Minutes of Meeting held on 21st March 2018

Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Lorraine Lewis, Anthony Powers, Liz Morawiecka, Keith Ray

In attendance: 1 member of public, Graeme Adkin (Clerk).

1. Apologies for absence

1.1 Jackie Morris, Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, John Wade (footpaths officer), Preb Rob North.

2. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.

2.1 Non-pecuniary conflict of interest declared by Anthony Powers, agenda item 11.

3. Minutes of meeting 21st February, and matters arising

3.1 Minutes agreed and signed.

3.2 No matters arising.

4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay

4.1 Clerk provided details of recent transactions, and the bank balance as at 2nd March.

4.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:-
HALC – £571.91
Village Hall – £18.00
Nepeta – £180.00
Reimburse T Geeson – printing cost £116.75
Reimburse clerk annual admin exps – £750.98
Clerk salary – as agreed by Cllrs
HMRC – £202.20

4.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.

4.4 Lorraine submitted £5.70 cash being donations from the public meeting held on 17th. March. Tony submitted £45.74 being net donations from the talk given by Robin Thorndyke. Clerk to bank.

4.5 Cllrs approved the gift (£20 Courtyard vouchers) to Robin for giving the talk at short notice.

4.6 Clerk reported works completed by Balfour Beatty.

4.7 Clerk updated Cllrs on other matters.

4.8 Cllrs agreed that clerk will review GDPR information, and propose changes before the deadline. Possibly to have a further meeting to appraise Cllrs.

4.9 Clerk advised Cllrs of dates agreed to check / pull Himalayan balsam.

5. Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

5.1 In Bob’s absence, Tony updated the meeting of his report.


5.2 Clerk updated the meeting of the latest SNT report.

Footpaths Officer

5.3 In John’s absence, clerk advised Cllrs of the report.

Village Hall

5.5 Lorraine advised that the AGM has been held, and she is waiting for the minutes of the latest committee meeting.

Tree Warden

5.7 Nothing to report. Clerk to contact TPO manager regarding KAR.

6. Environment and Amenities Working Group

6.1 Keith will finalise the draft contents for the 2 interpretation boards.

6.2 Tony to continue with speed limit campaign.

6.3 Anthony made mention of ‘veteran’ trees. Clerk to follow up..

7. Consultations affecting Breinton

7.1 Cllrs passed a vote of thanks for all the work that Tony has done over recent weeks in particular, in preparing and drafting the various responses to the consultations affecting the parish.

7.2 Liz advised that Belmont Rural Parish voted against the by-pass, and Clehonger Parish voted in favour.

7.3 HC have not yet identified properties that will fall within the 300m distance from the by-pass.
7.4 Cllrs decided to consider commencing another survey / questionnaire on the bypass at the May meeting, and once the identity of the final 1 or 2 routes have been announced.

8. Lengthsman

8.1 Cllrs identified some grit bins that required re-filling. A broken grit bin has been identified. Clerk to follow up.

8.2 Additional works for the lengthsman were identified near the Village Hall, Warham and Lower Breinton.

8.3 Request Mike Gill to undertake a survey of current pot-holes.

9. Grit & dog poo bins

9.1 Location of 2 additional grit bins has been identified – west of the Stables and at Breinton Common. Clerk to follow-up with Lengthsman and Mike Gill.

9.2 No details of the cost of emptying dog poo bins yet received from BB. Cllrs to consider this at May mtg.

10. Planning

10.1 No planning decisions to report.

10.2 Planning applications. None were on the agenda, but one recently received was: – 353 Kings Acre Road, work on a tree registered with a TPO – P181002.

10.3 Cllrs considered the application (as non-contentious), and commented that as long as the bare minimum work is done, and subject to the report from the Tree officer, they have no objections to the application..

11. Dispensations, asset register and risk assessment

11.1 Cllrs confirmed that any complaint received against a Cllr would be referred directly to the Monitoring Officer (as per the Code of Conduct), and not be considered by Parish Cllrs.

11.2 Councillors confirmed the proposed updated dispensations, as previously circulated by the clerk.

11.3 Councillors approved an amendment to the Risk Register draft to show compliance with GDPR which will come into effect in May 2018.

11.4 Councillors approved the asset register. The internal auditor, (Tom Davies) did not dispute the method of valuation proposed.

12. Correspondence

12.1 No points arising.

13. Items for next agenda

13.1 Usual items.

Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair

Date of Annual Meeting – 16th May 2018