PARISH COUNCILLORS are summonsed to attend the meeting of the parish council on


  1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations

3. Minutes of Meeting on 12th May 2021, Action Points & Matters Arising

4. Finance

4.1 To consider the following payments: Village Hall £18.00, HMRC £226.79, Lengthsman £61.68, Clerk’s salary as agreed by Cllrs

4.2 To note direct debit for Data Protection Fee £35.00

4.3 To consider the the bank balances, income, expenditure and bank reconciliation

5. Reports

5.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews                                  5.4 Village Hall     

5.2 Police                                                                  5.5 Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty)

5.3 Footpaths

6. Public Open session

6.1 To receive comments from the public on parish matters

7. Tree Planting Plan

7.1 To consider a project to plant trees around Breinton

7.2 To consider participation in the Queens Green Canopy – Plant a tree for the jubilee

8. Public Consultations Affecting Breinton

8.1 To consider a response to the PCC Town & Parish Council Survey

9. Environment and Amenities

9.1 To consider quotes received for the replacement of the village signs

10. Lengthsman

10.1 To identify further works                    

10.2 To consider regular jobs for the lengthsman

10.3 To consider and sign the Letter of Agreement with Richard Mills

11. Planning

11.1 Update on recent decisions

201747 – Land off Breinton Lee, Kings Acre Road, Hereford – Planning Committee meeting on 9th June

P203893/FH Long Meadow Breinton HR4 7PA – Retrospective swimming pool and pool house associated with main residence – Approved with conditions

11.2 To consider comments on current applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council

P204242/F Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm, Breinton Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 7PF – Demolition of existing barns within the grounds of a Listed Building. Proposed new farm shop and cafe and office accommodation buildings with associated car parking area- Amended plans

12. Correspondence

12.1 To discuss correspondence received

13. Requests for Items on Next Agenda

The next meeting of Breinton Parish Council will be held on 15th September 2021