Minutes of Meeting
held on 18th January 2017
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray, Jackie Morris.
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, John Wade (Footpaths Officer), Preb Rob North. Graeme Adkin (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Liz Morawiecka
2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book.
2.2 No declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.
3. Minutes of meeting 14th December 2016 and matters arising
3.1 Minutes were agreed, and signed.
3.2 Matter arising: – confirmation given that the works behind Fayre Oaks Caravan Park had recently commenced.
4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay
4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 30th December.
4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
Lengthsman £84.00
Clerk salary (January) as agreed by Parish Cllrs
Reimbursement (Dec mtg refreshments) £20.10
4.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
4.4 Clerk reported on works undertaken by the Locality Steward and other news.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
5.1 Bob commented on several of the agenda planning items.
5.2 Council tax likely to increase by 3.9%.
5.3 Clerk advised that Breinton was not mentioned in the January police report.
Footpaths Officer
5.4 John advised that he has started his annual walk round of all the footpaths in the parish. He will provide a report to include works needed on some steps and stiles.
Village Hall
5.5 Lorraine advised that the AGM is on 24th February – all are invited to attend.
5.6 The VH Committee are distributing a questionnaire to all residents – this needs to be completed and returned by 31st January.
5.7 There is an event on at the VH on 10th February.
Tree Warden
5.8 No report.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
6.1 Keith commented on his proposal to establish a working group to co-ordinate the various ideas following the adoption of the NDP, including the interpretation board.
6.2 All Cllrs supported the idea and agreed to be members of the working group. Non-PC members will be co-opted if they have specific skills and interest in any particular project.
6.3 Keith Ray agreed to be provisional convenor of the working group.
6.4 Tony to research “quiet lanes / cycle ways”, and clerk to register interest in Banbh Farm.
7. Breinton Springs Interpretation Board
7.1 Cllrs agreed that the favoured siting would be as the footpath enters Breinton Springs from the south east.
7.2 Keith to pursue additional photos / illustrations for the board.
8. Lengthsman
8.1 Potential flooding along towards the south end of Breinton Lane. Clerk to liaise with Locality Steward.
8.2 Finger post to be replaced on WVW.
9. Planning
a) Recent decision
9.1 Bob advised that the Taylor Wimpey application for 80 homes at Three Elms has been refused as it is within the relief road corridor.
b) Breinton Lee
9.2 Residents have complained to the police that the badger mounds have recently been bulldozed and flattened. It appears a report has been sent to the CPS.
9.3 Cllrs agreed to remind Hfds Council planners of the conditions set out in the conditions when permission was granted for the original development.
c) Applications to consider: – 163943 – Warham Court Farm – listed building application.
9.4 Bob advised that the applicant had proposed to provide hard standing at the entrance and also at gateways along the lanes to facilitate passing vehicles.
9.5 Cllrs expressed concern at the Heritage Statement included within the application. Clerk to draft response.
d) Three Elms development (proposed)
9.6 Heineken and Cargill have objected to this application, on the grounds that it is not sustainable, nor does it comply with the NPPF, including the risk of pollution during the construction. Moreover, it will seriously endanger the supply of water for the businesses of these large employers.
9.7 Bob advised that Welsh Water have recently announced they will spend £21m over the next 2 years to upgrade water supplies in the area in response to the Heineken and Cargill opposition to the proposed Three Elms housing development.
10. Correspondence
10.1 No points arising.
11. Items for next agenda
11.1 None advised
Meeting closed at 20.40hrs
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 22nd February 2017