Present: Cllr Tony Geeson (Chair), Cllr Liz Moraweicka (Vice-chair), Cllr Jackie Morris, Cllr Lorraine Lewis, Cllr Tracey Prosser.
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, four members of the public, Emily Godsall (clerk)
22.1 Election of Chair
22.1.1 Councillors RESOLVED to elect Cllr Geeson as Chair for the next 12 months. Councillor Geeson signed the declaration of acceptance of office as elected Chair of the Parish Council
22.2 Apologies for absence
22.2.1 Councillors accepted the apologies for absence received from Cllr Ray.
22.3 Declarations of interest and requests for dispensations
22.3.1 Councillors were reminded to review their register of interests and update the same should there be any changes.
22.3.2 Cllr Moraweicka declared an interest in item 22.5.5 P204242/FH & P204243/L – Warham Court Farm and took no part in the discussion.
22.3.3 Cllr Prosser declared an interest in item 22.5.7 P220810/F Little Haven, Conifer Walk and would not take part in any discussions.
22.4 Election of Officers
22.4.1 Councillors RESOLVED to elect Cllr Tracey Prosser as Vice Chair.
22.4.2 Councillors RESOLVED to elect John Wade to continue as the Footpaths Officer.
22.4.3 Councillors RESOLVED to elect Tom Davies to continue as Internal Auditor subject to confirmation that he was willing to continue. Councillors noted that alternative options for an internal auditor may need to be considered.
22.5 To approve the minutes of the meeting on 16th March 2022 & discuss actions (no decisions)
22.5.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting and Cllr Tony Geeson signed the minutes as Chair.
22.5.2 Councillors noted that the clerk’s annual appraisal took place on 23rd March 2022 between Cllr Liz Moraweicka, Cllr Tracey Prosser and the clerk.
22.6 To receive a report from Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
22.6.1 Cllr Matthews advised that the the Warham Court planning application P204242/FH was still on going.
22.6.2 Eaton View planning application P211951/F was approved today, Wednesday 25th May 2022. Cllr Matthews advised that here were no grounds to take the application committee, because the application had previously been approved and within the Neighbourhood Development Plan settlement boundary. The application was approved without conditions regarding the drainage, despite Cllr Matthews and the Parish Council’s recommendations.
22.6.3 Cllr Matthews has visited the site for planning application at Conifer Walk P220810/F a couple of times. There are concerns regarding the density and access. Cllr Matthews will request the application to be referred to Planning Committee should the case officer be looking to approve the application.
22.7 To consider comments on current planning applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council:
22.7.1 P204242/FH & P204243/L – Warham Court Farm
Councillors were concerned that there were still negotiations between the case officer, highways and the applicant when the proposed development is completely unacceptable. Further concerns were raised over the length of time certain application and taking to reach a decision and the financial cost to tax payers.
22.7.2 P221236/XA2 Breinton Court, Breinton, HR4 7PG – Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 & 4 attached to planning permission 220100. Herefordshire Council are not accepting comments on this application.
22.8 To receive an update on recent planning application decisions
22.8.1 The meeting was updated with the following recent decision:
P220100/FH Breinton Court – Proposed single storey extension to rear, with demolition of covered veranda.(For DOC 3 & 4 see 221236) – Approved with conditions
P214632/FH 17 Kings Acre Road – Proposed demolition of existing garage and erection of one and a half storey extension- Approved with conditions
P214052/17 317 Kings Acre Road – The works include the replacement of a single storey rear extension with a single storey rear and side extension – Approved
22.8.2 Councillors noted the objection to planning application P220810/F Little Haven, Conifer Walk submitted under the clerk’s delegated powers.
22.8.3 No responses were submitted to the below planning applications by the Parish Council under the clerk’s delegated powers as no majority decisions were made:
P220276/FH Heron Hill, Breinton, HR4 7PP – Proposed replacement garage
P220925/F Heron Hill, Breinton, HR4 7PP – Proposed change of use of land from paddock to residential, and replacement of existing cabin with a gym (ancillary accommodation
P220951/FH Hillgarth, Breinton, HR4 7PQ – Proposed extension
22.9 To review the S106 Wish List
22.9.1 Councillors reviewed the S106 Wish List and RESOLVED not to add any further requests to the list.
22.10 To consider a response to to the Local Plan Policy Options consultation
22.10.1 Councillors discussed the the Local Plan 2021-2041 Policy Options consultation which is closing on 16 May 2022.
Councillors noted that the online consultation was not very accessible and included very large documents that are difficult to read and download, which does not encourage people to respond.
22.10.2 Councillors RESOLVED to delegate a response to the clerk and approved for Cllr Tony Geeson to draft a response for further approval before submitting to Herefordshire Council.
Action: Clerk to request an extension to the current deadline of 13 May 2022.
