Minutes of Meeting held on 15th January 2020
Present: Anthony Powers (Chairman), Tony Geeson, Jackie Morris, Liz Moraweicka, Keith Ray
In attendance: Iain Carter (National Trust Manager) 3 members of public and Emily Godsall (Clerk).
- Apologies for absence
- Lorraine Lewis, John Wade (Footpaths Officer), Bob Matthews (Ward Councillor)
- Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
- Anthony, Liz and Keith all declared non-pecuniary interests as members of the National Trust
- Minutes of meeting 11th December, Action Points & Matters Arising
- Minutes agreed and signed
- Cllrs discussed the action points & any matters arising
- National Trust Land at Breinton Springs (Iain Carter to attend)
- Iain Carter gave a report on the work carried out in 2019 and the proposed work for 2020.
- Cllrs were informed of the proposed plan to aid the management of Breinton Springs grassland. Fencing a portion of the area to the east of the Wye Valley Walk (BT2) footpath through the orchard for eight months of the year to secure grazing for sheep with no public access.
- Iain Carter approved the Breinton Springs interpretation panel and is prepared to contribute towards the cost. He also provided a letter giving permission for the panels installation and key to access the land to enable the installation.
- Clerk’s Report
- Cllrs approved the following payments without discussion:
- Clerk’s salary As agreed by Councillors
- Village Hall £18.00
- Cllrs signed cheques and initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
- Clerk delivered the financial report for December.
- Cllrs were updated on Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.
- Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
- In Cllr
Matthews’ absence the Chairman delivered the report.
- Planning application 193578 Banbh Farm has been directed for a meeting at the Planning Committee. The Chairman proposed he is happy to represent Breinton Parish Council at this meeting.
- A Traffic Regulation Order through for 40mph limit on C1189/90 from Breinton Lane/A438 junction through Breinton Common has reached the top ten for progression.
It was agreed that Clerk would remind officers at Herefordshire Council of the Parish Council’s formal request for 40mph on all C and U roads in the parish submitted last autumn.
Police report
- Cllrs were updated with the latest police report.
- No report
Village Hall
- On the 25th January the village hall is open for the Celebration day to be followed by the AGM.
Tree Warden
- The historic lime tree on Kings Acre Road is in very poor condition and has been pruned by a tree specialist.
- The large tree next to Breinton Lee, which had raised concerns regarding its safety at the December meeting has been identified as a rare species of Lime tree. The tree is covered in ivy but at this time of year it is difficult to recognise any disease. Responsibility of the tree lies with the landowner and the residents of Breinton Lee and any concerns should be directed to the landowner/residents.
- Public Consultations Affecting Breinton
- Mike Harries and Bruce Wallace informed the Cllrs on their progress towards the formation of a local Climate Emergency Action Group.
- The Chairman thanked Mike and Bruce for their efforts.
- Environment & Amenities Working Group
- Cllrs all approved the interpretation panels with a couple of amendments.
- Keith Ray informed the meeting that the next excavation (near Breinton House) will be in September and a request is being made funding.
- Lengthsman
- Serious concerns were raised on the state of the U73023. A meeting with Mike Gill and Kevin Hammett with a Breinton Parish Council representative is to be arranged.
- Keith Ray proposed Liz Moraweicka, as a nearby resident, to attend the meeting and Jackie Morris seconded.
- Planning
- The meeting was updated on the recent planning decisions.
- Cllrs discussed the officer report for planning application 192524 Land south of Kings Acre Road. It was disappointing that only some of Breinton Parish Council’s points had been taken into consideration. Clerk to seek clarification on the conditions being discharged.
- Correspondence
- Chairman reported a recent conversation with Phil Eyles, clerk to the Breinton Charities. A meeting at the Village Hall is being suggested for 6.00pm on 18 March to discuss the future of the Charities.
- Items for next agenda
- HALC subscription, update on Hereford Transport Package and Banbh Farm.
Signed ………………………………. Date ……………………………..
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting: 19th February 2020