Present: Anthony Powers (Chair), Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Jackie Morris, Liz Morawiecka
In attendance: Reverend Ruth Hulse, 6 members of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)
- Apologies for absence
1.1 Bob Matthews, John Wade
- Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations
2.1 Tony Geeson declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 8 (Precept) and would not participate in discussion regarding donation to the PCC.
- Minutes of meeting on 14th October, action points and matters arising
3.1 The minutes were agreed and then signed via separate arrangement on 16th November.
3.2 The action points and matters arising were discussed
- Clerk’s Report
4.1 Councillors agreed to the below payments:
Village Hall £36.00
Clerk Salary £300.00
4.2 The clerk delivered the financial report detailing transactions made since the previous report and the bank balance as at 17th October.
4.3 The cheques were signed, bank statements and invoices initialled by separate arrangement on 16th November
4.4 Councillors approved the current direct debits below:
EE Limited WiFi Widget £10.93 monthly
Ionos 1 & 1 email £1.19 monthly
Information Commissioners Officer £35.00 annually
123 reg (.uk domain renewal) £14.39 annually
123 reg ( domain renewal) £14.39 annually
4.5 The meeting was updated on the works completed and raised throughout the parish as detailed in Mike Gills weekly briefings.
- Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
5.1 The chair read out the written report received from Councillor Matthews which included an update on the General Scrutiny Committee Meeting.
5.2 Councillors acknowledged Councillor Matthews efforts in representing Breinton Parish Council and their thanks will be sent on directly.
Police report
5.3 The meeting was informed of the latest crime reports in the parish.
5.4 Councillors agreed that the clerk should ask for more information on the drugs related incident on Kings Acre Road
5.5 The latch of the internal gate on BT2A has been reported broken by the lengthsman.
Village Hall
5.6 Lorraine Lewis provided figures for the financial position of the village hall which included a grant of £10000 from Herefordshire Council.
5.7 All councillors agreed that there was no need to make payment for PC meeting dates since March when the hall had not been used.
Tree Warden
5.8 Nicky Geeson reported that various ash trees at or near Breinton Springs are marked with numbers and red dots, perhaps to be felled due to die-back.
5.9 Clerk to ask the National Trust for clarification.
- Public Consultations Affecting Breinton
Hereford Transport Package Review
6.1 The General Scrutiny Committee meeting attended by Councillor Matthews included recommendations to Cabinet to abandon the Western Relief Road and support an Eastern Bridge. The Bridge Sollars road will also be included in the review.
6.2 Liz Morawiecka commended all involved on such a well-informed debate and the detailed consideration of the review.
Neighbourhood Development Plan Review
6.3 The chair and vice chair gave a report on the meeting attended.
6.4 The parish council will start to update the NDP once there is clarity on proposed government legislation and the Core Strategy has been revised. Councillors agreed this is the most efficient way to proceed but acknowledged the importance of not letting the current plan lapse.
Breinton Speed Limit Investigation
6.5 The vice chair gave a report on the meeting attended with Will Wilson from ADL. The current TRO (C1189 &1190 Breinton Lane to Breinton Common) requires certain regulations to be met including number of accidents, traffic volume and average speeds.
6.6 Data will be gathered and consideration given to a 30mph limit through Breinton Common, but the TRO may not meet all regulatory requirements.
- Environment & Amenities Working Group
Breinton signage
7.1 Councillors agreed to ask Mike Gill to provide a quote for the replacement of Breinton village entry signs detailing the cost for two or four signs.
- Precept
8.1 Councillors agreed that the 2020/21 precept level would be maintained for 2021/22 as there was no evident need for an increase, especially under the current difficult financial situation for residents during Covid 19.
8.2 The chair thanked Reverend Ruth Hulse for attending and for providing the Parochial Church Council’s accounts and invited her to speak on the suggested donation for the churchyard maintenance and Teamtalk magazine. Cllr Tony Geeson left the meeting for the discussion due to a declared interest in the PCC donation.
8.3 Councillors agreed to continue a donation to the PCC, that this supports the whole community, as is permitted under Section 137, and not specifically the church. Although contrary to advice received by the clerk from HALC the decision was agreed to be lawful.
- Breinton Charities
9.1 Councillors confirmed Pat Churchward and Richard Griffiths to continue as the two trustees nominated by Breinton Parish Council. Tony Geeson thanked Pat and Richard for their service to the community as trustees.
- Website Update
10.1 Cllr Jackie Morris and the clerk were appointed as the two representatives to run the project to update the website.
- Zoom Subscription
11.1 Councillors agreed to continue with the monthly Zoom subscription (£14.39) via direct debit until virtual meetings are no longer required.
- Lengthsman
12.1 Councillors agreed to ask the lengthsman to conduct a general survey on all the ditches and road drains throughout the parish and carry out any necessary works.
- Planning
Update on recent decisions
13.1 The meeting was updated on the recent approval with conditions of 202653 13 Four Acres Hereford HR4 0SH
13.2 Councillors agreed to send a response in support of 203396 School House Breinton HR4 7PG
Current applications
13.3 Councillors discussed planning application 201747 Land of Breinton Lee Kings Acre Road Hereford (variation of conditions 1 & 2) and the Chair invited comments from members of pubic.
13.4 Councillors agreed to submit a response in objection to 201747 with the issues regarding the size and position of the proposed properties, and loss of amenity for existing properties in Breinton Lee and Lambourne Gardens. The response will also raise ongoing concerns about flooding, access, parking and conformity with earlier decisions.
13.5 The chair thanked Tony Geeson and Liz Morawiecka for their time and work on submission of the council’s detailed response to 162920 Land at Three Elms
- Correspondence
14.1 Cllr Liz Morawiecka confirmed that no stones had been put in the ditches on C1189 near Warham Farm by Balfour Beatty .
- Items for next agenda
15.1 No requests for items on the next agenda.
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting – 16th December 2020