The various items below shows how Breinton’s Neighbourhood Development Plan was developed, stage by stage, over a two year period


October 2016 – Referendum date announced

Breinton will have its Referendum on Thursday November 3rd 2016. The polling station will be in the Village Hall as usual which will be open from 7am to 10pm. When the poll closes the ballot boxes will be taken to the Town Hall in Hereford where the votes will be counted.

You can vote if you are on the Electoral Register for Breinton. Just like local government and parliamentary elections you can vote in person on the 3rd November or by post or proxy if this suits you best. If you are already on the Register you need not do anything at all, just wait for the polling card to arrive in the post which will confirm the details of the Referendum. However you do not need the polling card to vote, just turn up at the Village Hall on November 3rd.

If you are not yet on the Register and wish to vote then you need to contact Electoral Services at the Town Hall in St Owen Street before October 18th.

There is only one question on the voting slip ‘ Do you want Herefordshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Breinton to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’ This will be followed by ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ boxes and you use one of these to vote.

A simple majority in favour will ensure that Breinton’s Neighbourhood Plan will become part of Herefordshire’s planning law. if the Plan is not accepted it will be down to Herefordshire Council to use their Core Strategy, the National Planning Policy Framework and their own priorities for things like housing to decide what development takes place in Breinton and where it goes.

You can read the Neighbourhood Plan you are being asked to vote on here. In case you do not have time to read the whole Plan we have prepared a leaflet that summarises the 17 locally developed planing policies that you are being asked to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to. We aim to deliver this to every house in the parish before Referendum Day on November 3rd.

We have also attempted to answer some of the questions we are being asked about the Referendum here.  If your question is not here or the answer is insufficient please contact oneof your local councillors or the Parish Clerk.


September 2016  – Independent Examination completed – now on to a Referendum

The Independent Examination of our Neighbourhood Development Plan has now fiinished and the Examiner’s report is available here

Breinton’s Independent Examination Report

The report recommends that the Plan should be modified in a number of ways if it is to proceed. The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has reviewed the Examiner’s report. The Parish Council then considered the modifications at its meeting on 31st August and voted unanimously to accept them all. Herefordshire Council are the Planning Authority and their approval to the modifications is needed before the Plan can proceed to a Referendum. Herefordshire gave their approval on the 7th September and their decision notice is available here.

Herefordshire’s signed decision statement

The decision notice lists all the modifications and summarises why they have to be made. It gives approval for the Plan to be put to a Referendum in Breinton. All parishoners of voting age will be able to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the Plan’s policies being used in future to help decide planning applications in Breinton. The most likely date for the Referendum is now November 3rd 2016.


June 2016 – Breinton’s Neighbourhood Plan is now ready to be examined

We received many supportive comments and a few objections during the second (Regulation 16) consultation in March and April. All the comments have been considered by the Parish and Herefordshire Councils. We are delighted to say that Herefordshire have agreed that the Plan can now move onto the next stage, an examination by a suitably qualified, independent person. This examination will begin at the end of June and is expected to take a month.

All the comments that were received can be viewed using the following link. All addresses have been redacted by Herefordshire Council

Herefordshire Council’s decision to let the Plan go forward to examination and their summary of the comments can be viewed here 

The Parish Council’s responses to the comments can be viewed here

The Parish Council has also updated Breinton’s Housing Capacity Study which is one of the evidence base documents referred to in the March 2016 item immediately below. This contains information on the planning decisions and applications in the past few months since the original capacity study was completed in February 2016


March 2016 – The Neighbourhood Plan has been re-submitted to Herefordshire Council

A number of significant comments were made about the Neighbourhood Plan during the first Regulation 16 Consultation in August and September 2015 referred to below. These have all been considered by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. A large amount of work has been done. Revisions to the Plan have been discussed with Herefordshire Council and the changes made. This new version of the Plan has now been approved by the Parish Council and re-submitted to Herefordshire Council to run a second round of Regulation 16 consulltations. This will last six weeks.

