There are a few updates this month. The proposal to build a large agricultural shed at Banbh Farm has been refused for a second time. It was good to see that Herefordshire Council’s planners agreed with the Parish Council and the many other local objectors that this application was inappropriate.
The new owners of a small plot of land at Adams Hill, right on the parish boundary, had applied for consent to site a caravan there during the construction of a new house on the rest of the plot. This application has been withdrawn.
There is still no news about when a decision will be made on the 1200 or so houses planned for the Three Elms site on the northern side of Kings Acre Road. The Parish Council notes that the very experienced planning officer who was dealing with this major application from the beginning has now left Herefordshire.
It is still not clear what the newly elected Herefordshire Council will decide about the proposed western bypass through Breinton. We know that traffic monitoring cameras were in place recently at Warham and along the riverside path so that surveys are still continuing. However now that the Council has changed political control it seems likely that any new road projects will be delayed at the very least, including the bypass.
We hope to have some positive news in the near future about the granting of tree preservation orders for the avenue of lime trees along Kings Acre Road.
We understand that the resurfacing of the lane from Breinton Common past Sugwas Court in the vicinity of the new Oakwright’s factory is imminent.