Minutes of Meeting held on 16th May 2018

Present:  Tony Geeson, Lorraine Lewis, Anthony Powers, Jackie Morris, Keith Ray.

In attendance:  Tom Davies (Internal Auditor), John Wade (Footpaths Officer), 4 members of public and Emily Godsall (Clerk).

  1. Election of Chair
    1. Keith Ray proposed Anthony Powers as Chair.  Seconded by Lorraine and other Cllrs agreed.  Anthony was elected as Chair for the forthcoming year.
    1. Anthony signed the declaration of acceptance. On behalf of the Parish Council Anthony thanked Tony Geeson for all efforts and excellent work as Chairman for the past seven years.
  • Apologies for absence
    • Liz Morawiecka
    • Ward Cllr Bob Matthews – Cllrs all wanted to note their congratulations to Cllr Matthews on his re-election as Ward Councillor
    • Nicky Geeson & Rob North also sent their apologies for being unable to attend.
  • Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
    • None declared
  • Minutes of meeting 20th March, and matters arising
    • Minutes agreed and signed.
  • Chair’s Annual Report
    • Tony delivered his Annual report.
    • Clerk to write to Mike Gill and Nepeta thanking them for their support over the last year.
    • Anthony proposed a vote of thanks for Tony for all the work he has done on behalf of the Parish Council over the last 12 months.  All Cllrs agreed.
  • Election of Officers
    • Lorraine proposed Liz to continue as Deputy Chair, seconded by Jackie.  Liz duly elected as Deputy Chair.
    • Tom Davies was appointed as Internal Auditor.
    • John Wade was appointed as Footpaths Officer.
    • Tony advised that Nicky is prepared to continue as Tree Warden and Nicky was duly appointed.
  • Governance Statement and approval of Accounts and Audit
    • Cllrs considered the exemption certificate which was subsequently signed by Anthony (as Chair) and the clerk.
    • Cllrs considered the Annual Governance Statement, which was signed by Anthony (as chair) and the clerk.
    • The accounts figures which were signed by Anthony (as Chair) and the clerk.
    • Clerk advised that the period of public rights to inspect the accounts would be 4th June – 13th July.
    • Cllrs reminded that they should update their notice of registrable interests, and the Register, within 28 days of any change to their disclosable pecuniary interests.
  • Clerk’s Report
    • Clerk provided details of recent transactions, and the bank balance as at 30th April.

8.2          Cllrs approved the following payments:-

  • Lengthsman                                      £330.00
  • Village Hall                                          £45.00
  • BHIB Insurance Brokers                 £199.93
  • John Finch Computers                   £85.00
  • Clerks salary (April & May)           £547.18
    • Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
    • Clerk updated the Cllrs on Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.
  • .     Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

9.1          Clerk updated the Cllrs with Cllr Matthews latest report on Sugwas Farm and Banbh Farm planning applications.

9.2          Keith advised the C1190 to Breinton Common is in very poor condition. Cllrs

Agreed for Clerk to contact Mike Gill & Stretton Sugwas clerk to ask about repairing the road.

Police report

9.3          No incidents reported in April.

9.4          A member of the public mentioned a talk by a police officer on personal security, which was very poorly attended. Suggested for another visit and gather increased support.

9.5          Lorraine reported eggs being taken without payment.


9.6          John Wade reported the grass and hedges are growing quickly and will inform the council when the footpaths require cutting.

                9.7          BT7 gate needs a new post & latch.

9.8          Missing gates on BT2 have been found in numerous locations. The absence of these gates is stopping the field being used for livestock and also poses a risk to dog walkers. Suggestions were made to approach Balfour Beatty asking to use their site cameras when the gates are reinstalled.

Village Hall

9.9          Most recent meeting was cancelled due to lack of attendance .

Tree Warden

9.10        Nothing to report.  

9.11        Cllrs wanted to make the public aware of how important it is to obey road signs and barriers when work on trees is being carried out.

  1. Bypass
    1. Nothing to report
  1. Other Consultations Affecting Breinton
    1. Cllrs agreed to not make any comment on Stretton Sugwas regulation 16 submission of neighbourhood development plan at this stage.
  1. Environment & Amenities Working Group
    1. Cllrs were made aware the report on the Breinton House archeological dig is pending.
    1. Cllrs agreed to liaise as soon as possible to start the interpretation boards installations.
    1. Tony informed Cllrs he has started to draft a letter for the bid to get a rural speed limit in Breinton Parish.
  1. Lengthsman
    1. Clerk to contact Tim Bulmer to ask about sorting the wood debris left in the ditch near the village hall, before other arrangements are made.
  1. Planning
    1. Planning application 083324 Upper Hill Farm (change of use of two barns to two houses). Clerk to ask planning officer about the three static caravans on the site.
    1. Planning application 182585, Eaton View, Breinton (erection of one dwelling and a garage). Concerns were addressed regarding narrow access to the bridle path, underground electric cables and watercourse. Anthony and clerk to check the conditions and ensure they are being met.
  1. Correspondence
    1. Cllrs all agreed to take up Ian Carter (National Trust) on his offer to attend a meeting.
  1. Items for next agenda

16.1        Declaration of Climate Emergency

Annual Parishioners Meeting

The issue of declaring a climate emergency was discussed. A community meeting was suggested to gather support, a formal endorsement and attempt to inspire HALC to create a package for all parishes.

Signed ……………………………….                                                    Date  ………………….

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting – 19th June 2019