Copies of the consultation documents

Breinton’s Neighbourhood Plan and the two statutory supporting documents can be viewed using the following links:


Other evidence base documents that are referred to in the Neighbourhood Development Plan are:


Use this link for information on how to comment on the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Other documents prepared by Herefordshire Council related to our Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed on their website using the link below. These include a Policy Map, and Environmental Report (Strategic Environmental Assessment) and a Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA).

 What has changed in Breinton's Neighbourhood Plan?

January 2016

A new version of Breinton’s Neighbourhood Plan documentation is nearing completion. This will be submitted to Herefordshire Council for a second Reg 16 Consultation Process in the next few weeks.

Before this formal consultation starts there will be local events at Breinton Village Hall. On Saturday 13th February from 2pm there will be a Display and Talk to explain the changes that have been made to Breinton Neighbourhood Plan policies since February 2015 and invite further comments. There will be a second opportunity on Saturday 5th March to ‘drop in’ to the Village Hall between 10.00 and 12.30 to view the displays and get your questions answered.

All the changes made by the Steering Group are in response to consultations and comments, to make our policies clearer and more robust.


December 2015

Following completion of the Reg 16 Consultation process, and subsequent discussions with Herefordshire Council Planners, the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group are amending the Plan. Most of the amendments are to meet Herefordshire’s own requirements. The Parish Council had not been informed of these prior to the consultation. A further (second) unplanned Regulation 16 Consultation may now be necessary further delaying the Plan’s progress to Referendum.



4 August 2015 – Neighbourhood Plan submitted to Herefordshire Council

Breinton’s finalised Neighbourhood Development Plan has been submitted to Herefordshire Council for them to run a second round of formal public consultations (known as Regulation 16 consultations) between August and 15th September 2015. The documents that were consulted on were as follows:

  • Breinton 23.07.15 Draft for Submission
  • Breinton Basic Conditions Statement 23.07.15
  • Breinton Consultation Statement 22.07.15

All  three documents were replaced in March 2016 by the updated versions that addressed the comments received during the Regulation 16 consulations that finished in September 2015. The earlier versions are still available from the Parish Clerk. The updated (March 2016) versions can be viewed by using the links under the March 2016 item above.

Three other supporting documents were also replaced with updated versions.

  • The  Breinton_Env_Report_July_2015.
  • Breinton_HRA_Addendum and the
  • Breinton NDP submission letter

Please contact the Parish Clerk if you want to view these older supporting documents..

The two part Breinton Public Views Report 23.07.15 was not changed as a result of the 2015 consultation comments and the links to these remain.

All of the original documents had been available for the public to view at the Hereford Centre – Franklin House, 4 Commercial Road, Hereford HR1 2BB; Hereford Library, Broad Street, Hereford; Belmont Library, Eastholme Avenue, Belmont, Hereford, and on

Representations or comments could have been made via one of the two following links:



or by post to the: Neighbourhood Planning team, Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB


Breinton Policies Map – August 2015

This map was prepared by Herefordshire Council. It shows how the Core Strategy / Local Plan policies affect the parish but is not part on the Neighbourhood Development Plan itself. There are many more maps within the Neighbourhood Development Plan itself that show how the Breinton specific planning policies affect the parish. All these maps should be consulted by anyone wishing to get a complete picture of the planning policies for Breinton. The original Breinton_Policies_Map_Aug2015 was replaced on this site in March 2016 after it had been updated by Herefordshire Council.

Breinton Neighbourhood Development Plan: National and Local Policy Assessment. (From Kirkwells, 2014, – in association with Stretton Sugwas Parish Council)

This document:

was prepared for the Parish Council right at the very beginning of the work on Breinton’s Neighbourhood Development Plan in February 2014. It provided the very first assessment of those policies to which our Neighbourhood Development Plan should have appropriate regard and with which it has to be in general conformity. At this time the Parish Council were considering a joint plan with the adjoining parish of Stretton Sugwas.

