Present: Cllr Liz Morawiecka (Chair), Cllr Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Cllr Jackie Morris, Cllr Keith Ray, Cllr Tracey Prosser, Cllr Lorraine Lewis
In attendance: Three members of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)
- Apologies for absence
1.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
1.2 John Wade (Footpaths officer) - Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations
2.1 Cllr Morawiecka declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 27.2 planning application at Warham Court Farm, the land is adjacent to her property and The Pavilion as the applicants are known to her and did not take part in any discussion.
2.2 Cllr Geeson declared an interest in item 15 to consider a donation to Teamtalk as a being a member of St Michael’s church roll. - To receive a presentation by Breinton Charities & the Hereford Community Land Trust
3.1 Richard Griffiths; a trustee of Breinton Charities; updated the meeting on the current situation with the charity. The charity has a small annual income of approximately £828 and owns two parcels of land, but it is struggling to find individuals within the parish to benefit so the charity is not currently fit for purpose. The trustees want the charity to become more relevant and create a lasting legacy within the village. The Charities have approached the Hereford Community Land Trust to discuss potential projects for one of the parcels of land, which it owns.
3.2 A member of the Hereford Community Land Trust (HCLT) advised the meeting of the organisations’ objectives. The HCLT is a not for profit organisation run by the community to acquire land and buildings to provide affordable living accommodation for sale and rent. Unlike other developers, HCLT gets the community involved with suitable development; not restricted to housing and for the benefit of the community. The HCLT has the capacity to dedicate a significant amount of time to the project. A Housing Needs survey would need to be carried out from Herefordshire Council and the Planning Departments perspective; the cost is being discussed but is estimated to be £1000 – £1500.
3.3 Breinton Charities and Hereford Community Land Trust are seeking support and enthusiasm from the Parish Council. The councillors were interested in backing the diversification of the Charities and excited by the potential but acknowledged that there would be a lot of hurdles to overcome. A working group set up by the Parish Council was suggested for the project and a Memorandum of Understanding between Breinton Parish Council, Breinton Charities and Hereford Community Land Trust could be drawn up. The situation regarding the Parish Council’s involvement with a potential planning application would also need to be clarified with HALC. - To approve the minutes of meeting on 13th October and discuss action points
4.1 All Cllrs RESOLVED the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting on 13th October 2021 and were
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signed by the Chair Cllr Morawiecka. - Public open session – to receive comments from the public on parish matters
5.1 No comments were raised. - To receive a report from Ward Councillor Bob Matthews
6.1 No report this month. - Planning
7.1 To receive an update on planning application recent decisions
7.1.1 No recent decisions
7.2 To consider comments on current applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council
7.2.1 P/204242/FH Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm – Cllrs RESOLVED to not make further comments on the application at this stage.
7.2.2 P/211939/FH The Pavilion Hill Road Breinton – Cllrs RESOLVED to not make further comments on the application at this stage. - Finance
8.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:
Clerk’s salary £300.00
Tony Geeson (Royal British Legion reimbursement) £30.00
HALC CILCA training £240.00
Village Hall (September & October meetings) £36.00
8.2 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th October 2021 and the bank reconciliation.
8.3 The cheques were signed, bank reconciliation, bank statements and invoices initialled and dated. - To receive an update on the Village Hall
9.1 No report this month - To receive an update on the crime within Breinton
10.1 In September 2021 two violence/sexual offences crimes were reported on Broomy Hill and Yew Tree Gardens and one vehicle crime in Breinton Springs car park August 2021 one vehicle crime was reported at Breinton Springs carpark.
10.2 No report available for November.
10.3 Updates are available at https://www.police.uk/pu/your-area/west-mercia-police/hereford-rural-north-southside - To receive an update from Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) on recent works carried out
11.1 The meeting was updated by the clerk on the recent works within Breinton..2 Councillors noted that that signage had been cleaned by BB, which was formally a responsibility of the lengthsman.
