Present:  Anthony Powers (Chair), Tony Geeson, Jackie Morris, Keith Ray, Liz Moraweicka

In attendance:  Kings Acre Ward Councillor Graham Andrews, one member of the public, Emily Godsall (Clerk)

Apologies for absence

1.1 Bob Matthews, Lorraine Lewis, John Wade.

  • Declarations of Interest

2.1 Tony Geeson declared an interest in item 8, Precept, regarding a potential donation to St Michael’s Church.

  • Minutes of meeting 16th September, and matters arising

3.1 The minutes were agreed and signed by separate arrangement on 16th October.

3.2 Councillors discussed the action points and matters arising

3.3 All councillors agreed for the clerk to liaise with Bob Matthews to request the parish council to be consulted throughout the Kings Acre Road Cycleway process.

  • Clerk’s Report

4.1 The clerk delivered the financial report providing details of the transactions since the previous meeting and the bank balance at 17th September.

4.2 Councillors authorised the following payments to be made:

Clerks Salary £348.35

Royal British Legion Donation £30.00

4.3 Councillors all agreed the Fireworks Party will not be going ahead this year

4.4 The cheques were signed, bank statements and invoices initialled by separate arrangement on 16th October.

4.5 The meeting was updated on works completed and raised throughout  the parish as detailed in Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.

  • Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

5.1 Cllr Matthews provided a written report with updates on the Breinton TRO, Three Elms planning application and infrastructure plans.

Police report

5.2 The meeting was updated on the latest reported incidents in Breinton and Broomy Hill.


5.3 No report

Village Hall

5.4 No report

  • Public Consultations Affecting Breinton

6.1 Breinton Parish Council has confirmed its support of the Stretton Sugwas TRO.

  • Environment & Amenities Working Group

7.1 The ‘like for like’ replacement of two Breinton entry signs on Breinton Lane and Long Meadow was agreed by all councillors.

7.2 Councillors unanimously agreed replacement of five dilapidated noticeboards and to search for local trades people to provide a quote.

  • Precept

8.1 The chair stated that he would prefer to maintain the precept for 2021/2022 at the 2020/21 level, but that this would need to be discussed and agreed.

8.2 Discussions regarding the 2021/22 budget and precept are to be continued at the November meeting.

  • Village Hall Payments

9.1 Councillors discussed a donation payment to the village hall in lieu of booked parish council meetings that have been held remotely since Covid-19 conditions have prevented physical meetings.

9.2 Jackie Morris proposed donating the amount minus the council’s Zoom subscription

9.3 Clerk to contact Lorraine Lewis to ask the village hall to clarify their financial situation.

Website Backup Storage

10.1 Councillors discussed the back up storage options for the website. Detailed information on all the options was provided by Nepeta.

10.2 All councillors agreed to proceed with Onedrive as the backup storage option

10.3 Advice from Nepeta on updating the website theme and pages for compliance with WCAG 2.1 was discussed.

10.4 Councillors unanimously agreed for the website theme and all pages to be updated by Nepeta. Clerk to ask for a formal quote to be provided.


11.1 Councillors agreed the quote provided by the lengthsman (Richard Mills Farm Services) for the replacement of the glass in the noticeboard on Kings Acre Road, but favoured replacing with reinforced glass.

11.2 Concerns were raised regarding the non-completion of the recent works orders issued to the lengthsman. Clerk to contact the lengthsman about this matter.


12.1 The meeting was updated on the recent planning application decisions.

12.2 Current planning application 162920 Land at Three Elms was discussed, and councillors were in agreement that all concerns raised in response to the original application in 2016 regarding access, design, flood risk and the cycleway remain.

12.3 Councillor Graham Andrews was invited to speak about the application and stated concerns regarding the development as proposed. The original application and not been significantly improved, requirements had not been met and the development was not sufficiently advantageous to the community.

12.4 Councillors agreed to submit a response addressing concerns about the access, increase in traffic, flood risk, habitat risks, scheme design and lack of benefits to the community.


13.1 The imminent road closures through Breinton were raised and councillors were concerned by the lack of notice received for these works.

13.2 Clerk to contact Richard Ball at Herefordshire Council to address this issue.

Items for next agenda

14.1 Precept, Three Elms Development, Hereford Transport Strategy Review, Neighbourhood Development Plan Review.

Signed ……………………………….                                                    Date  ………………….

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting – 16th December 2020