Minutes of Meeting held on 17th January 2018

Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Jackie Morris, Lorraine Lewis, Anthony Powers, Liz Morawiecka

In attendance: John Wade (Footpaths Officer) Tom Davies (auditor), Graeme Adkin (Clerk).

1. Apologies for absence

1.1 Keith Ray, Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, Nicky Geeson (Tree Warden).

2. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.

2.1 None declared.

3. Minutes of meeting 13th December, and matters arising

3.1 Minutes agreed and signed.

3.2 Tony clarified that at 4.2, he did not take part in the discussion or decision regarding the donation to the Church. The interest was declared before the December meeting.

4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay

4.1 Clerk provided details of the financial statement as at 4th January (from 1st November 2017).

4.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:-
HALC training (for clerk) £36.00
Village Hall £36.00
Reimburse Clerk (December refreshments) £8.60
Clerk salary as agreed by Cllrs

4.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.

4.4 Clerk advised of works carried out by Balfour Beatty.

4.5 Clerk to clarify a couple of points regarding commissioned works and Locality Steward reports.

4.6 Clerk updated Cllrs on efforts to reduce Himalayan Balsam along the Wye Valley Walk – hopefully in May, or June.

5. Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

5.1 Nothing to report.


5.2 Nothing to report.

Footpaths Officer

5.3 Requires grit bins to be re-filled at Breinton Common.

5.4 Anthony requested removal of a fly-tip at Breinton Springs.

Village Hall

5.5 Quiz on Friday (19th January), to raise funds.

5.6 Next meeting likely to be in February.

Tree Warden

5.7 Clerk provided Nicky Geeson’s report.

5.8 Many veteran trees of Breinton have been mapped on the Woodland Trust’s Ancient Tree Hunt interactive map. Special thanks to Brian Jones of the Woodland trust for mapping and verifying so many of tour trees during 2017.

5.9 HC Cabinet papers include a so-called environmental constraints map. HC have not used Breinton Neighbourhood Plan details to inform their maps and reports.

5.10 Nicky attended a meeting of the Tree Forum in January, and asked about the application for TPOs on the lime trees along KAR. She was advised by the manager for Built and Natural Environment that trees on Council-owned land are not top of their list for TPOs, as they are already afforded Council, “protection”.

5.11 Nicky not impressed in the slightest.

5.12 Liz proposed a vote of thanks to Nicky for the work she has done as Tree Warden. Must feel like she is “banging her head against a brick wall”.

5.13 Clerk to thank Brian Jones for his work in Breinton.

5.14 Clerk to follow up the request for TPOs for the limes along KAR.

6. Environment and Amenities Working Group

6.1 Clerk advised meeting of quotes received for supply of interpretation boards and installation at Breinton Common.

6.2 Tony advised he has submitted an item for Teamtalk to seek opinions from Breinton Common residents regarding the siting of the bench and board.

6.3 Include the costs of speed limit restrictions on the S106 wishlist.

7. Consultations affecting Breinton

7.1 Highways England – Cllrs agreed that Tony will respond to this consultation on behalf of the Parish Council.

7.2 Department of Transport consultation on major roads network – end date is in March, so include on February agenda.

7.3 WRR – BPC will probably hold public meetings and leaflet residents during the consultation period, but will await further details from HC before making more definite plans.

8. Lengthsman

8.1 Clerk advised on details to be submitted to HC/BB regarding lengthsman and P3 grants for 2017/18 and 2018/19.

8.2 Cllrs identified works for the lengthsman to undertake.

9. Planning

9.1 No planning decisions to report.

9.2 Cllrs considered applications at Veldifer (174805), Breinton Lee (170579) and Sugwas farm (174472). Clerk to draft responses.

10. Correspondence

10.1 No points arising.

11. Items for next agenda

11.1 Usual items.

Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair

Date of next meeting – 21st February 2018