Breinton Parish News

Breinton Bonfire and firework party, kindly hosted by John and Julie at the Community Farm, and with great support from Warham Court Farm manager Marcus Terry and his family and team, proved to be one of the best yet!

The good weather attracted over 100 people to the event, organised and funded by the Breinton Parish Council and St Michael’s PCC. Marcus built a huge bonfire for the event, which lit up the night sky. Preb Rob North and his team set off the wonderful firework display for the crowds. Parish Councillors provided the bbq and drinks to keep everyone warm throughout. Thanks also to Martin and Pat Churchward for the usual generous donation beer, and to the member of the public who donated some home-made cider on the evening to the proceedings – that all seemed to go down very well!

There was no charge to the event, but the Parish Council thank everyone for their generous donations which has been used to offset some of the cost for the food, drink and fireworks.

Breinton Parish Council are still in the throes of organising interpretation boards to be located at Breinton Springs and Breinton Common. In addition, a generous benefactor has agreed to donate funds to supply bench at Breinton Common as well. Hopefully not too long before these can be finalised.

The Parish Councillors are currently trying to decide on the amount of precept for the 2018/19 year. They are doing their best to ensure that if there is any increase, it will be kept to an absolute minimum. The decision is likely to be made at their meeting on 13th December. Further details will follow once the precept has been agreed.

Just a gentle reminder to landowners and farm managers in the Breinton parish! Winter is fast approaching as you know, and it is your responsibility to maintain your roadside hedges and trees on your fields and ground. Breinton Parish Councillors appreciate that the hedges and trees that adjoin the lanes in the Parish are generally very well maintained. Similarly, it is also the adjacent landowner’s responsibility to ensure the ditches are cleared (of any debris from hedge trimming etc), and these are also generally well maintained – thank you.

Please ensure that you continue your good work to ensure that surface water can easily drain away and so does not accumulate on the lanes. Failure to keep surface water off the lanes is not only a danger to all road users when it freezes, but it also leads to increased wear and tear on the road surface, causing potholes and erosion of the surface edge. Again this is a danger to all road users, and with the ever tightening budget situation, the costs of repairs can only be met form the parish precept (council tax). The grant from Herefordshire Council previously used for such repairs will not be available after April 2018.

Please do your best to ensure you maintain hedgerows and roadside ditches. Thank you. Further information on landowner responsibilities in this respect can be obtained by emailing