Minutes of Meeting held on 19h June 2018

Present: Anthony Powers, Tony Geeson, Jackie Morris, Keith Ray, Liz Morawiecka

In attendance:  Bob Matthews (Ward Councillor), 2 members of public and Emily Godsall (Clerk).

  1. Apologies for absence
    1. Lorraine Lewis
    1. John Wade
  2. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
    1. None declared
  3. Minutes of meeting 19th May, Action Points & Matters Arising
    1. Minutes agreed and signed
    1. Action points discussed and clerk informed of next steps
  4. Clerk’s Report
    1. Clerk provided details of recent transactions, and the bank balance as at 4th May.
    1. Cllrs approved the following payments:-
  5. Village Hall            £36.00,
  6. HMRC                     £205.00
  7. Clerk’s salary        £273.59
    1. Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
    1. Clerk updated the Cllrs on Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.

5.      Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

5.1          Cllr Matthews confirmed that the TPO 583 were processed on the 14th June 2019 and the comments are to be made by 26th July 2019. Tony reported that Nicky Geeson (Tree Warden) would be happy to write a response on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllrs agreed to take up this offer and sent their thanks.

5.2          Cllrs were informed Wye Vale Garden Centre made a contribution of £6000 to the road works on C1190.

5.3          Cllr Matthews updated the Cllrs on the issue with the water table at the Three Elms development.

5.4          Cllr Matthews was questioned about changes and developments at Herefordshire Council since the May election, and outlined these.

5.5          Cllrs agreed to inviting Cabinet member for infrastructure Cllr John Harrington to the September meeting to discuss the Hereford Transport Package, Core Strategy and Climate Emergency.

Police report

5.5          Clerk informed the Cllrs of the four incidents which were reported in Breinton in April.

5.6          Cllrs agreed for the clerk to ask the police for more details on crimes reported.


5.7          No report.

Village Hall

5.8          No report.

Tree Warden

  • No report.
  • Bypass
    • With the prospect of a forthcoming cabinet decision it was hoped that plans for the bypass would be shelved.
  • Other Consultations Affecting Breinton
    • Cllrs agreed the Clehonger NDP covers water pollution and ecosystem protection on future developments. Liz to check if there is are any comments to be made.
    • For greater clarity councillors agreed to change this agenda item title to ‘public consultations’.
  • Environment & Amenities Working Group
    • Keith gave Breinton Common Interpretation Board text and files to clerk.
    • Concerns were raised regarding parking on the verges at Breinton Common. Clerk to contact Highways Authority to find out the laws on parking.
    • Tony is drafting the bid for lower speed limits through Breinton and has written to various charities and authorities to show ongoing support.
  • Declaration of Climate of Emergency
    • Cllrs all agreed with the document for the declaration of climate emergency prepared by Anthony. The declaration was unanimously passed.
  1. Allowances Scheme for Parish Councillors
    1. All Cllrs agreed to not adopt a Allowances Scheme
  2. Lengthsman
    1. Cllrs agreed to ask the lengthsman to strim around the Breinton Common Bench once a month  between March and October, and ensure to take and debris away.
    1. Concerns were raised regarding mud and debris left on road during farm working and hedge cutting. Landowners need to be reminded it is their responsibility to clear the road of such hazards. Clerk to find Balfour Beatty Guidance on website.
  1. Planning
    1. Planning application 083324 Upper Hill Farm (change of use of two barns to two houses). Awaiting an update.
  1. Correspondence
    1. Chairman and clerk signed the Parish Paths Partnership and Lengthsman Scheme contract with Herefordshire Council.
    1. Cllrs agreed for Anthony to sign and return the Verging on Wild document following an amendment agreed to be added by Tony
    1. Cllrs agreed to purchase the website .uk domain.
  2. Items for next agenda
    1. None.

Signed ……………………………….                                                                    Date  ……………………………..

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting 17th September 2019