Present: Liz Morawiecka (Chair), Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Jackie Morris, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray, Tracey Prosser
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, 3 members of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 John Wade (Footpaths officer)
2 Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations
2.1 Cllr Morawiecka declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 19.2 planning application at Warham Court Farm, the land is adjacent to her property and The Pavilion as the applicants are known to her and did not take part in any discussion.
2.2 Cllr Geeson declared and interest in item 17 to consider a donation to St Michael’s PCC as a member on the church roll.
3. To co-opt a new councillor
3.1 The sole candidate for the co-option Tracey Prosser confirmed her eligibility to become a councillor for Breinton Parish Council.
3.2 Tracey Prosser was unanimously co-opted as the new councillor and signed the declaration of acceptance of office and joined the councillors for the rest of the meeting.
Action – clerk to notify Herefordshire Council of the co-option and Tracey to complete a register of interests within 28 days of the meeting.
4. Minutes of meeting on 16th June and discuss action points
4.1 All Cllrs RESOLVED the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting on 16th June 2021 and were signed by the Chair Cllr Moraweicka.
4.2 Cllrs discussed the recent enforcement of riparian rights by Herefordshire Council
Action – clerk to ask Balfour Beatty on the progress with Breinton riparian rights
5. Public open session – to receive comments from the public on parish matters
5.1 A member of the public welcomed Cllr Prosser as a new councillor
5.2 Concerns were raised over Gigaclear works through Breinton Common which remain unfinished. Cllrs advised to contact Gigaclear directly and send all the relevant information and photos to the clerk.
Action – Clerk to contact Gigaclear to chase their promise to return to complete unfinished work and rectify any mess left behind
6. To approve the Ionos 1 & 1 email storage upgrade
6.1 Cllrs unanimously resolved to upgrade the Ionos email account direct debit to mail business for 50GB at £2.50 per month for 12 months then £5.00 per month afterwards.
7. Finance
7.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:
Lengthsman £100.80
HMRC £264.36
Village Hall £18.00
HALC £210.00
Clerk’s salary £860.64
7.2 Councillors also resolved to make a £30 donation to the Royal British Legion. Cllr Geeson shall make this donation via card payment, which is required to receive a wreath, and the council will reimburse this payment.
7.3 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th August 2021 and the bank reconciliation.
7.4 The cheques were signed, bank statements and invoices initialled.
8. To receive a report from Ward Councillor Bob Matthews
8.1 A complaint had been received from a resident regarding the overgrown verges and low hanging branches at Breinton Common, which have now been reported
8.2 The case officer and the Warham Court Farm applicant are currently discussing highways issues and other technical matters
8.3 The Pavilion planning application has no case officer assigned yet and until that happens there is not much which can be done further
8.4 A large number of staff at Herefordshire Council have recently left the authority. Replacement staff will need time to gain the knowledge of their predecessors, which will delay matters such as the Kings Acre Road cycle path
9. To receive an update on the Village Hall from Cllr Lorraine Lewis
9.1 The hall has lost some regular bookings but has also gained some others. The Martial Arts group has left, but Tango Group is starting in October and numerous weddings are parties have been held in the hall.
9.2 The AGM is overdue because of the difficult circumstances. A coffee morning and flicks in the sticks are also proposed for the near future.
9.3 The committee is seeking new members. Ann Powell has resigned, subsequent to a committee meeting formally ratifying. Cllr Moraweicka extended her thanks to Sue Powell and Ann Powell.
9.4. The village WiFi connection is now installed and is high speed.
9.5 Currently the village hall is cleaned every two weeks but is reliant on users cleaning up after themselves.
9.6 The village hall received two grants from Herefordshire Council, but did not apply for the third because the income would have been much higher than normal.
