Minutes of Meeting
held on 23 March 2016
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Liz Morawiecka, Keith Ray, Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis
In attendance: Tom Davies (internal auditor), Graeme Adkin (Clerk), 6 members of public
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Jackie Morris. Ward Cllr Bob Matthews.
2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book. No declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of meeting 24th February and matters arising
3.1 Minutes agreed and signed.
3.2 Item 10 – Clerk confirmed that Dormington and Mordiford Parish Council had expressed an interest in attending a meeting of outlying parishes.
3.3 Clerk to confirm if referendum polling cards to be issued.
4. Review of current dispensations
4.1 The Councillors agreed the following dispensations: –
a) “Discussion of the Precept is a pecuniary interest for all Breinton Parish Councillors. Councillors of Breinton Parish Council hereby grant all Breinton Parish Councillors a dispensation to discuss and vote on issues relating to the Precept until 31 March 2017. The reason for granting the dispensation is that it is appropriate to grant the dispensation.”
b) “Discussion of the Local Development Framework is a pecuniary interest for all Breinton Parish Councillors. Councillors of Breinton Parish Council hereby grant all Breinton Parish Councillors a dispensation to discuss and vote on issues relating to the LDF until 31 March 2017. The reason for granting the dispensation is that it is appropriate to grant the dispensation.”
c) “Discussion of the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a pecuniary interest for all Breinton Parish Councillors. Councillors of Breinton Parish Council hereby grant all Breinton Parish Councillors a dispensation to discuss and vote on the NDP until 31 March 2017. The reason for granting the dispensation is that it is appropriate to grant the dispensation.”
5. Clerk’s report
5.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 29th February.
5.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
Kirkwells (NDP consultants) £2,016.00
Hfds Council (uncontested elections May 2015) £41.00
Clerk salary (1st – 31st March) as agreed by Cllrs
Mark Millmore (website back-up) £50.00
Lengthsman £738.96
Clerk- reimbursed exps
– Astutium (web host) £103.14
– Motor, post, stationery, phone etc £688.00 £791.14
HMRC (PAYE, Jan – March 2016) £264.20
5.3 Lorraine and Liz signed the cheques. Tony checked/initialled the invoices.
5.4 Clerk updated Cllrs on several issues.
5.5 Clerk advised the meeting of works completed by Balfour Beatty and Mike Gill.
5.6 Cllrs considered the letter from Peterchurch Parish Council. Clerk to contact their Clerk to establish what they hope to achieve with this.
5.7 Community Infrastructure Levy – Liz to draft a response and circulate to others.
6. Other Reports
Ward Cllr
6.1 No report.
Footpaths Officer
6.2 Clerk advised on Unrecorded Ways Project.
6.3 Works identified and Clerk to take further.
Police report
6.4 No mention of Breinton in March Police report
Village Hall
6.5 Lorraine provided an update on the VHMC.
7. Neighbourhood Plan
7.1 Tony updated Councillors on progress to re-submission. There are 3 and half weeks until the end of the Reg 16 consultation. Cllrs urged members of the public to submit positive reasons in support of the NDP.
7.2 Cllrs to arrange further meetings for residents in Lower Breinton and Breinton Common.
7.3 Granting funding for the final stages of the NDP will be sought.
7.4 Cllrs resolved: – “The Parish Council authorises the Steering group to continue progress with the NDP and to report back at the next meeting”.
8. Lengthsman
8.1 Further works for the lengthsman agreed.
9. Planning
Planning decisions
9.1 Clerk advised that Planning permission had been granted for the following properties: – 6 Four Acres, 279 Kings Acre Rd, Ferrybank.
9.2 The Appeal against the decision on the application to build 73 dwellings on land at Kings Acre Halt had been postponed. A new date will be identified in due course.
Current applications
9.3 Galen – proposed new dwelling and garage (outline). Several points raised by members of the public and the Cllrs. Cllrs agreed to oppose the application. Clerk to draft letter.
9.4 Heathfield – no objections.
9.5 183 KAR – no comment. Considered to be non-contentious. Neighbour letters to be issued. No further discussion unless neighbours raise concerns.
Banbh Farm
9.6 Cllrs agreed to hold a meeting to hear the concerns of the public, on 26th April.
9.7 Cllrs asked clerk to start the process to register the property as a Community Asset.
Three Elms Housing Development
9.8 Cllrs agreed to support the establishment of a Community Land Trust. It will be seeking seed-corn funding.
10. Website
10.1 Cllrs agreed to take up the offer from John Finch to support the laptop for £75 annually.
10.2 Clerk to forward details of support offered by Nepeta, to Cllrs.
11. Statement of Community Involvement
11.1 Cllrs agreed not to respond to this Statement.
12. Risk Assessments
12.1 Cllrs confirmed that no changes are required to the Risk Assessment.
12.2 Cllrs agreed that the bank statement balances should be checked at each Parish Council meeting.
13. Register of Councillor Interests
13.1 Cllrs to confirm their register of interests are correct, or submit revised document.
14. Meeting dates 2016/17
14.1 Cllrs are not able to move to Tuesday mtgs at the VH as Hereford City Council mtgs and Planning mtgs are held on Tuesdays, so this would preclude some Cllrs from attending.
14.2 Concern expressed that BPC have had a long standing arrangement with the VH, and require only 9 Wednesdays as opposed to 43 for the Judo Club.
14.3 Clerk to approach booking secretary.
15. Correspondence
15.1 No points arising.
16. Items for next agenda
16.1 Planning Working group
Meeting closed at 9.20pm
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of Annual meeting – 18 May 2016