22.11 Finance
22.11.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:
Breinton Village Hall | £18.00 |
BHIB Insurance | £199.93 |
Clerk’s salary plus back pay to April 2021 in line with NJC salary award | £1057.90 |
Payments made under clerk’s delegated powers: | |
Lengthsman | £96.00 |
22.11.2 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation and reviewed the cash book extract from 17 February to 17 April 2022.
CASH BOOK 17th February 2022 – 17th April 2022
Date | Description | Total | Date | Description | Total |
17.02.2022 | bal b/f | £29,988.40 | 11.03.2022 | Ionos 1 &1 | £ 4.19 |
28.02.2022 | Interest | £ 0.24 | 16.03.2022 | Village Hall | £ 18.00 |
10.03.2022 | VAT Return | £430.72 | 16.03.2022 | HALC/NALC Subscription | £ 702.35 |
31.03.2022 | Interest | £0.25 | 16.03.2022 | Breinton Village signs (Herefordshire Council) | £ 694.80 |
16.03.2022 | Nepeta Consulting Ltd | £ 200.00 | |||
16.03.2022 | Clerk Salary | £ 300.00 | |||
16.03.2022 | HMRC PAYE | £ 225.00 | |||
08.04.2022 | Ionos 1 & 1 | £ 4.19 | |||
17.04.2022 | bal c/f | £ 28,271.08 | |||
17.04.2022 | Total | £30,419.61 | 17.04.2022 | Total | £30,419.61 |
Balance as per Cash Book | £ 28,271.08 |
Less Unpresented Cheques | |
John Finch Computers | £ 75.00 |
Balance as per Bank Statements | £ 28,346.08 |
22.12 To consider a grant request for the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations within Breinton
22.12.1 A request was received for a donation towards parish celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. A group of local residents are seeking £200 towards bunting, champagne, ingredients for jubilee cakes, crafts, tableware and a tree to mark the occasion.
22.12.2 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the grant request and make a £200 donation towards the Jubilee celebrations. The Parish Council are happy to contribute towards the the event, which will bring the village together.
22.12.3 Councillors RESOLVED that payment will be made to the village hall on the provision on satisfactory invoices.
22.12.4 The village hall committee have agreed to match the contribution made by the Parish Council.
22.13 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) to consider:
22.13 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the the Internal Audit Report.
22.13.1 The Internal Audit Report was completed by Tom Davies and no issues were raised with the accounts for financial year 2021 – 2022.
22.13.2 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the Governance statements which were signed by the chair and clerk.
22.13.3 The Governance Statements were read out and councillors confirmed, to the best of our knowledge and belief, that in respect to the Accounting Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022, their agreement with each statement.
22.13.4 Councillors RESOLVED to approve Accounting Statements, which were signed by chair and clerk.
22.13.5 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the submission of an Exemption Certificate, which was signed by the Chair and clerk.
Breinton Parish Council’s gross income and gross expenditure did not exceed £25,000 in the year of account ended 31 March 2022, and is eligible to certify itself as exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.
22.13.6 Councillors RESOLVED to set the Dates for the Exercise of Public Rights dates from 20th June 2022 to 29th July 2022.
22.14 To review Parish Council documents
22.14.1 Councillors reviewed the Standing Orders and RESOLVED no amendments were required.
22.14.2 Councillors reviewed the Financial Regulations RESOLVED no amendments were required.
22.14.3 Councillors reviewed the Code of Conduct and RESOLVED to not make any amendments at the current meeting. HALC and NALC have advised Parish Councils to adopt the new model Code of Conduct. Councillors have been informed that Herefordshire Council are considering the new Code of Conduct and the Parish Council would do the same once it was known what the county council had adopted.
22.14.4 Councillors reviewed the Risk Assessment and RESOLVED that all current risk had been identified and no amendments were required.
22.14.5 Councillors reviewed the Asset Register which includes amended values to reflect depreciation. The noticeboards have been added to the register at the cost value.
22.15 To review the clerk’s delegated powers
22.15.1 Councillors RESOLVED to for the clerk to continue delegation of the following powers:
i) Delegated powers to make payments within budget and subject to the Financial Regulations between meetings when necessary
ii) Delegated powers to submit comments as agreed by councillors on planning applications between meetings when necessary
iii) Delegated powers to progress parish council business between meetings as necessary.
22.16 To receive a report on the Village Hall
22.16.1 The committee have recruited new members and now have representatives from both the parish council and the church.
22.16.2 Regular groups are now using the hall. Interest has been received as a venue for weddings and wakes, but the hall is still continuing to make an annual loss. The first coffee morning was a success being well attended and a donation was made to the Ukraine appeal.
22.16.3 A Breinton resident is organising ‘An Evening with Sue Holderness’ on 25 May 2022 at the Hereford Cathedral with all proceeds going to Médecins san Frontières to support people of Ukraine.
22.17 To receive an update on the recent crime within Breinton
22.17.1 In February a vehicle crime and burglary were reported on Broomy Hill east of Warham Court Farm. One burglary was reported on Green Lane. Two violence/sexual offence crimes were reported on Conifer Walk.
