Minutes of Meeting held on 20th March 2019

Present:  Tony Geeson, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis, Anthony Powers, Jackie Morris.

In attendance: 7 members of the public; Emily Godsall (Clerk)

  1. Apologies for Absence

  1.1      Keith Ray

  • Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations
    • Cllr Bob Matthews declared an interest in the planning applications 190369, 184333 and 184332 leaving before these items were discussed.
    • No requests for dispensations.
  • Minutes of meeting 20th February & matters arising
    • Minutes agreed and signed.
  • Clerk’s report
    • Clerk provided details of the financial statement as of 4th January 2019.

                        Balances at 4th January 2019

        Current a/c                                          £500.00                                                              

                Reserve a/c                                         £21724.20


                Interest                                                3.69      

                Interest                                                3.18


                Ionos (Email DD)                               1.19

                Clerk Expenses                                   £40.17

                Lengthsman                                       £511.20

                Ionos (Email DD)                               £1.19

                Church Donation                              £1000.00

                                Balances at 4th March 2019

                                Current a/c                                          £500.00

                                Reserve a/c                                         £20177.32

4.2         Cllrs approved the following payments:

        HALC Membership 2019/2020                                    £615.23

                                                Nepeta Webhosting 2019/2010                                 £180.00

                                                HMRC                                                                                   £170.80

                                                Clerks salary                                                                       £273.59

                                                Former Clerk Expenses   (2018/19)                           £794.64

                                                Former Clerk Remuneration*                                      £1690.97

* to cover additional hours during the handover to the new clerk and provision of advice during 2019

                4.3         Cllrs signed cheques and initialled invoices to verify amounts reported.

                4.4         Clerk provided details of the report from Mike Gill.

5.     Other Reports

5.1         Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

                Cllr Matthews informed the Cllrs on the recent delays in issuing TPO’s for Kings Acre Road. He would make sure they were authorised immediately after the May elections

5.2         Police

Clerk reported a burglary was reported on Green Lane in January.

Liz Morawiecka updated the Cllrs on recent burglaries, which had occurred to secure         buildings in Warham.

5.3         Footpaths Officer

No report.

5.4         Village Hall

Lorraine was unable to attend the last meeting. A member of the public informed councillors that the Village Hall Committee are seeking new ideas to help raise more funds and increase the use of the hall.

5.5         Tree Warden

                                No report

6.           By-pass

7.1         Cllrs were informed of a formal complaint alleging that Herefordshire Council Officers have spent more than the authorised amount on Transport schemes

.2            Cllrs were updated on the decision to ‘call in’ items of next year’s budget relating to consultants fees. Some Herefordshire councillors felt these committed expenditure through the purdah period and beyond into the time of the newly elected Council. The scrutiny meeting is to be held on 29th March.

7.         Consultations Affecting Breinton

7.1         Cllrs were informed that Herefordshire Council have declared a climate of emergency.

7.2         Cllrs agreed for the climate of emergency to be on the next agenda but required more information from the proposer before doing so.

8.         Environment and Amenities Working Group

8.1         Tony reported that there appeared to be nothing to stop an interpretation board at Breinton Common. A site visit will required. The Breinton Springs Board required more work still.

8.2         Cllrs agreed to make a start on the board after the elections.

8.3         A resident requested for the missing board on the river bank below the church to be replaced. However this was not parish council property

9.         Lengthsman

                9.1         Liz mentioned runoff from fields.

10.       Planning

  1. Clerk reported an update on recent decisions
    1. Cllrs considered the six planning applications.

13.3       190320 Land at Adams Hill – Certificate of lawfulness proposed temporary siting of caravan. Cllrs agreed to submit a letter of response in objection to the application.

Cllr Bob Matthews left the meeting after declaring interests in the following three applications.

  • 190369 Galen House, Cherry Orchard – Build a detached double garage, build a porch and convert the existing integral garage into a study. Cllrs agreed to send a letter of response with their comments on the application.
  • & 184332 Land to the rear Bramley House, Swainshill – Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 151641 (Proposed erection of nine dwellings). Cllrs agreed to send a letter of response on both applications stating their comments.

11.       Correspondence

  1. Cllrs reviewed correspondence received.

14.2       Cllrs agreed to request Herefordshire Council to deliver poll cards to all Breinton Parish residents.

12.       Items for next agenda

                15.1       Climate of Emergency.

15.2       Car sharing.

Signed ……………………………….                                                    Date  ………………….

Chair/Vice chair

The next Breinton Parish Council Meeting to be held on 15th May 2019