Minutes of Meeting
held on 29th June 2016
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Keith Ray, Anthony Powers, Jackie Morris.
In attendance: Tom Davies (internal auditor), Graeme Adkin (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis, John Wade (footpaths officer), Ward Cllr Bob Matthews.
2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book. No declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of meeting 18th May and matters arising
3.1 Minutes agreed and signed.
4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay
4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 3rd June.
4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
Village Hall (NDP £27, BPC £18) £45.00
Lengthsman £96.00
Ann Powell (Queen’s birthday celebration) £60.50
Clerk salary (1st – 30th June) as agreed by Parish Cllrs
Rreimbursed exps (Clerk) –
May mtg refreshments £25.48
Gifts (inc 4.3) £30.00 £55.48
HMRC £198.20
4.3 Cllrs also confirmed payment for a gift for Nicky Geeson in recognition of her work as the Tree Warden.
4.4 Tony and Anthony (and Jackie) signed the cheques. Ray initialled the invoices and bank statements to confirm the balances and amounts declared.
4.5 Clerk updated the meeting of progress to resolving the website issues following it being hacked. Thanks to Nepeta for their work in rebuilding the website.
4.6 Clerk updated Cllrs on other issues, including: – Balfour Beatty works, information board at Breinton Springs (Keith Ray to provide information material); Hfds Council Budget consultation (Tony to attend); thanks from John Wade, Tom Davies and Nicky Geeson for gifts; national agreement reached on increase in Clerk’s salary (Cllrs authorised the increase) in payment.
4.7 Clerk advised the meeting of works completed by Balfour Beatty / Mike Gill.
4.8 Following letter from HC regarding drainage at Breinton Lane / Green Lane junction, Cllrs confirmed no further action at this stage.
4.9 Interpretation Boards – Clerk and Keith to research further information on this.
4.10 Ann Powell thanked the Parish Council for funding the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr
5.1 No report.
5.2 Clerk advised that no mention of Breinton in recent SNT monthly reports.
5.3 Mobile police station to visit Breinton Springs on 15th July, between 10.00 – 12.00hrs. TG and GA to advertise.
Footpaths Officer
5.4 Clerk advised that he will seek a quote from the lengthsman to supply and fit new gates on BT2.
5.5 WVW – fence to be moved further into farmer’s land to give wider footpath. No repairs of the footpath to be undertaken at this stage.
Village Hall
5.6 No report.
Tree Warden
5.7 No report.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
6.1 Tony updated Councillors on progress so far. The Examiner has started his inspection and it is hoped will report by the end July. The report will be considered by Hfds Council and the Steering group, before an October referendum if all goes to plan.
6.2 Postcards to be printed and distributed to advertise the referendum.
7. Outlying Parishes group – Hereford Area Plan
7.1 Nominations have been made to the HAP reference group, though no appointment as yet.
7.2 Hope to arrange next meeting in September, though need to contact other parishes to maintain momentum.
8. Three Elms Development
8.1 TG updated the meeting of on this topic.
9. Comments on non-controversial planning applications
9.1 The draft policy was discussed and Cllrs decided to identify a definition and criteria for such applications. This will be done before the next meeting.
10. Draft revised Financial Regulations
10.1 The draft was discussed and Cllrs agreed to adopt the revised regulations.
11. Lengthsman
11.1 Cllrs discussed works to be undertaken and agreed that Lengthsman to : –
a) remove fallen tree on WVW
b) quote for gates on BT2.
c) replace post / finger sign on bridleway on KAR
12. Planning
Planning decisions
12.1 None received.
12.2 The Appeal was dismissed.
Current applications
12.3 161470 – land at rear of 303 KAR – 3 dwellings. Mtg held on 13th June. Cllrs agreed to object to this application.
12.4 161329 – land south of KAR, HR4 0SR, 8 dwellings. Members of the public raised concerns, specifically that the applicants had previously stated that a nearby application would not be followed by any subsequent applications; ecological issues; increase in traffic and housing density.
Cllrs agreed to object to this application – clerk to draft letter.
12.5 161414 – plot adjacent to 83 Broomy Hill – this application is outside of the Parish, and Cllrs had previously decided not to comment on the application. Clerk advised that an amended drawing had been submitted. Cllrs agreed no further action required.
12.6 161723 – land to rear of Pepperplock. Clerk advised that an application to build a dwelling had been submitted. Details to follow in due course.
13. Correspondence
13.1 No points arising.
14. Items for next agenda
14.1 Standing orders
Meeting closed at 9.10pm
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 31st August 2016