Minutes of Meeting held on 16th October 2019

Present: Anthony Powers (Chairman), Tony Geeson, Jackie Morris, Lorraine Lewis, Liz Moraweicka, Keith Ray

In attendance:  Bob Matthews (Ward Councillor), Rob North (Reverend) Cllr John Harrington, Nicky Geeson (Tree Warden), 2 members of public and Emily Godsall (Clerk).

  1. Apologies for absence
    1. John Wade
  2. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
    1. None declared
  3. Minutes of meeting 19th September, Action Points & Matters Arising
    1. Minutes agreed and signed
    1. Action points discussed and clerk informed of next steps
    1. Cllrs unanimously agreed to adopt the Financial Regulations 2019
  4. Herefordshire Transport Package, Core Strategy & Climate Emergency
    1. Cllr John Harrington, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, updated the meeting on the administration’s policies, plans and ideas. He would be working with Cllr Matthews whose long-serving experience he valued. Cllrs and members of the public were invited to ask Cllr Harrington any questions they wanted answered.
    1. Following a full review a decision on the Hereford bypass would be made in January 2020. Alternatives to road schemes to reduce congestion in the city are also being considered. These include investment in electric buses, trialling “traffic lights out”, an eastern river crossing, improved school transport and safer segregated cycle paths.
    1. The revision of the Core Strategy has begun.
    1. Cllr Harrington will ask Kevin Singleton to write to Breinton and other parish councils bordering Hereford with more information to address concerns over the city’s boundaries, ensuring recognition of existing Neighbourhood Development Plans.
    1. Cllr Harrington was asked to urge Herefordshire Council to implement all policies in the context of its March 2019 Declaration of Climate Emergency.
    1. The Chairman thanked Cllr Harrington for his attendance. Cllr Harrington’s work to change Herefordshire Council’s priorities was acknowledged.
  • Clerk’s Report
    • Cllrs approved the following payments:
  • Lengthsman          £40.80
  • Clerk’s salary        £286.16
  • Village Hall            £18.00
    • Cllrs signed cheques and initialled invoices to verify amounts reported.
    • No financial report available as bank statements still not received. Cllrs agreed for Chairman and Clerk to resolve the problems with the bank.
    • Cllrs were updated on Mike Gill’s weekly briefings. Cllrs stated their appreciation for the replenished grit bins.
  • Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

  • Cllr Matthews updated the Cllrs on several issues including the historic area on Huntingdon Lane, potential funding for a cycle way on Kings Acre Road and interest  in a park and ride provision for Hereford.

Police report

6.2          Cllrs were updated on three incidents which were reported in/near Breinton in August. No report available September.

6.3          All Cllrs and members of the public were concerned by the alarming increase and nature of the recent crime statistics and agreed for an urgent request for police representation at the next meeting.


6.4          No report

Village Hall

6.5          There have been no meetings of the committee. Clerk to request confirmation of Parish Council meeting dates for municipal year May 2020-21.

Tree Warden

6.6          At Keith’s request Nicky to draft letter to be sent to Herefordshire Council stating that they should be made aware of any underground utilities’ works on Kings Acre Road which pose a threat to the health of the trees. Nicky to keep the council updated on any developments.

6.7          Chairman thanked Nicky for her excellent article for Herefordshire Tree Forum which will be republished in Teamtalk.

  • Fireworks Party
    • Cllrs all agreed for the Fireworks Party to be held on Friday 8th November at Manor Farm, Breinton courtesy of Richard Wall.
    • Rob North was allocated a budget not exceeding £350 for the purchase of the fireworks
    • Further communications to continue between Lorraine, Jackie and Rob North.
  • Precept 2019/2020
    • Cllrs discussed the calculations and notes for the Precept 2019/2020 and agreed to  consider the figures, await any further information, and to confirm the Precept at either the November or December meeting.
  • Public Consultations Affecting Breinton
    • The Chairman informed the Cllrs and members of the public that the Herefordshire Council Budget Consultation had received the parishes comments (52 parishes in total) at the Parish Council Summit on 20th September.
    • Cllrs were also informed that any Neighbourhood Development Plans older than two years will need to be revised. Chair and other Cllrs will be attending a Herefordshire Council briefing about NDP (and Core Strategy) revisions on 6 November.
  1. Environment & Amenities Working Group
    1. Cllrs agreed the bid for the rural speed limit. The Chairman and clerk signed the letter to be sent to Mairead Lane at Herefordshire Council.
    1. Cllrs acknowledged their appreciation of Tony’s time and effort on the bid.

10.3         Keith and Tony agreed to meet the lengthsman to show him the site for the interpretation board at Breinton Springs.

  1. Lengthsman
    1. Cllrs all agreed to ask for a quote from the lengthsman to install the footpath gates, with a case-hardened sleeves.
  1. Planning
    1. The council had already submitted its response to planning applications 193004/193005: Land and barns at South Barn, Upper Hill Farm, Breinton. This will be posted on the website.
  1. Correspondence
    1. Cllrs to send any comments on planning application 193423 Livestock Centre, Hereford to the Chairman before the 30th October.
  1. Items for next agenda
    1. Precept 2020/21

Signed ……………………………….                                                                    Date  ……………………………..

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting: 13th November 2019