Minutes of Meeting held on 18th October 2017
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Anthony Powers, Jackie Morris, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, Preb Rob North, Tom Davies (internal auditor), 1 member of public, Graeme Adkin (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Liz Morawiecka, John Wade (Footpaths Officer)
2. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
2.1 None.
3. Minutes of meeting 23rd August and matters arising
3.1 Minutes discussed and amendments noted. Clerk to re-draft and circulate for agreement and signature at November meeting.
4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay
4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 29th September 2017.
4.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:-
Lengthsman £81.00
Nepeta £45.00
Clerk salary as agreed by Cllrs
4.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
4.4 Clerk advised Cllrs of the works carried out by the Locality Steward.
4.5 Clerk advised that Grant Thornton had approved the Audit return, and that the Notice of Conclusion is now on the website.
4.6 There has been a clarification on the Code of Conduct, sent by Herefordshire Council. Clerk advised that no further steps were required at this stage, and this can be re-visited when next considering dispensations in March 2018.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
5.1 Bob updated the meeting on various issues.
5.2 Clerk updated meeting on incident at Breinton Springs, and the most recent report from the Safer Neighbourhood team.
Footpaths Officer
5.3 Clerk advised that John Wade has checked the vast majority of footpaths in the parish. No concerns at this stage.
Village Hall
5.5 Lorraine advised that the VH is to be re-decorated and kitchen refurbished.
Tree Warden
5.6 No formal report, but it was noted that a diseased tree in the churchyard is to be removed before it falls and damages the surrounding area..
6. Environment and Amenities Working Group
6.1 Tony advised he was seeking support of local MPs, before contacting Highways.
6.2 Keith to meet with GA to discuss text on interpretation board.
7. Precept
7.1 Draft figures discussed. To be updated and discussed further at November meeting.
8. S106 wishlist
8.1 Slight amendment to phrasing. GA to update and send to Y Coleman.
9. Lengthsman
9.1 Re-siting of notice b0ard on KAR on-going.
9.2 No further works for lengthsman identified at the meeting.
10. Planning
Recent decisions
10.1 Clerk advised the meeting of recent approval of details reserved by condition, on application on: –
172572 – Mission Hall – proposed extension
171609 – land adjacent to Veldifer house – dwelling.
Current planning applications
10.2 No applications received.
11. Public Rights of Way Improvement Plan
11.1 Clerk advised that John Wade has reviewed the Plan and considers no response is necessary at this stage.
11.2 Note to advise Herefordshire Council of any changes to PRoW so that the definitive map can be updated as necessary.
12. Fireworks Party
12.1 Confirmed that this will be held on Friday 3rd November. Refreshments at Community Farm, and fireworks in orchard off Magpie Lane.
12.2 Further clarification to be sought regarding logistics.
13. Correspondence
13.1 GA to circulate email regarding Boundary Commission proposals.
14. Items for next agenda
14.1 To include: – precept; EAWG; Lengthsman; Progress with HAP.
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 15th November 2017