Minutes of Meeting
held on 20 January 2016

Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Liz Morawiecka, Jackie Morris, Keith Ray, Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis

In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, John Wade (Footpaths officer), Preb Rob North, Graeme Adkin (Clerk)

1. Apologies for absence

1.1 None received.

2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations

2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book. No interests declared.

3. Minutes of meeting 25th November and matters arising

3.1 Minutes agreed and signed.

3.2 Ref 4.5 – fizzy drink given to food bank as no Christmas party this year.

3.3 Ref 5.4 – 6 members of the public attended the walk with the Tree Warden.

4. Clerk’s report

4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 31st December.

4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-

Clerks & Councils Direct (magazine for Liz) £12.00

Lengthsman £428.64
Reimburse GA (projector £259, Christmas nibbles £16.28) £275.28

Clerk salary (Dec & Jan) as agreed by Parish Cllrs

4.3 Tony and Anthony signed the cheques. Jackie checked/initialled the invoices.

4.4 Clerk updated Cllrs on a few issues, particularly on works completed by Balfour Beatty. GA to follow up works on WVW.

5. Other Reports

Ward Cllr

5.1 Bob provided Cllrs with updates, including that the diversion of the PRoW at Veldifer had been approved.

Footpaths Officer

5.2 John commended the lengthsman for the works at BT 16.

5.3 John identified further works for the lengthsman to undertake. All agreed by Cllrs.

Police report

5.4 No reports received since October meeting.

5.5 GA advised that Police have started a trial whereby they visit specific parishes as much as possible over a 3 day period. Shows their presence, advise schools, businesses etc, and opportunity for public to ask questions.

Village Hall

5.6 Lorraine advised that the VH AGM is this Friday.

6. Neighbourhood Plan

6.1 Tony updated councillors on progress to re-submission. After a lengthy discussion of all the remaining points it was resolved to submit the current draft for a further round of Regulation 16 consultations as soon as Herefordshire Councils views were known. The proposals for local consultations were noted.

7. Lengthsman

7.1 Cllrs identified several works for the lengthsman to undertake.

8. Planning

8.1 Cllrs agreed no further action in response to Mr Willimont’s letter.

8.2 Cllrs agreed Tony’s draft letter to the Appeal on the Kings Acre Halt planning application.

9. Correspondence

9.1 No points arising.

10. Website

10.1 Cllrs agreed on-going expenditure for laptop. Decision on website costs delayed until further details available from HALC.

10.2 Tony advised that the draft website map will be amended to include a ‘Contacts’ tab.

11. Items for next agenda

11.1 Environmental issues regarding certain properties.

11.2 Initiate co-operation between outlying parishes to contribute to Hereford’s Area Plan.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm

Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next meeting – 24 February 2016