BREINTON PARISH COUNCILLORS are summonsed to attend the meeting of
Via ZOOM At 7.00pm


Meeting ID: 219 782 3505             Password: 7u2gNf

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations
  3. Minutes of Meeting on 13th January 2021, Action Points & Matters Arising
  4. Clerk’s Report
    4.1 To consider the following payments: Lengthsman £237.60, St Michaels Church Donation £700, Clerk Expenses 2019-2021 £760.98, Clerk’s salary as agreed by Cllrs
    4.2 Financial Report
    4.3 Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) Weekly Briefings
  5. Other Reports
    5.1 Ward Cllr
    5.2 Police
    5.3 Footpaths
    5.4 Village Hall
  6. Gigaclear Fibre Optic Broadband Installation
    6.1 To discuss the broadband installations within the parish
  7. Environment and Amenities
    7.1 Breinton Signage. To consider the quotes received.
    7.2 Breinton Noticeboards. To consider quotes received.
  8. Traffic and Speeding Survey
    8.1 To discuss the survey results
  9. Hereford Relief Road Decision
    9.1 To discuss the recent decision
  10. Lengthsman
    10.1 To discuss the written drainage survey results and consider the works to be carried out
    10.2 To consider the quotes for the Kings Acre Road noticeboard and BT2A way marker post repairs
  11. Lengthsman & Parish Paths (P3) Scheme
    11.1 To discuss participation in the schemes
    11.2 To consider the planned lengthsman activities for the Annual Maintenance Plan
  12. Review of Lengthsman Contract
    12.1 To review the current lengthsman contract
  13. S106 Wishlish
    13.1 To update the wishlist to to presented to Herefordshire Council
  14. Planning
    14.1 Update on recent decisions 14.2 To consider comments on current applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council P210371/PA Buckland 313 Kings Acre Road Breinton Hereford HR4 0SS P201747/RM Reconsultation Land of Breinton Lees Kings Acre Road
  15. Correspondence
  16. Requests for Items on Next Agenda
    The next meeting of Breinton Parish Council will be held on 17th March 2021