22.17.2 No report available on the West Merica police website for March or April yet.
22.17.3 The SNT have been raising awareness on the occurence of impersonation, holiday and remote access tool scams as well as charity donation and payment diversion fraud.
22.18 To receive an update from Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) on recent works carried out within the parish
Week ending 18th March 2022 | C1189 – cway pothole repair raised C1189 – hway signage de vegged to make clear Kings Acre Road – blocked gullies raised for cleansing Kings Acre Road – cway patching work raised |
Week ending 1st April 2022 | Kings Acre Road – fway patching job raised Prow BT 9 Drovers Wood – fallen tree vegetation blocking path cut back and removed Breinton BT9 bridle way – vegetation blocking route cut back and removed Warham Lane – cway pothole repairs |
Week ending 8th April 2022 | Kings Acre Road – fallen tree branch removed Green Lane – cway pothole repairs |
Week ending 15th April 2022 | Kings Acre Road – blocked gullies cleansed Hereford c/u monthly safety inspection completed with colleague |
Week ending 29th April 2022 | Kings Acre Road – cway patching completed Kings Acre Road – fway patching completed |
Week ending 7th May 2022 | C1190 – cway pothole repairs Completed Hereford monthly B road safety inspection with colleague |
22.19 To receive a report from the Footpaths Officer and consider necessary actions
22.19.1 The footpaths officer passed on his apologies for not being able to attend the meeting. No updates this month.
22.20 To discuss current works for the lengthsman and consider further necessary works
22.20.1 Councillors discussed the drainage report the lengthsman provided following the investigations into the drainage problems into the C1189.
The National Trust manager has advised, due to a shortage in staff, that National Trust may be prepared for the Parish Council to carry out work on their behalf and reimburse the costs incurred.
Cllr Moraweicka raised the flooding problems which occur opposite the property Pigeon Barn.
Councillor RESOLVED to arrange a meeting between Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty Locality Steward) and the lengthsman with Cllr Tony Geeson as a representative of the Parish Council, to discuss the the drainage works required.
22.20.2 Councillors noted that the drainage grant submitted to Herefordshire Council was successful with the provision of funding for £4339.00 to contribute towards the desired works in the application.
Balfour Beatty advised the works to clear the pond North of Church House has been reviewed by their Drainage Team. They advised that we will need to ascertain ownership of the pond and whether Environment Agency permissions are required prior to carrying out the work. Balfour Beatty required confirmation to them of the correspondence prior to works being undertaken on the pond if the Parish Council wish to prioritise these works.
The contract for the drainage grant with Herefordshire Council was signed by the Chair and the clerk under the delegated powers. Balfour Beatty will confirm that the parish council can proceed to carry out works when the signed contract has been received.
There is no deadline for the works to be carried out/payment to be claimed stated in the contract . The agreement continues ‘until funding is utilised/or until either party gives notice under the Agreement to terminate it’.
22.21 To approve the Lengthsman Scheme Contract with Herefordshire Council
22.21.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the Lengthsman and Parish Paths Partnership Scheme contract with Herefordshire Council, which was signed by the Chair and clerk.
22.22 To receive an update on the Tree Planting Plant and consider the next actions
22.22.1 The clerk has been unable to contact the Church Commissioners land agent, Matthew Scott at Strutt & Parker. The Ludlow office have advised that Matthew Scott is still with Strutt & Parker and the agent responsible for the land within Breinton, however there has been no response from Matthew Scott to further emails and has not been reachable over the phone. Cllr Geeson advised that the agent has been out to Breinton recently.
Action: Clerk to send letter to Matthew Scott at Strutt & Parker to advise that numerous attempts to correspond regarding the land in Breinton and if the agent is not prepared to respond then this will be taken up with the Church Commissioners directly.
22.23 To consider Breinton Heritage projects
22.23.1 Cllr Keith Ray has obtained one quote for a geophysical survey across a pastoral field to the east of Breinton Trig point, Hereford.
22.23.2 The 2019 – 2020 budet included £600 for a housing needs survey; £500 for a further archaeological dig; £250 for by-pass survey which has not yet been spent.
22.23.3 In 2017 £300 was received as a Wyecliffe Survey donation and £300 as a Herefordshire Council survey donation. £600 was spent on a Wyecliffe survey with Tigergeo.
22.22.4 The parish council are required to obtain 3 quotes for consideration before a decision can be agreed.
Action: Cllr Ray to obtain a further two quotes for the parish council to consider before a decision had be made regarding a survey.
22.24 To discuss correspondence received since the meeting on 16th March 2022
22.24.1 Councillors have reviewed all the correspondence received and no questions were raised.
22.25 To receive requests for items on next agenda
22.25.1 Breinton’s Heritage; Code of Conduct; Climate change action plan; Community Land Trust and Breinton Charities; Grant Awarding Policy
The meeting was declared closed at 21:00.
The next meeting of Breinton Parish Council will be held on 15th June 2022