Present: Anthony Powers (Chairman), Tony Geeson, Jackie Morris, Liz Moraweicka, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray
In attendance: 2 members of public and Emily Godsall (Clerk).
- Election of Chair
- Tony Geeson nominated Anthony Powers to continue as Chair, which Jackie Morris seconded and all Cllrs agreed.
- Anthony Powers was elected as Chair for the forthcoming year.
- Anthony signed the Acceptance of Office on 18th June.
- Apologies for absence
- Bob Matthews (Ward Councillor)
- Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
- Tony declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 6 Election of Officers; Tree Warden.
- Minutes of meeting 19th February, Action Points & Matters Arising
- Minutes agreed and were signed on 18th June.
- Cllrs discussed the action points & any matters arising
- The National Trust is currently unable to determine the donation to the interpretation panel at Breinton Springs. Cllrs agreed to respond to Iain Carter with their understanding of the situation, but ask him to provide an update when circumstances change.
- Chair’s Annual Report
- Report previously circulated to Cllrs and available on the website
- Clerk to write to Mike Gill to thank him for his help over the last year.
- Election of Officers
- Lorraine Lewis nominated Tony Geeson for the position of Deputy Chair and Jackie Morris seconded.
- Tony Geeson was elected as Deputy Chair for the next year
- Tony signed the acceptance of office on 18th June
- John Wade was appointed as Footpaths Officer
- Tom Davies was appointed as Internal Auditor
- Nicky Geeson was appointed as Tree Warden. Tony Geeson took no part in the vote.
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) to consider
- Internal Audit Report
- Governance Statements
- Cllrs accepted the Governance Statements which were signed by the Chairman & Clerk on 18th June
- Accounting Statements
- Cllrs accepted the Accounting Statements which were signed by the Chairman & Clerk on 18th June
- Submission of an Exemption certificate
- Cllrs accepted the Exemption certificate which was were signed by the Chairman & Clerk on 18th June
- Dates for the Public to Exercise their Rights (To include 1st September 2020)
- Cllrs accepted the Internal Audit Report
- Cllrs accepted the dates 1st September 2020 to 16th October 2020
- Clerk to post the relevant documents on the website and parish boards, and send the Exemption Certificate to the external auditor.
- Clerk’s Delegated Powers
- Cllrs agreed to delegate the clerk powers to make payments within budget and subject to the Financial Regulations between meetings when necessary
- Cllrs agreed to delegate the clerk powers to submit comments as agreed by councillors on planning applications between meetings when necessary
- Cllrs agreed to delegate the clerk powers to progress parish council business between meetings as necessary
- The Financial Regulations and Standing Orders will be reviewed at the next meeting and revised to incorporate the new delegated powers if necessary.
- Certificate of Local Council Administration (CILCA) Registration Fee to consider
- Cllrs agreed to make the £350 payment for the clerk to register for the Certificate of Local Council Administration qualification.
- Clerk’s Report
- Clerk delivered the financial report providing details of recent transactions, and the bank balance as at 17th May.
- Cllrs approved the following payments made since the meeting in February:
- Clerk’s salary as agreed by Cllrs
- Village Hall (Jan & Feb Invoices) £36.00
- Tree Warden Subscription £25.00
- Nepeta Web Hosting £185.00
- HALC Clerk Training £150.00
- Lengthsman £48.00
- HMRC £214.80
- Clerk’s salary As agreed by Cllrs
- HALC Subscription £660.22
- Shelley Signs £2334.00
- John Finch Computers £85.00
- BHIB Insurance £199.93
- Village Hall £18.00
- Cllrs authorised the below payments:
- Herefordshire Council Election Costs £80.82
- Clerk Zoom Pro Subs Reimbursement £86.33
- HMRC £221.80
- Information Commissioner’s Office £35.00 Direct Debit due 19/07/2020
- Clerk salary As agreed by Cllrs
- Cllrs approved the clerk’s salary increase from January 14th 2020
- On 18th June Cllrs signed the cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
- Cllrs were updated on Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.
- Other Reports
- Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
- Cllrs were informed that Bob Matthews had contacted Ray Wallace about the TRO, but had not yet had a response
- Police report
- Cllrs were updated with the latest police report.
- Footpaths
- No report
- Village Hall
- The committee are holding a virtual meeting on Friday 19th June at 4.30pm
- Tree Warden
- No report
- Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
- Lengthsman
- Cllrs approved the Lengthsman & P3 scheme contract with Herefordshire Council and Balfour Beatty, which was signed on 18th June by the Chair and Clerk.
- Clerk to check eligibility for the Lengthsman Drainage grant.
- Clerk to ensure the Lengthsman has the necessary risk assessment, procedures and PPE to carry out works within the parish.
- Planning
- The meeting was updated on the recent planning decisions.
- Land at Ruckhall, Eaton Bishop HR2 9QX – Mono-pitch fodder and implement store. Cllrs supported Eaton Bishop Parish Councils comments on the application. Liz proposed some tree-planting as screening to the north of the barn site to mitigate against landscape impact. Chair to discuss with Eaton Bishop PC representative.
- Correspondence
- Several items of correspondence received since the February was discussed.
- Items for next agenda
- Dispensations, Asset Registers & Risk Assessment
- Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
- GDPR Privacy Policy
- Breinton Charities Update
Signed ………………………………. Date ……………………………..
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting: 16th September 2020