Agenda 22nd March 2017

Breinton Parish Councillors are summonsed to attend the meeting of BREINTON PARISH COUNCIL on WEDNESDAY 22nd MARCH 2017 in the VILLAGE HALL, BREINTON at 7.00pm A G E N D…

DRAFT Minutes, 18th January 2017

BREINTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting held on 18th January 2017 Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray, Jackie Morris. In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, John…

Village Hall News

Questionairre The Village Hall Committee are circulating a questionnaire they would like all residents of the parish to complete and return by 31st January.  You should have received a copy…

Agenda – 18th January 2017

Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting of BREINTON PARISH COUNCIL on WEDNESDAY 18th JANUARY 2017 in the VILLAGE HALL, BREINTON at 7.00pm A G E N…

Notice of Poll

The Notice of Poll for the referendum can be viewed through the link. Notice of Poll

Bonfire and Fireworks Party – 4th November

On Friday 4th November the Breinton Fireworks Party will be held at Warham Court Farm, with kind permission of the owner Mr Hammett and Farm Manager Marcus Terry.  It will…

Breinton History Club – Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Club will be in St Michael's Church Breinton at 7.30pm on Tuesday 29th November when Tim Bridges will about talk. Tim is an expert in…

Rural Bus Services – Reduced Funding

This letter has been issued by Herefordshire Council. Rural Bus Funding for 2015-16 As you will be aware, Herefordshire Council managed to continue to fund a number of bus routes…