Minutes of Meeting held on 16th January 2019
Present: Tony Geeson, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis, Anthony Powers, Keith Ray, Jackie Morris.
In attendance: 9 members of public; Tom Davies (internal auditor); Graeme Adkin (Clerk); Emily Godsall (new Clerk)
- Apologies for Absence
1.1 John Wade
- Declarations of interest & consider requests for
- Tony declared a non-pecuniary regarding the donation to St Michaels Church and the CPRE discussion.
- Anthony declared a non-pecuniary as a member of CPRE.
- No requests for dispensations.
- Minutes of meeting 12th December & matters arising
- Minutes agreed following amendment to 11.1 and signed.
- Liz mentioned empty grit bin opposite Fairfield.
- Clerk’s report
4.1 Clerk provided details of the financial statement as of 4th January 2019
4.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:
Donation St Michael’s Church – £1000.00
Lengthsman – £511.20
Reimburse Clerk – £40.17
(Refreshments £22.90
Stationery £17.27)
Tree Warden Subs – £25.00
4.3 Cllrs authorised amounts previously paid to
HMRC (For PAYE £140.80)
Ionos Monthly Direct Debit (£1.19 for email account).
Proposed by Keith, seconded by Tony and unanimous.
4.4 Cllrs signed cheques and initialled invoices to verify amounts reported.
4.5 Cllrs considered Breinton Parish Council joining CPRE. Keith requested that CPRE send a letter. Anthony asked about the implications when commenting on planning applications. Tony to follow up.
4.6 Clerk provided details of the report from Mike Gill
4.7 Clerk to advise Balfour Beatty on grit bin down Warham Lane for review of their asset register. Cllrs agreed that any new grit bin has only been to replace original degraded ones.
5. Other Reports
5.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
Cllr Matthews updated Cllrs on a few items including that the new bypass plans are still under discussion.
5.2 Police
Clerk reported burglary on Wyevale Way in November.
5.3 Footpaths Officer
Nothing to report
5.4 Village Hall
Nothing to report
5.5 Tree Warden
Report included items on TPO’s for lime trees along KAR, DEFRA/Natural England consultation regarding biodiversity net gain and reduced independence of wildlife groups.
6. Clerk vacancy
6.1 Cllrs have agreed the contract and letter of appointment.. Documents to be posted. Expenses to be discussed.
6.2 Cllrs agreed to delegate the authority to sign the new clerks contract to Tony and Liz to deal with on behalf of BPC.
7. By-pass
7.1 Cllrs are aware that geological surveys have already taken place in Warham.
7.2 Numerous concerns from residents and landowners regarding lack of communication and permission not being granted.
7.3 Cllrs decided to request an urgent meeting with Hereford Council to find out more information on what is happening.
8. Consultations Affecting Breinton
8.1 Council have published results of Herefordshire Area Plan Housing & Employment Site consultation, but with no decision yet
8.2 Private Members Bill – send a letter of support to Bill Wiggin MP.
8.3 Stretton Sugwas NDP – Cllrs have no comments at this stage.
9. Fibre Optic Broadband in Breinton
9.1 Wait for further correspondence from Gigaclear.
10. Environment and Amenities Working Group
10.1 Nothing to report
11. Consider Adoption of various policies
11.1 Cllrs resolved to approve the draft Equality Opportunities Policy. Tony signed the document.
11.2 Cllrs resolved to follow NALC’s legal topic note 22 on the Discipline and Grievance Policy.
11.3 Cllrs resolved to follow the Health & Safety Policy contained within NALC’s legal topic note 23.
11.4 Policies to be reviewed annually.
12. Lengthsman
- Cllrs identified tasks for the lengthsman.
13. Planning
- Clerk reported an update on recent
- 184332 – land to rear of Bramley House HR4 0SN – Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 151641 (Proposed erection of nine dwellings)
184333 – land south of Kings Acre Road, Swainshill – Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 161329 (Site for eight dwellings with access
- Cllrs considered the
above applications together and heard concerns from members of the public.
Reference was also made to Breinton’s NDP
- Clerk to draft letter to planning officer
- Cllrs advised members of the public to raise concerns via the Herefordshire Council website or by contacting the planning officer directly.
14. Correspondence
- Cllrs reviewed correspondence
- Clerk advised on Hereford transport package consultation between 29th January to 11th March. Details circulated to Cllrs.
15. Items for next agenda
15.1 No specific items identified.
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting – 20th February 2019