Minutes of Meeting
held on 18th May 2016

Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Liz Morawiecka, Keith Ray, Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis, Jackie Morris.

In attendance: Tom Davies (internal auditor), John Wade (Footpaths officer), Graeme Adkin (Clerk).

1. Election of Chair

1.1 Lorraine proposed, and Jackie seconded, Tony as Chair. Unanimously agreed.

1.2 Keith stated that Tony has done an excellent job as Chair. All Cllrs agreed.

2. Apologies for absence

2.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews.

3. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations

3.1 Councillors signed the attendance book. No declarations of interest.

4. Minutes of meeting 23rd March and matters arising

4.1 Minutes agreed and signed.

4.2 Item 14 – Clerk confirmed that BPC meetings are to continue on Wednesdays for the next 12 months.

4.3 Item 9.8 – Tony confirmed that a Community Land Trust will be established for the Three Elms development.

5. Chair’s Annual report

5.1 Tony summarised his report for the meeting. In brief, he stated that this has been the first year that the dire financial straits of Herefordshire Council have had a direct impact on the workings of the BPC. He thanked his fellow Cllrs, saying that they had worked well together, and with no internal friction, they have been able to focus on the major issues facing the Parish Council.

5.2 Tony thanked by name the Ward Cllr, Deputy Chair, Footpaths Officer, Internal Auditor, Lengthsman, Tree Warden, Locality Steward and Clerk.

5.3 Anthony thanked Tony and Nicky Geeson for their tremendous work on the NDP. All agreed.

5.4 Liz gave specific thanks to Nicky Geeson for her work on the website and as Tree Warden.

6. Election of Officers

6.1 Deputy Chair – Liz Morawiecka. (Proposed by Jackie, seconded by Lorraine. Unanimous).

6.2 Internal Auditor – Tom Davies.

6.3 Footpaths Officer – John Wade.

6.4 Tree Warden – Nicky Geeson

7. Approval of Accounts and Annual Audit

7.1 Tony read out the Annual governance statement, Cllrs confirmed, before Tony signed approval of the statement.

7.2 Clerk responded to some questions on the accounts.

7.3 Tony signed approval of the accounting statements.

8. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay

8.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 31st March.

8.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-

Groundworks (refund of unspent NDP grant. Chq already paid) £588.01
Nepeta (website back-up) £80.00
John Finch Computers (laptop back-up) £75.00
Lengthsman £279.00
Aon Insurance (2016/17) £217.18
Anthony Powers (NDP printing reimbursement) £14.40
Village Hall (BPC £18; NDP £54) £72.00
Clerk salary (1st April– 31st May) as agreed by Cllrs
Clerk- reimbursed exps

Toner                                                 £37.99
Teas etc (outlying parishes mtg)         £7.78
Laptop/Projector lead                        £14.99
Paper (2 reams)                                  £5.00        £65.76

8.3 Jackie and Tony signed the cheques. Lorraine checked/initialled the invoices. Anthony initialled the bank statements to confirm the end of month balances in the Clerk’s report.

8.4 Clerk updated Cllrs on several issues.

8.5 Clerk advised the meeting of works completed by Balfour Beatty / Mike Gill.

8.6 Following letter from HC regarding drainage at Breinton Lane / Green Lane junction, Cllrs confirmed no further action at this stage.

8.7 Interpretation Boards – Clerk and Keith to research further information on this.
8.8 Cllrs confirmed authority to purchase small gift for Footpaths Officer and Internal Auditor.

8.9 Cllrs discussed and confirmed to make available up to £90 to contribute to an event to the Queen’s 90th birthday, dependant on the type of event organised.

9. Other Reports

Ward Cllr
9.1 No report.

9.2 Clerk provided update from recent SNT monthly reports.

9.3 Cllrs are keen to invite the mobile police station to visit Breinton Springs. Clerk to follow up.

Footpaths Officer
9.4 John suggested installing self-closing gates on BT2. These would have to be funded out of the precept. Clerk to obtain quotes.

9.5 Wye Valley Walk – suggest make it a National Trail. Clerk to follow up.

Village Hall
9.6 Lorraine provided an update on the VHMC.

Tree Warden
9.10 Clerk read out a report from Nicky.

10. Neighbourhood Plan

10.1 Tony updated Councillors on progress to following the closure of the Reg 16 Consultation, and preparation for Examination.

10.2 Cllrs resolved to authorise the Steering group to progress the NDP to the Examination stage, and in the appointment of the Examiner. Anything controversial, or if disagreement arises, then the matter is to be referred back to the Parish Council to consider.

10.3 Liz thanked Tony for his work in this, and also to the residents who responded to the Reg 16 consultation.

11. Planning Working Group

11.1 Cllrs agreed to delegate powers to the clerk, to respond to non-controversial planning applications. The policy wording will be reviewed and a definition of ‘non-controversial’ to be agreed, before adopting this process.

12. Fireworks Party

12.1 Cllrs agreed to suggest the date of 4th November. Clerk to follow-up with Rob North.

13. Lengthsman

13.1 Discussion of quote to repair Wye Valley Walk, and materials proposed. Clerk and Keith to follow-up further.

13.2 Further works identified for Balfour Beatty and for the lengthsman.

14. Planning

Planning decisions
14.1 Clerk advised that Planning permission had been granted for the following properties: – Heathfield; 183 Kings Acre Road; Westering; and land to rear of Bramley House and Orchard House.

14.2 The Appeal against the decision on the application to build 73 dwellings on land at Kings Acre Halt was considered on 21st April. Decision currently awaited.

Current applications
14.3 The application for the 73 dwellings on Kings Acre Halt has been re-submitted – notification received today. Clerk to check consultation period dates and arrange a meeting accordingly.

Banbh Farm
14.4 Planning application unlikely to be submitted until October. No further action at this stage.

14.5 An enforcement officer will visit a development where it has been alleged that inappropriate materials have been in the construction of the property.

15. Correspondence

15.1 No points arising.

16. Items for next agenda

16.1 Update financial regulations

Annual Parishioners’ Meeting
1. The matter of withdrawal of the Lengthsman grant and P3 grant was discussed. Expenditure that is currently covered by these grants will in future, have to be met from precept, which will inevitably mean an increase in Council tax payments for Breinton residents, if current levels of service are to be maintained.

Meeting closed at 9.20pm

Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair

Date of next meeting – 29th June 2016