Breinton Parish Council – News update – June 2018
At their recent meeting, Breinton Parish Councillors were pleased to invite Ian Carter (National Trust manager for Breinton Springs) to discuss several issues of mutual concern.
Both Iain and the Councillors are grateful for the volunteers who regularly pick litter from around the Breinton Springs area, which helps to retain the beauty and appeal of the ancient site.
Iain said that he would welcome more volunteers to help with the litter picking, so if any residents would be interested in doing this, please contact the clerk through the website Iain said that he will be able to provide such volunteers with volunteer membership of the National Trust as a thank you for their volunteering.
The National Trust also own an orchard and field (down to the river) which extend to around 20 acres in the area. Iain will be prepared to allow this to go for grazing, and /or for hay or silage. It is not the best grazing ground, but would be free to anyone who could make use of this ground for livestock. Again, please contact the clerk via the website if you are interested.
As advised previously, the Ramblers have strimmed certain areas of Himalayan balsam along the Wye Valley Walk, between Breinton and Hereford. The Parish Council are also looking into the option of the use of (biodegradable) spraying to stem the spread of this weed, and will be consulting with various environmental bodies over this possibility.