walks and other useful information.

To report a flood please use the button on the right.