Minutes of Meeting held on 25 November 2015

Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Liz Morawiecka, Jackie Morris, Keith Ray, Anthony Powers

In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, Tom Davies (internal auditor), John Wade (Footpaths officer), 3 members of public (for item 10) only, Graeme Adkin (Clerk)

1. Apologies for absence

1.1 Lorraine Lewis, Rob North

2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations

2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book. Tony declared an interest at Item 10, Planning.

3. Minutes of meeting 14th October and matters arising

3.1 Minutes agreed and signed. No matters arising.

4. Clerk’s report

4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 31 October.

4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-

Reimburse TG (print cartridge & paper, NDP) £54.26

British Legion (wreath cost + donation) £30.00

Lengthsman £237.90

Eyelid Productions (website changes) £350.00

Clerk salary as agreed by Parish Council Reimbursed exps

Fireworks £217.50

Bookers (fireworks) £88.55

Heggies (fireworks) £20.00

Tesco (fireworks) £28.00

Laptop (backup & antivirus) £439.00

Paper (90%) £4.50 £797.55

HMRC (July – Nov) £396.40

4.3 Cheques were signed by Jackie and Liz. Jackie initialled the invoices.

4.4 Clerk updated Cllrs on a few issues, particularly on works completed by Balfour Beatty. GA to follow up repairs to WVW.

4.5 Cllrs agreed to donate pop from fireworks party to Children’s Christmas Party.4.6 Clerk to report instances of fly tipping.

4.7 Cllrs were not aware why invoices from the Village Hall showed the meetings at 2.5 hours. No cheque for payment for the VH signed at this meeting. GA to follow up.

5. Other Reports

Ward Cllr

5.1 Bob provided Cllrs with updates.

Footpaths Officer

5.2 John reported that the warning signs on BT20 were now in place.

Police report

5.3 No reports received since October meeting. GA advised that Police would not be attending future PC meetings, due to a shortage of resources.

Tree Warden Report

5.4 Tony provided a report from Nicky, concerning the relaunched National Tree Warden Scheme, and a walk for h-Trees Week, on 1 December from 10.00am starting at Green Lane, Cranstone at 10.00am.

6. Neighbourhood Plan

6.1 Tony circulated a report of the current situation.

6.2 Cllrs expressed deep concern over the late notification from HC regarding requirements and amendments to the draft NDP.

6.3 Tony has been working hard to re-draft the NDP. Kirkwells hope to do the re-write before Christmas.

6.4 It was agreed that the drawing of boundaries around the settlements were not a fundamental change to the original plan, but merely a clarification.

6.5 Cllrs resolved to authorise the Steering Group to circulate electronic copies of various drafts and agree by email where necessary the revision of the draft NDP before submission to HC.

6.6 Cllrs resolved the Steering Group to submit the revised draft to HC as soon as possible in January, so that the 2nd Reg 16 consultation period could commence.

7. Local Development Plan – Core Strategy

7.1 Following approval of the Core Strategy last month, Liz provided an update for the meeting. It was subsequently agreed to remove the Core Strategy as a standing item on the Parish Council agenda.

8. Precept 2016/17

8.1 Cllrs considered the revised figures prepared. Cllrs resolved to set the precept for 2016/17 at £10,745. This being an increase on the 2015/16 precept, to cover the calculated deficit of £145.

9. Lengthsman

9.1 No further works for the Lengthsman were identified.

10. Planning

10.1 Clerk advised the Cllrs of HC decisions since the last meeting.

10.2 Little Haven, Conifer Walk

a) Residents on KAR advised that bats are still present, despite recent survey suggesting the contrary.

b) Residents also advised of sewerage and drainage issues they have to resolve. Further development will make this worse.

c) Large tree at entrance to Conifer Walk inhibits good visibility (and access) to / from KAR.

d) Clerk to re-draft previous letter of objection.

Pigeon House Farm

a) Cllrs considered this application. Clerk to advise Planning Officer of conditions required if it is decided to approve the application.

10.3 Clerk to advise Planning Officers accordingly.

11. Correspondence

11.1 No points arising.

12. Website and IT kit

12.1 Cllrs agreed that GA to contact Mark Millmore for a quote to set up the laptop.

12.2 Cllrs agreed that GA should purchase the projector previously considered.

13 Items for next agenda

13.1 No points identified, other than to remove Core Strategy as a standing item on the agenda.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next meeting – 20 January 2016