Action – Clerk to thank Mike Gill for his continued work within the parish. Councillors acknowledged Mike Gills continued dedicated service to the parish
3 10.11.2021 - To receive a report from the Footpaths officer and consider any necessary actions
12.1 No officer report from the this month.
12.2 Cllrs RESOLVED that footpath BT20 should be deleted. The path has been eroded away by the river and no longer exists.
12.3 Cllr Lewis suggested that the footpath marker post from BT20 be repositioned on BT?? To replace the broken way marker post. - To consider the next actions or the Tree Planting Plan
13.1 Cllrs RESOLVED to ask the Church Commissioners about planting trees along their land on the Green Lane and to set up a meeting with representatives from the council and the land agent.
13.2 Cllrs RESOLVED to ask a landowner on Church Walk whether trees could be planted along the fence line. - To discuss the budget 2022-2023 calculations
14.1 Cllrs discussed the budget requirements for 2022-2023 and RESOLVED to defer the item to the December meeting for a final decision on the precept requirement. - To consider a donation to Teamtalk magazine
15.1 Councillors spent considerable time discussing a possible donation to St Michael’s PCC for the maintenance of the churchyard and distribution of Teamtalk. The magazine contains information from the Parish Council and is circulated to every home in Breinton Parish at the parish Council’s request, as this is viewed as the most effective way to communicate regularly with all Residents. The parish council has the power to publish information about the council, its services and the services provided in the council’s area by other local authorities, government departments, charities and other voluntary organisations under the Local Government Act 1972 s 142.
Action – clerk to chase the Reverend R Hulse for a letter detailing the full costs associated with the printing, publication and delivery of the Teamtalk magazine.
15.2 Cllrs are concerned about the future of churches with declining congregations. The church is identified as a community amenity in the NDP.
Action – write to the local MP about the uncertain future of churches and request assistance as to their maintenance as use as community amenities.
15.3 Cllrs deferred the item regarding a donation for the maintenance of the churchyard; where any resident of Breinton is entitled to be buried; and Teamtalk magazine until further advice has been received from NALC. - Lengthsman
16.1 To identify further works for the lengthsman
No further works to instruct the lengthsman
16.2 To consider the regular jobs for the lengthsman
Cllrs RESOLVED to list of regular work to be carried on by the lenghtsman which included:
1) Investigating/replacing as necessary the pipe in the verge/hedge on the western side of Breinton Lane from approximately opposite Manor Cottages downhill to the T junction (and a bit beyond as necessary)
2) Clear summer growth on Shepherds Lane from the slab and open drains before September
4 10.11.2021
3) Clearing the ditches / grips / under road pipes around the bends by Manor Croft to the fruit farm entrance
4) Clearing the ditches/grips on the eastern side of Breinton Lane from Manor Cottage, past Lower House and @10m around the road junction
5) Clearing the ditches / grips opposite (ish) Warham Court Cottages
6) Clearing the ditches / grips east of the Church Walk crossing/gates on the south side of the C1189 to the road junction down to Lower Breinton
7) Clearing the ditches / grips from Halfway House to the entrance to Lower Hill Farm
8) Clear all drains and grips annually subject to a quote being approved before the work commences
9) Twice a year strim around the Breinton Common bench and both interpretation panels
10) Clean all signs annually
11) Fill grit bins which are not owned by Herefordshire Council / refilled by Balfour Beatty - To approve the meeting dates from June 2022 to May 2023
17.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the date for the meetings from June 2022 to May 2023:
- 15th June 2022
- 14th September 2022
- 19th October 2022
- 16th November 2022
- 14th December 2022,
- 18th January 2023
- 15th February 2023,
- 15th March 2023
- 17th May 2023
18. Correspondence
18.1 No matters were raised on the correspondence received since the previous meeting.
19. Items for next agenda
19.1 Precept
19.2 Tree Planting Plan
Signed …………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting – 15th December 2021