Minutes of Meeting held on 19th February 2020
Present: Anthony Powers (Chairman), Tony Geeson, Jackie Morris, Liz Moraweicka, Lorraine Lewis
In attendance: John Wade (Footpaths Officer) 1 member of public and Emily Godsall (Clerk).
- Apologies for absence
- Keith Ray, Bob Matthews (Ward Councillor)
- Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
- Tony declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 8 Tree Warden Subscription. Nicky Geeson the tree warden is his wife.
- Minutes of meeting 15th January, Action Points & Matters Arising
- Minutes agreed and signed
- Cllrs discussed the action points & any matters arising
- The Chairman updated the Cllrs on the meeting between Mike Gill (BBLP Locality Steward), the Senior Locality Steward, Liz Moraweicka and himself to discuss the condition of the U73023 and run-off from Warham Court Farm fields onto C1189. It was noted that since the meeting some improvements to local drainage have been made.
- Clerk’s Report
- Clerk delivered the financial report providing details of recent transactions, and the bank balance as at 17th January.
- Cllrs approved the following payments:
- Clerk’s salary As agreed by Councillors
- Village Hall £18.00
- Cllrs signed cheques and initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
- Cllrs were updated on Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.
- Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
- In Cllr Matthews’ absence the Chairman delivered the report.
- Cllrs were informed the planning application 193578 Banbh Farm will potentially be on the Planning Committee agenda for the meeting on 11th March.
Police report
- Cllrs were updated with the latest police report.
- BT16 has been levelled since the removal of the manure heap, but the ground is not yet in a good state
- John Wade confirmed all PROWs in Breinton parish are registered.
Village Hall
- No report
Tree Warden
- No report
- Public Consultations Affecting Breinton
- The Hereford Transport Package review was discussed. Cllrs agreed the opportunity for everybody to have their say on the review should be promoted and encouraged on the Breinton Parish website.
- A response to the Core Strategy Settlement Hierarchy review was agreed to be submitted. Chairman asked cllrs to provide any updated information on parish amenities etc for him to collate before the next meeting.
- HALC Subscription
- The membership of HALC for 2020/21 was discussed.
- Cllrs agreed a decision was not a necessity for this meeting and information needed further clarification on HALC’s indemnification of advice, and on the merits of membership of SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks) in addition to HALC, before this item is revisited at the next meeting.
- Herefordshire Tree Warden Network Subscription
- Continuation of the annual Tree Warden Network subscription was unanimously agreed by Cllrs.
- Tony Geeson took no part in the debate and did not vote.
- Clerk’s Annual Appraisal
- The Clerk’s annual appraisal took place in January and a summary of the meeting is kept on file.
- Environment & Amenities Working Group
- The lengthsmans quote for the installation of the Breinton Springs interpretation panel was unanimously agreed by Cllrs.
- Cllrs all agreed to ask the National Trust for the suggested donation of £1000 towards the costs of the two interpretation panels.
- After discussing the options surrounding the C1189/1190 (Breinton Lane and road through Breinton Common) TRO and the PC’s recent Rural Speed Limit Bid for the whole parish road network Cllrs agreed to continue with the former whilst awaiting progress on the latter.
- Lengthsman
- Works on C1189 and U73022 were identified for the lengthsman.
- Planning
- The meeting was updated on the recent planning decisions.
- Banbh Farm 193578 possibly on the Planning Committee agenda for March 11th. It was agreed that chairman (or a sub) would speak on behalf of BPC when the application comes to committee.
- Correspondence
- Cllrs were concerned the police email updates on fraud phone calls would not reach those most vulnerable to such calls. Chairman reminded the meeting that police notices had been posted on all parish noticeboards.
- Items for next agenda
- HALC Subscription, Wildlife Trust, CPRE, Auditing arrangements
Signed ………………………………. Date ……………………………..
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting: 18th March 2020