Minutes of Meeting held on 21st February 2018
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Jackie Morris, Lewis, Anthony Powers, Liz Morawiecka, Keith Ray
In attendance: 8 members of public, Graeme Adkin (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Lorraine Lewis, Ward Cllr Bob Matthews.
2. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
2.1 None declared.
3. Minutes of meeting 17th January, and matters arising
3.1 Minutes agreed and signed.
4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay
4.1 Clerk provided details of the bank balance as at 31st January.
4.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:-
Lengthsman £462.60
Reimburse Clerk (domain name, print cartridge) £31.98
Clerk salary as agreed by Cllrs
4.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
4.4 Clerk advised of works carried out by Balfour Beatty and other updates.
4.5 Clerk provided details of quotes for grit and dog poo bins. Cllrs to consider at March meeting when the costs of varying collection frequencies were available.
4.6 Clerk updated Cllrs on efforts to reduce Himalayan Balsam along the Wye Valley Walk. Will try to get assistance on identifying the plant, the best cutting procedure for when we do it and any necessary health and safety advice..
4.7 Tony advised he had spoken with Mike Gill to ensure the developers make good any damage to Breinton Lane when they leave the development.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
5.1 Nothing to report.
5.2 Nothing to report.
Footpaths Officer
5.3 Nothing to report
Village Hall
5.5 Nothing to report.
Tree Warden
5.7 Clerk provided Nicky Geeson’s report.
6. Environment and Amenities Working Group
6.1 Tony advised that the £1,000 donation still stands. The donor has decided which of the shortlisted benches is to be bought – Broxap, Lakeside. Clerk to clarify fittings with lengthsman, and to order the bench. There has been a further £100 donation promised as well.
6.2 Interpretation Boards – Keith has done much of the text and needs to source illustrations. Clerk will liaise and also arrange site visit at Breinton Springs with the NT to consider siting and text on that board.
6.3 Tony advised he has received some replies to his letters for support on reducing speed limits, but the by-pass consultation is currently taking precedence.
7. Consultations affecting Breinton
7.1 Tony advised he has already submitted the response to the Highways England consultation.
7.2 Tony will draft a response to the Major Roads Network consultation.
7.3 There was a general discussion regarding the Hereford Bypass consultation, during which members of the public thanked the Parish Council for arranging the meetings and Tony for chairing the recent meeting.
7.4 Parish councillors confirmed: –
a) They will respond by letter to the consultation.
b) The council is still opposed to the bypass.
c) They authorised expenditure of up to £150 to cover the costs associated with the meeting on 3rd March.
7.5 Donations of £24.26 were collected for teas etc at the previous public meeting. With costs of £3.89, the net amount was £20.37 to be set against room hire.
7.6 Cllrs agreed to send a letter to the Chief Exec of Herefordshire regarding residents not receiving appropriate and timely letters.
7.7 Liz will circulate the questions and answers from the public meeting, and these will be put on the website. Liz will also draft a press release.
7.8 A letter of thanks will be sent to Cllr Price, Bill Wiggin MP and Cllr Matthews for attending the meeting. Cllr Price should thank his colleagues, officers and consultants.
7.9 Cllrs will consider sending out a questionnaire as part of the formal consultation. This will be considered further at the March meeting. Advice will be sought from HC as to the questions that should be put to local residents. There was a point about seeking help from two local employers with a survey of businesses but I don’t know who to approach
7.10 Hand held mikes and additional car parking will be sought for the meeting on 3rd March.
8. Lengthsman
8.1 Clerk will contact Cllrs to request works for the lengthsman to undertake.
9. Planning
9.1 No planning decisions to report.
9.2 No planning applications to consider.
10. Meeting dates
10.1 Cllrs agreed the dates for meetings 2018/19.
11. Correspondence
11.1 No points arising.
12. Items for next agenda
12.1 Usual items.
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 21st March 2018