PARISH COUNCILLORS are summonsed to attend the meeting of Breinton Parish Council on WEDNESDAY 17th March 2021 via ZOOM at 7.00pm


Meeting ID: 219 782 3505 Password: 7u2gNf

  1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations

3. Minutes of Meeting on 17th February 2021, Action Points & Matters Arising

4. HALC subscription

4.1 To consider continuing the membership of HALC

5. Finance

5.1 To consider the following payments: Nepeta £190.00, Lengthsman £237.60, HALC Subscription £657.18, HMRC £225.00, Clerk’s salary as agreed by Cllrs

5.2 To consider the the bank balances, income, expenditure and bank reconciliation

6. Reports

6.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews                                 6.4 Village Hall     

6.2 Police: PCSO Kitchen to attend                      6.5 Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty)

6.3 Footpaths

7. Clerks Annual Appraisal

7.1 To note the annual appraisal took place on 18th January via Zoom

8. Asset Register, Risk Assessment & Dispensations

8.1 To review the current documents

9. Standing Orders & Financial Regulations

9.1 To review the current documents

10. Consultations affecting Breinton

10.1 Home to school transport policy consultation

11. Environment & Amenities

11.1 To consider quotes received for the replacement of the village signs

11.2 To consider the repairs of BT10 broken handrail

11.3 To consider verge cutting around the parish

12. Traffic Survey Results

12.1 To consider the response to be submitted to ADL

13. Lengthsman

13.1 To identify further works

14. Lengthsman Contract

14.1 To review the current lengthsman contract

15. Future of Breinton Charities

15.1 To approve a meeting between the Breinton charities parish council representatives and the Hereford Community Land Trust

16. Planning

16.1 Update on recent decisions

16.2 To consider comments on current applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council

P210408/FH Pippin Cottage 1 Cherry Orchard Hereford HR4 0SG – Proposed first storey extension. Consultation end date 24.03.2021

P210213/V Certificate of Lawfulness 317 Kings Acre Road Hereford HR4 0SS – Single storey rear and side extension

210490 Herons Hill Breinton Hereford HR4 7PP – Proposed variation of condition 2 of planning permission 181681 (Proposed alterations at Heron Hill) change to render (painted black) in place of the timber cladding.

16.3 To consider the distribution continuation letters to neighbours to current planning applications

17. Correspondence

18. Requests for items for next agenda

The next meeting of Breinton Parish Council will be held on 12th May 2021