Present: Cllr Liz Morawiecka (Chair), Cllr Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Cllr Jackie Morris, Cllr Keith Ray, Cllr Tracey Prosser
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, T Davies (Internal auditor), a member of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)

  1. Apologies for absence
    1.1 Cllr Lorraine Lewis
    1.2 John Wade (Footpaths officer)
  2. Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations
    2.1 Cllr Morawiecka declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 6 planning application at Warham Court Farm, the land is adjacent to her property and The Pavilion as the applicants are known to her and did not take part in any discussion.
    2.2 Cllr Geeson declared an interest in item 15 to consider a donation to St Michael’s PCC as a member on the church roll.
  3. Minutes of meeting on 15th September and discuss action points
    3.1 All Cllrs RESOLVED the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting on 15th September 2021 and were signed by the Chair Cllr Morawiecka.
  4. Public open session – to receive comments from the public on parish matters
    4.1 A member of the public asked about the outcome of the recent planning application at Breinton Lee (201747). Cllrs responded that the application was approved with conditions.
  5. Finance
    5.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:
    Clerk’s salary £300.00
    5.2 Councillors noted the 123 reg direct debit for £14.39 taken on 6th October 2021 for the domain name renewal
    5.3 Councillors RESOLVED to defer the Royal British Legion £30.00 donation reimbursement to Tony Geeson as the receipts for the donation had not yet been received.
    5.4 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th August 2021 and the bank reconciliation.
    5.5 The cheques were signed, bank reconciliation, bank statements and invoices initialled.
  6. Planning
    6.1 The meeting was updated on the recent decisions: P/211702/FH Pilliners Hill, Breinton, Hereford HR7 4PB – Proposed first floor flat roof extension with balcony above the existing garage – Approved with conditions 6.2 Cllrs considered comments on current planning applications for determination by Herefordshire Council:
    P204242/F Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm, Breinton Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 7PF Cllrs RESOLVED to not make further comments on the application at this stage.
    P/211939/FH The Pavilion Hill Road Breinton – Cllrs RESOLVED to not make further comments on the application at this stage.
    P/162921/F Land at Three Elms – Cllrs RESOLVED to not make further comments on the application at this stage.
  7. To receive a report from Ward Councillor Bob Matthews
    7.1 Cllr Matthews reported that Herefordshire Council passed a motion to appraise Belmont including the adjacent hamlets of Warham and Breinton on the north side, as a new Conservation Area, and seek funding to support this work.
    Action – obtain details of the proposal and circulate to parish councillors as the Parish was not aware of this motion which included sites within the Parish.
    7.2 Cllr Matthews has advised the case officer for the P204242/F Warham Court Farm that he would be requesting the decision goes to planning committee should the officer be considering approval of the application.
    7.3 The Pavilion 211939 does still not have an allocated case officer
    7.4 There are still issues with the water table on the development at Three Elms 162921. The flood alleviation scheme does not appear to have been successful. The development has apparently been reduced to approximately 300 houses and a new application will be coming forward soon.
  8. To receive an update on the Village Hall
    8.1 No report this month
  9. To receive an update on the crime within Breinton
    9.1 In August 2021 one vehicle crime was reported at Breinton Springs carpark
    9.2 No report available for September
    9.3 Updates are available at
  10. To receive an update from Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) on recent works carried out
    10.1 Councillors noted the recent works within Breinton
    10.2 Concerns were raised regarding the size of the vehicles using the lane. The vehicles are damaging the verges and road edges, contributing to mud on the on the road, blocking up ditches and are a danger to pedestrians and other road users.
    Action – Clerk to ask Mike Gill whether any width restrictions can be put on the lane
  11. To receive a report from the Footpaths officer
    11.1 John Wade had reported to that the hedge on BT2A near Kings Acre Road had been trimmed
  12. To consider the next actions or the Tree Planting Plan
    12.1 Cllrs discussed the response from Mike Gill regarding the possibility of trees being planting on verges
    12.2 Cllr Morawiecka is meeting with David Marshall from the Cider Museum to discuss potential sites for planting.
    Action – Clerk to chase up the contact for the land agent for the Church Commissioners for the land adjoining the parish north of Breinton down to Kings Acre Road and whether they would be interested in taking part in planting for the Queens Canopy.
    12.4 Cllrs also discussed the Heritage Apple Orchard between Adams Hill and Hereford which has become very neglected and it is thought that is may be coming on the market. The historic orchard contains rare cider apple trees and is the original trial orchard used by the Bulmer brothers to find the most productive varieties of trees.
    Action – ask Mike Gill the distance from the road side that would be acceptable to plant trees and the trees BB find acceptable to plant and the distance from any roadway.
  13. To consider adopting the Publication Scheme
    13.1 Cllrs discussed the publication scheme previously circulated.
    13.2 Cllrs RESOLVED to adopt the publication scheme with the cost for hard copies at 10 pence per sheet to better reflect the Clerk’s time spent.
  14. To discuss the budget 2022-2023 calculations
    14.1 Cllrs discussed the budget requirements for 2022-2023. The NDP will need reviewing in the next few years and the current plan cost approximately £25,000 although previously much of the cost was grant funded.
    Action – clerk to research prices for a colour photocopier. Ask Revd Ruth on the possibility of the fireworks party continuing on the churches insurance policy.
  15. To consider a donation to St Michael’s PCC
    15.1 Councillors spent considerable time discussing a possible donation to St Michael’s PCC for the maintenance of the churchyard and distribution of Teamtalk. The magazine contains information from the Parish Council and is circulated to every home in Breinton Parish at the parish Council’s request, as this is viewed as the most effective way to communicate regularly with all Residents. The parish council has the power to publish information about the council, its services and the services provided in the council’s area by other local authorities, government departments, charities and other voluntary organisations under the Local Government Act 1972 s 142.
    Action – clerk to chase the Reverend R Hulse for a letter detailing the full costs associated with the printing, publication and delivery of the Teamtalk magazine.
    15.2 Cllrs are concerned about the future of churches with declining congregations. The church is identified as a community amenity in the NDP.
    Action – write to the local MP about the uncertain future of churches and request assistance as to their maintenance as use as community amenities.
    15.3 Cllrs deferred the item regarding a donation for the maintenance of the churchyard; where any resident of Breinton is entitled to be buried; and Teamtalk magazine until further advice has been received from NALC.
  16. To consider a presentation by Breinton Charities at the November meeting
    16.1 Cllrs RESOLVED to approve an item on the November agenda for a presentation by Breinton Charities and the Hereford Community Land Trust.
  17. Lengthsman
    17.1 To identify further works for the lengthsman
    No further works to instruct the lengthsman
    17.2 To consider the regular jobs for the lengthsman
    Cllrs RESOLVED to defer the regular jobs for the lengthsman until the situation with the enforcement of the riparian rights is clarified.
    Action – The clerk to follow up with Balfour Beatty to get clarification as to what is being done about riparian rights, so that ditches and drainage can be cleared before the heavy rains come, causing flooding in some areas of the parish.
  18. Correspondence
    18.1 Cllrs discovered the correspondence received since the September meeting.
    Action – Clerk to chase Diana Toynbee on the potential tree planting locations and Gigaclear on returning to repair the damaged verges
  19. Items for next agenda
    19.1 Precept
    19.2 Tree Planting Plan
    19.3 Breinton Charities & Hereford Communities Land presentation (first item on agenda)
    Signed …………………………………. Date ………………….
    Chair/Vice chair
    Date of next Meeting – 10th November 2021