How Planning Decisions are Made

Planning decisions in Herefordshire are made on the basis of three sets of policies and any guidelines linked to them. The three documents that make up this framework are:

  • The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) produced by the Government and which applies nationwide
  • Herefordshire Council’s own Core Strategy – also known as the Local Plan – which provides strategic policies applicable across the whole county. This applies to 2031 but will be reviewed before then. You can access the Core Strategy via the button below
  • and Breinton’s own Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) – which was produced by local volunteers and adopted by Herefordshire Council in December 2016. The NDP provides Breinton specific policies and much more local detail than the countywide Core Strategy ever could. The Neighbourhood Development Plan has to conform, by law, to both the NPPF and the Core Strategy. This conformity was confirmed by an Independent Examiner. This Plan also runs to 2031 but the Parish Council intend to review it before then, probably in line with any reviews of the Core Strategy by Herefordshire Council. You can see the details about the NDP and how it was producted over a period of two years, by clicking the button below.

Hereford Area Plan

Herefordshire Council are preparing a separate plan for the city to give more detailed policies than those in the Core Strategy. This is effectively an NDP for Hereford. Some of its policies cover housing sites on the boundaries of Breinton.

Breinton Parish Council met in Breinton Village Hall at 7.00pm, on Friday 28th September, to consider their response to the Hereford Area Plan being produced by Herefordshire and Hereford City councils.  The response was approved at the Parish Council meeting on the 17th October and can be read here. A map showing the potential housing sites bordering Kings Acre Road can be found here while the potential sites close to Adams Hill can be seen here.