In the eighteen months since this document was originally produced a lot of the national and local policies have changed. Locally, Herefordshire Council’s own Core Strategy/Local Plan has been examined in public (at Belmont Abbey in February 2015) and, as a result, major modifications have been proposed. At the time of writing the Inspector who conducted the examination has still not produced her conclusions so the strategy is still not finally approved. As far as England is concerned the National Planning Policy Framework has also been amended as has the Guidance that accompanies it.

Breinton’s Neighbourhood Development Plan has accommodated these changes. The impacts of the changing policy framework have been assessed every-time the Plan was revised. As a result Amendments have been made where necessary to ensure that the Neighbourhood Development Plan continues to conform to the up-to date planning policy framework. These changes are primarily referred to in paragraphs 1.10, 4.1 to 4.4 inclusive, 4.7 to 4.13 inclusive, 4.16 & 4.17, 4.19 & 4.20, Figure 12, paragraph 4.28 and on pages 54 to 56 of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Legislation also requires that all policies in a Neighbourhood Development Plan are assessed to show how they meet national and local planning policy. This is done through a Basic Condition Statement. Breinton’s Basic Conditions Statement is a separate document which is also available on this website.


24 June 2015

Since March we have been busy clarifying answers to your queries, so that we can make our draft Neighbourhood Development Plan as fit for purpose as possible.  You will find a list of responses here:  Table-of-responses-to-Regulation14-consultations-June-2015.

As a result we have been adjusting the text and improving some Figures before the next stage. When we are confident we are ready, we will submit our plan to Herefordshire Council.

If the local planning authority finds that the plan or order meets the legal requirements it:

  • will publicise the proposal for a minimum of 6 weeks and invite representations
  • notify consultation bodies referred to in the consultation statement
  • appoint an independent examiner (with the agreement of the qualifying body)


16 March 2015

Neighbourhood Plan consultation EventsMany thanks to everyone P1050905 (1024×768)who came to the Village Hall  for the Neighbourhood Plan consultation events. We hope that most of your questions were answered, but if not, please contact any Parish Councillor or the Parish Clerk.  There are still some “at-home” discussion events being hosted by local people this week, so please also contact us if you would like to attend one of those.

Visitors to the Neighbourhood Plan ExhibitionTHE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO SEND IN YOUR RESPONSE FORMS TO THE PARISH CLERK BY 12 NOON MONDAY 30th MARCH (see details and instructions below).

After that time the Steering Committee will take some time to study the comments and suggestions, hold a public meeting, and amend the Neighbourhood Plan accordingly.



16 February 2015 – Regulation 14 consultations begin

Breinton Neighbourhood Plan Draft CoverIT’S YOUR TURN NOW! Breinton Parish Council are now consulting you for your comments on the Draft Plan.Response-form-HERE. Read the plan here:


Breinton Parish Council has drafted a Neighbourhood Development Plan (the Plan) to guide development in the parish through to 2031. The Plan contains 18 planning policies covering housing, design, renewables & energy, footpaths & lanes, landscape, land use, the natural environment and recreation. Also see the Identification of important views the accompanying two part document Identification of Important Public Views. Part 1 and Part 2

The Plan is open for public consultation for six weeks between Monday 16th February 2015 and midday on Monday 30th March 2015. This is the first consultation stage set out in law and is run by your Parish Council. Later formal consultations – if we decide to proceed – will be run by Herefordshire Council.

The full Plan can be viewed at:

  • Hereford Library, Broad Street Hereford HR4 9AU (Telephone 01432 383600) during their normal opening hours     OR
  • Online at               OR
  • At consultation events, as advertised locally and
  • Is available on request from Parish Councillors or Parish Clerk

A summary of the policies in the Plan is on this noticeboard below, along with the details of public consultation events to which you are invited.

All comments must be made in writing to the Parish Clerk – Graeme Adkin – at 2 Munstone Garden Cottages, Munstone Hereford HR1 3AH

preferably using a separate sheet for each comment. Comment sheets are available online, in hard copy from the Parish Councillors or Clerk and at local consultation events.