10. To receive an update on the crime within Breinton
10.1 In May 2021 three crimes reported in Breinton. A violence/sexual offences on Breinton Lee, a theft on Green Lane and a vehicle crime at Breinton Springs car park
10.2 In June three crimes were reported. A criminal damage/arson and theft on Yew Tree Gardens and a burglary on Green Lane
10.3 No crimes were reported in June
10.4 No report available for August
10.5 Updates are available at
11. To receive an update from Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) on recent works carried out
11.1 Councillors noted the recent works within Breinton without any queries
12. To receive a report from the Footpaths officer
12.1 On BT7 opposite the junction at Cranstone a gate post is wobbly and condition will be monitored.
12.2 On BT15/SS11A one of the style posts is rotten.
Action – contact Stretton Sugwas clerk and Bob Matthews to identify land owner
12.3 Two gates are missing from the culvert bridges over the river where BT1 meets BT8.
Action – Notify landowner to advise livestock might not be secure
13. To consider the next actions or the Tree Planting Plan
13.1 Cllrs discussed the two suggested locations and agreed Kings Acre Road near the garage to replace missing lime trees on the avenue was a potential option, but were unsure on the exact location at Cranstone (on the grass where the Cranstone sign).
13.2 Cllr Geeson suggested the wide verges along the lane to the church, Hill Crest and Halfway Cottage.
13.3 A resident suggested the fork at the junction near Longmeadow.
Action – Contact Diana Toynee regarding suggested locations with larges verges and permission required from Herefordshire Council
Action – Arrange a walk around with Mike Gill to consider possible locations
14 Public Consultations affecting Breinton
14.1 Cllrs resolved not to submit a response the Council Tax Reduction scheme questionnaire due to the complexity of the consultation.
15. To decide the symbols for the new village signs from Herefordshire Council
15.1 Cllrs resolved to submit the evidence to Balfour Beatty in support of the symbols originally chosen for the village signs. National Trust Property T101, Nature Reserve T115, Woodland walk in a coniferous forest T143
16. To consider and update the S106 Wish List
16.1 Cllrs resolved that the current Wish List requests funding for infrastructure which meets the three statutory tests in compliance with the Herefordshire Council guidance.
Action – ask Herefordshire Council whether list is acceptable
17. To consider a donation to St Michael’s PCC
7.1 Councillors RESOLVED to defer the item until further information and legal guidance has been received.
Action – clerk to contact HALC for advice on donations to Teamtalk and churchyard maintenance
18.a To identify further works for the lengthsman
18.1 Cllrs discussed the dog mess on BT2A which was reported by the lengthsman and the lack of a bin. Cllr Prosser advised that there was a suitable bin immediately opposite BT2A next to the bus shelter outside Wyevale
Action – clerk to ask Balfour Beatty about the availability of signs advising the public of the bins location.
18.bTo consider the regular jobs for the lengthsman
18.2 Cllrs resolved to continue considering the regular works schedule in light of the new riparian rights enforcement.
19 Planning
19.1 The meeting was updated on the recent decisions:
P213086/XA2 South Barn Upper Hill Farm Breinton – application for discharge of details reserved by Conditions 3 5 6 7 – approved
P/193578/FH Land at Banbh Farm, Breinton Common – Appeal refused
19.2 Cllrs considered comments on current planning applications for determination by Herefordshire Council:
P204242/F Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm, Breinton Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 7PF – Demolition of existing barns within the grounds of a Listed Building. Proposed new farm shop and cafe and office accommodation buildings with associated car parking area – Amended plans – Cllrs discussed the latest case officer comments, which advise that the applicant is still trying to resolve highways and technical issues. Cllrs RESOLVED to not make further comments on the application at this stage.
P/211939/FH The Pavilion Hill Road Breinton – Proposed of use and extension of former tennis pavilion to form a single dwelling – Cllrs acknowledged the objection response submitted under the clerks delegated powers.
P/153299/FH Pigeon Barn Breinton – request to lift condition 2 of decision report – Cllrs RESOLVED to submit a response to the planning officer advising for the conditions to be upheld and any breach enforced. The original planning application was reduced because of flooding issues and a narrow lane, therefore any additional accommodation will exceed the capacity of the site.
20. Correspondence
20.1 No questions were raised on the correspondence received since the June meeting
13. Items for next agenda
13.1 Precept
13.2 Tree Planting Plan
13.3 Three Elms development
Signed …………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting – 13th October 2021