Present: Anthony Powers (Chairman), Tony Geeson, Jackie Morris, Liz Moraweicka. Lorraine Lewis & Keith Ray were also present until their WiFi connection failed.
In attendance: PCSO Georgie Boswell, 3 members of public and Emily Godsall (Clerk).
- Apologies for absence
- Bob Matthews (Ward Councillor), John Wade
- Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
- None
- Minutes of meeting 17th June, Action Points & Matters Arising
- Minutes agreed and were signed on 17th September.
- Cllrs discussed the action points & any matters arising
- Clerk’s Report
- Clerk delivered the financial report providing details of recent transactions, and the bank balance as at 17th August.
- Cllrs authorised the below payments:
- HMRC £255.34
- Lengthsman £305.10
- Clerk’s salary £839.51
- 123 reg domain renewal (DD) £14.39
- On 17th September Cllrs signed the cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
- Cllrs agreed to pay the clerks expenses as per the contract
- Cllrs were updated Cllrs were updated on Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.
- Other Report
- Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
- Chair updated the Cllrs on the Ward Cllrs report with various items including that the application for outline planning permission for the Three Elms development is imminent.
- Police report
- Cllrs were updated with the latest police report.
- PCSO Boswell attended the meeting and informed Cllrs of updates on recent incidents
- Cllrs’ concerns on speeding along Kings Acre Road and ‘close passing’ of cyclists are to be referred onto Traffic Management Advisor Ian Connolly.
- Footpaths
- No report
- Village Hall
- The meeting was updated on the report previously circulated to Cllrs
- Village Hall Chair Phil Chapman informed Cllrs the village hall had received a grant due to the Covid 19 situation. Phil Chapman also thanked the Parish Council for their comments on planning application 202203.
- Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
- Clerk Expenses
- Cllrs agreed to pay the Clerk expenses for all incurred expenditure, mileage and an annual sum of £100 for light, heat and electricity as stated in the contract of employment.
- Dispensations, Asset Register & Risk Assessment
- Cllrs considered and accepted the Dispensations
- Cllrs considered and accepted the proposed updates to the Asset Register
- Cllrs considered and accepted the Risk Assessment, noting that forthcoming wording from NALC on Covid-19 would be added when available
- Standing Orders & Financial Regulations
- Cllrs considered and accepted the proposed corrections and minor changes to Standing Orders
- Cllrs considered and accepted the proposed corrections to Financial Regulations
- GDPR Privacy Policy
- Cllrs considered and accepted the GDPR Privacy Policy for the website, noting that the council is fully compliant with 2018 GDPR regulations and NALC recommendations
- Breinton Charities
- The meeting was updated on the report from Phillip Eyles
- Tony Geeson to pass report on to the Herefordshire Community Land Trust with Phillip Eyles’ permission and suggest HCLT discuss future options with the Trustees.
- Public Consultations Affecting Breinton
- Cllrs agreed the Chair’s response to the MHCLG Planning White Paper Consultation to be submitted to NALC before the 17th September deadline, and to MHCLG for its October deadline.
- No update on the Herefordshire Transport Strategy Review since Cllr John Harrington’s July letter.
- Environment & Amenities Working Group
- The meeting was informed that the Breinton Common Interpretation board has been installed and has received positive comments.
- Lengthsman
- No bid was submitted for the Lengthsman Drainage grant as no works in the parish were suitable for the requirements.
- Clerk to ask the lengthsman for a quote to repair the broken glass in the KAR notice board.
- Clerk to send a letter to landowners reminding them of their responsibility to clear mud from the road
- Planning
- The meeting was updated on the recent planning decisions.
- 202507 16 Four Acres, Hereford HR4 0SH – Cllrs discussed the application and agreed to submit a response which refers to the Tree Wardens report and to advise against removing hedgerows.
- 202499 Land adjacent to Galen House, Cherry Orchard, Kings Acre Road, Hereford – The application response was deferred and delegated to the clerk due to two Cllrs being aware of information relating to the application.
- Correspondence
- Liz Moraweicka proposed approval of the expenditure for Nepeta to carry out the necessary works to ensure the website is compliant with WCAG 2.1 before the deadline: seconded by Jackie Morris
- Cllrs unanimously approved the expenditure to Nepeta
- Items for next agenda
- Precept, Village Hall Payments, Fireworks Party
Signed ………………………………. Date ……………………………..
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting: 14th October 20