Minutes of Meeting held on 20th February 2019
Present: Tony Geeson, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis, Anthony Powers, Keith Ray
In attendance: 1 member of the public; John Wade (Footpaths Officer); Graeme Adkin (Former Clerk); Emily Godsall (New Clerk)
- Apologies for Absence
1.1 Jackie Morris
- Declarations of interest & consider requests for
- No declarations of interest.
- No requests for dispensations.
- Minutes of meeting 16th January & matters arising
- Minutes agreed following amendment to 4.5 and signed.
- Clerk’s report
4.1 Clerk provided details of the financial statement as of 4th January 2019. Up to date bank statements were not available but would be for the next meeting.
4.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:
Village Hall December Invoice £18.00
Clerks Salary £410.59
4.3 Cllrs signed cheques and initialled invoices to verify amounts reported.
4.4 Clerk provided details of the report from Mike Gill
4.5 Clerk to advise Mike Gill that the Fairfield grit bin belongs to Balfour Beatty, and ask for clarification of the exact location of the residential vehicle crossing point.
4.6 Cllrs agreed for the bank statements and all correspondence to be sent to the new clerks address at 18 Flaggoners Close, Bromyard, HR7 4TZ.
4.7 Cllrs all agreed to pay Graeme for his time spent training the new clerk to date.
5. Other Reports
5.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
Cllr Matthews updated Cllrs on several matters including the lengthsman scheme and community transport.
Cllrs Matthews agreed to chase up TPO’s again the following day regarding the anticipated date for processing the paperwork
5.2 Police
Clerk reported no crimes recorded in December
5.3 Footpaths Officer
John Wade reported all footpaths to be ok. Made the suggestion to put cameras in place to watch the gates on footpath BT2.
5.4 Village Hall
Lorraine updated the Cllrs that the Village Hall Committee are recruiting for new members including a new treasurer.
Village Hall AGM on Friday 22nd February. No Cllrs could attend but clerk will be emailed the minutes.
5.5 Tree Warden
No report
6. By-pass
7.1 Hereford Transport Packages recent consultation proposes new walking/cycling measures in the city including along the new bypass route.
7.2 Cllrs
agreed to submit a response.
7. Consultations Affecting Breinton
7.1 Cllrs agreed not to partake in the Great British Spring Clean 2019.
7.2 Cllrs discussed the Draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan Consultation. Concerns addressed over the insufficient minerals in the county, which may result in heavy vehicles and effects on the infrastructure but it was decided not to respond
7.3 Documents on the Hereford Area Plan sites Consultation Results were circulated round the Cllrs to show more housing sites have been added. Cllrs viewed the Church Commissioners vision document for Lower Hill Farm, which was agreed to be discussed with residents.
8. Environment and Amenities Working Group
10.1 Nothing to report on speed limits or interpretation boards
10.2 Cllrs agreed locations for the 3 dog poo signs including Green Lane, opposite The Bay Horse and the bridleway on Kings Acre Road. Clerk to give signs to Tony to distribute.
9. Lengthsman
- Cllrs to let the clerk know of tasks for the lengthsman.
10. Planning
- Clerk reported an update on recent decisions
- Cllrs considered the two planning applications below:
– 183570 Sugwas Farm – Proposed development of a workshop (B1) with access improvements and car parking)alteration to delay off-site highway works
– 190389 The Bay Tree – Non-material amendment 152454/FH (Proposed two storey rear extension, erection of garage and re-positioning of existing access to facilitate erection of garage and improve safety) – Reduction in size of the rear two storey extension
- Cllrs agreed to write a letter to the Planning Department regarding the application 183570
- No action to be taken with application 190389
11. Correspondence
- Cllrs reviewed correspondence received.
- Cllrs agreed to the requested loan of the display boards, under four conditions.
- BPC does not need them itself at the same time
- BPC is not identified
- The boards do not display anything that would bring the Council into disrepute
- Any damage is repaired to our satisfaction or that the boards are replaced with new, similar boards.
14.4 Cllrs discussed the emails of a concerned resident regarding heavy traffic along Breinton Lane. Clerk to contact Mike Gill to state the concerns surrounding drains/verges and discuss the options available.
12. Items for next agenda
15.1 Risk Assessment, Asset Register & Dispensations
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
The next Breinton Parish Council Meeting to be held on 15th May 2019