Minutes of Meeting held on 16th May 2018
Present: Tony Geeson, Lorraine Lewis, Anthony Powers, Liz Morawiecka, Jackie Morris
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, 1 member of public and Graeme Adkin (Clerk).
1. Election of Chair
1.1 Jackie Morris proposed Tony Geeson to continue as Chair. Seconded by Lorraine and other Cllrs agreed. Tony was elected as Chair for the forthcoming year.
1.2 Tony signed the declaration of acceptance of acceptance.
2. Apologies for absence
2.1 Keith Ray
3. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
3.1 None declared
4. Minutes of meeting 21st March, and matters arising
4.1 Minutes agreed and signed.
4.2 Matters arising – Tony advised that he had spoken to the acting Chair of Clehonger Parish Council who advised that Clehonger PC had voted against the by-pass and not for it as had been mistakenly reported.
5. Chair’s Annual Report
5.1 Tony delivered his Annual report.
5.2 Clerk to post the report onto the website, and specifically write to Mike Gill and Nepeta for their support over the last year.
5.3 Anthony proposed a vote of thanks for Tony for all the work he has done on behalf of the Parish Council over the last 12 months. All Cllrs agreed.
6. Election of Officers
6.1 Anthony proposed Liz to continue as Deputy Chair., seconded by Jackie. Liz duly elected as Deputy Chair.
6.2 Tom Davies was appointed as Internal Auditor.
6.3 John Wade was appointed as Footpaths Officer.
6.4 Tony advised that Nicky is prepared to continue as Tree Warden and Nicky was duly appointed.
7. Governance Statement and approval of Accounts and Audit
7.1 Clerk explained about the new procedure, the exemption certificate, Governance statement and audit return. He also advised that certain documents will be displayed on the website, and with a period for public rights to inspect the accounts and documents.
7.2 Cllrs considered the exemption certificate which was subsequently signed by Tony (as Chair) and the clerk.
7.3 Cllrs considered the Annual Governance Statement, which was signed by Tony (as chair) and the clerk.
7.4 Clerk explained the accounts figures (previously circulated to Cllrs), which were signed by Tony (as Chair) and the clerk.
7.5 Clerk advised that the period of public rights would be 4th June – 13th July.
7.6 Clerk reminded Cllrs that they should update their Notice of registrable interests and the Register, within 28 days of any change to their disclosable pecuniary interests.
8. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay
8.1 Clerk provided details of recent transactions, and the bank balance as at 30th April.
8.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:-
Insurance (BHIB) £199.93
John Finch (laptop service) £85.00
Broxap (Bntn Common bench £862.80
Village Hall (various mtgs Feb & March) £148.05
Lengthsman £435.00
Clerk salary as agreed by Cllrs
8.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
8.4 Clerk reported works completed by Balfour Beatty.
8.5 Clerk advised on situation with the Himalayan balsam on the Wye Valley Walk. Cllrs to re-consider how this help could be recognised once the Ramblers have strimmed as discussed.
8.6 Clerk advised he had asked for the August meeting to be put back to 22nd. Yet to receive confirmation, and will advise idc.
8.7 Clerk to follow up request for grit bins, as previously discussed.
9. Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
9.1 Bob advised that HC will announce the preferred route for the by-pass on 12th July, with a decision being made on 19th July.
9.2 Tony advised he would contact Data Orchard to consider the feasibility and cost of undertaking a further survey of Breinton residents on the by-pass.
9.3 Bob advised on the \KAR Tree Preservation Order consultation, the revised signage at Oakwrights and road-widening at Credenhill.
Police report
9.4 No formal reports received, but clerk to remind residents that thefts of livestock and machinery are currently on the increase.
9.5 A request that the lengthsman be asked to strim the first part of BT2A from KAR.
Village Hall
9.6 Lorraine had not been invited to the most recent meeting, so had nothing to report.
Tree Warden
9.7 Nothing to report.
National Trust
9.8 Nothing to report.
9.9 Clerk to invite to local manager to June meeting.
10. General Data Protection Regulations
10.1 Clerk gave a summary of the procedures and policies necessary for GDPR.
10.2 Clerk advised of work already undertaken by Tony, Clerk and Anthony in re-drafting the various documents circulated by HALC.
10.3 Draft policies had been circulated to Cllrs earlier, and these will be put on the website for final approval by Cllrs at the June meeting.
10.4 Cllrs appointed that Tony, Anthony and the clerk will be the working party to consider GDPR and implement any necessary change to ensure compliance with GDPR, which comes into effect on 25th May.
11. Environment and Amenities Working Group
11.1 Nothing further to report at this stage.
12. Lengthsman
12.1 Other than grit bins and strimming, no further works identified for the lengthsman.
12.2 Cllrs considered that they ought to re-tender the lengthsman contract in due course, but to notify Richard in advance
13. Planning
13.1 Clerk advised of a recent decision.
13.2 Cllrs had no comments to make on the application 181416 at 151 Kings Acre Road.
14. Correspondence
14.1 No points arising.
Items for next agenda
14.2 Usual items.
Parishioners Meeting
The question was raised about the Council’s involvement in the current weekly bus service through Breinton. There is none but further details will be sought and the clerk will write to the appropriate authority.
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting – 20th June 2018