Comments must be made by 12.00 noon on Monday 30th March 2015. Comments after this time will not be considered.

See Displays about the Plan at Breinton Manor Fruit Farm and St Michael’s Church.

New homes for Breinton? flierThere will be two events in the Village Hall. First, Saturday 28 February: a display (from 1.45 pm) and talk followed by questions (2.30 pm) discussing the issue of Housing in particular. New road in Breinton flierThen on Saturday 14th March, display from 10am, then talk plus questions at 10.30am, on how the recent Examination in Public of Herefordshire’s Core Strategy might affect Breinton. Will there be a new Road? See more details and the poster for this event in the March edition of TEAMTALK. (Click on images to view details)

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation leafletNeighbourhood Plan Draft Policies









Draft Policies

  1. New market housing will be permitted in Breinton Common, Cranstone, Lower Breinton and Warham if it meets criteria including local needs.
  2. New uses for empty buildings will be permitted if certain criteria are met.
  3. All new housing proposals must help provide Breinton with a mix of tenures, dwelling types and sizes
  4. Small numbers of affordable houses may be permitted on sites not normally considered suitable if criteria including local needs are met
  5. Further development on Kings Acre Road will be permitted providing certain criteria are met
  6. Additional sustainable design and energy efficiency measures will be encouraged in all new development proposals
  7. The best and most versatile agricultural land and soils will be protected from development unless there are no reasons to retain the land
  8. Existing assets used by the community will be protected for their use
  9. Development proposals that affect local green spaces will be expected to protect and enhance their settings, tranquillity and landscape values
  10. Development proposals will be expected to protect existing minor roads, bridleways and footpaths as quiet lanes
  11. Development proposals should enhance and extend Breinton’s green infrastructure of woods, veteran trees, meadows, hedges etc
  12. Small scale renewable and low carbon energy schemes for individual or groups of properties will be permitted if they meet certain criteria
  13. Development of routes, signage and existing buildings for outdoor recreation and tourism appropriate to open countryside will be permitted
  14. All development proposals will be expected to enhance Breinton’s landscape character and reduce the potential urbanisation of this sensitive rural area
  15. All new developments will have to consider six landscape design principles
  16. Important local views will be protected from inappropriate development
  17. Development proposals should conserve and enhance local heritage assets
  18. The continued use of the Veldifer site for employment purposes will be supported


9 January 2015

Herefordshire Council’s Consultation with environmental organisations (described under 1 December 2014 below) has concluded. The Breinton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will now discuss the report, and decide whether any changes should be made to the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan.


1 December 2014

The first public draft of the Neighbourhood Development Plan is now available. This is the stage where the draft plan is sent to Herefordshire Council, for their consideration and comments. They will consult with various environmental organisations such as Natural England, the Environment Agency, and English Heritage, to discover whether these bodies might have any objections or comments on our ideas or proposed policies. This stage will take at least six weeks, and after that period it will be YOUR TURN!

In February/March the Steering Committee will be organising events as part of a public consultation, asking all parishioners in Breinton for their views and ideas for improving the Neighbourhood Plan. More details will be posted on this website, other media, in the February TEAMTALK, and on notice boards around the parish.

Map of the Parish of Breinton OS PSMA Licence No. 0100054898
Map of the Parish of Breinton
OS PSMA Licence No. 0100054898

If you use email, you can receive up-to-date news of the Neighbourhood Plan that way. Please email to add yourself to the circulation list.

Read more of the story about how our Neighbourhood Plan developed from this point in 2014 through to its completion in December 2016 in the items above.

Poster of Breinton Uncommon Plants

Breinton Biodiversity PosterBreinton Older Buildings PosterBreinton Hatton Views under Threat poster

Ancient woodland and traditional orchards along the River Wye Special Area of Conservation
Ancient woodland and traditional orchards along the River Wye Special Area of Conservation