Six months after the Herefordshire Council election in May 2019, the new councillors have decided to pause and review both the proposed western bypass for Hereford which would have passed through Breinton and also the Southern Link Road which would have linked the A49 at Grafton with the A465 Abergavenny Road at Belmont.

The content of the review and who will do it are not yet known but it is expected to take until early 2020 to complete. Once all the information is available it is likely that the full Council will be asked to finally decide the future of both road schemes, once and for all, in the Spring of 2020

A copy of the press statement in which Councillor Harrington announced the decision to pause the road schemes and review their futures can be seen here

Councillor Harrington replaced Councillor Philip Price as the Cabinet member responsible for infrastructure in May 2019