Minutes of Meeting
held on 24 February 2016
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Liz Morawiecka, Jackie Morris, Keith Ray, Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, John Wade (Footpaths officer), Preb Rob North, Graeme Adkin (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 None received.
2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book. Tony declared interests in donations to the PCC and the Tree Warden network.
3. Minutes of meeting 20th January and matters arising
3.1 Minutes agreed and signed.
3.2 No matters arising
4. Clerk’s report
4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 31st January.
4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
Reimburse TG (£4.35 + £2.50) £6.85
PIP Printing £326.75
John Finch (laptop set-up, inc Microsoft Office – £80) £186.00
Village Hall (NDP £36.00, BPC £36.00) £72.00
HALC (2016/17 subs) £577.41
Clerk salary (Feb) as agreed by Parish Cllrs
Tree Warden Network £25.00
PCC donation £1,000.00
4.3 Jackie and Anthony signed the cheques. Lorraine checked/initialled the invoices.
4.4 Clerk updated Cllrs on several issues.
4.5 Cllrs agreed that polling cards should be issued to all voters in any future by-election. Also to question if this covers referenda.
4.6 Cllrs agreed to support the Village Hall Management Committee in any event they hold to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr
5.1 Bob provided Cllrs with updates.
Footpaths Officer
5.2 No report.
Police report
5.3 Following reports from members of the public, of air weapons and drug related activity, the PCSOs have been doing regular patrols in Wyevale Woods. Publicise that public should report such instances to the police asap.
Village Hall
5.6 Lorraine advised that the next Committee mtg will be in March.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
6.1 Tony updated councillors on progress to re-submission. The revised NDP will be submitted for the further Reg 16 Consultation later this week.
6.2 Cllrs approved the request to amend the grant funding application to re-direct funds to work on the resubmission of the draft.
6.3 Cllrs approved the application of a further grant to enable work to proceed, after the consultation period has ended.
7. Lengthsman
7.1 Cllrs agreed the draft Annual Maintenance Plan used for the application for the 2016/17 Lengthsman grant.
7.2 Further works were identified for the Lengthsman, Balfour Beatty and residents in the parish.
8. Planning
8.1 Tony and Liz will attend the appeal to the Wyevale planning application on 23rd March.
8.2 GA to confirm that BPC will attend and expect to take part in the appeal.
8.3 Planning applications: –
a) 279 Kings Acre Road – no comment.
b) Ferry Bank – no objection but comment that within SAC & hope it does not impede existing drainage.
c) Westering – no comment.
8.4 Banbh Farm – proposed application – advise consultants that BPC will help to advertise public mtg as arranged by them.
9. Website
9.1 Cllrs expressed concern that nothing had been heard directly from HALC regarding their role in supporting Parish Councils’ websites.
9.2 Cllrs approved changing over to HALC to support the website, assuming all concerns had been addressed. GA to follow up.
10. Outlying Parish Co-operation
10.1 Anthony explained the need for rural parishes outside of Hereford City Council to have some input in the emergence of the Hereford Area Plan.
10.2 GA to draft communication to the Clerks and Chairs of outlying parishes, with a view to a meeting in April / May to co-ordinate response to the HAP.
11. Correspondence
11.1 Advise Hfds Council of intention to respond to Community involvement consultation.
12. Items for next agenda
12.1 Register of interests
12.2 Community involvement
Meeting closed at 9.15pm
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 23 March 2016