Councillors present: Cllr Tony Geeson (elected Chair), Cllrs Lorraine Lewis, Cllr Jackie Morris, Cllr Tracey Prosser

In attendance: Ward Cllr Matthews, six members of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)

1. Election of new chair

1.1 Cllr Liz Morawiecka stepped down as the Chair on 11th January 2022, but will be remaining as a councillor on the parish council. Councillors RESOLVED to accept the resignation of Cllr Liz Moraweicka as chair and to continue as a councillor.

1.2 Cllr Lorraine Lewis nominated Cllr Tony Geeson to become the new chair.

1.3 Councillors unanimously RESOLVED to elect Cllr Tony Geeson as Chair. Cllr Liz Moraweicka was elected as Vice Chair.

2. Apologies for absence

2.1    Apologies were received from Cllr Keith Ray, Cllr Liz Morawiecka and Footpaths officer John Wade who were both unable to attend the meeting,

3. To receive declarations of interest and consider requests for dispensations

3.1    Cllr Tony Geeson declared a personal interest in item 8 to consider the draft Memoradum of Agreement with Breinton Charities and Hereford Community Land Trust as a member of the Hereford Community Land Trust and item 9.1 to consider a donation to Teamtalk magazine. Cllr Geeson did not take part in discussion or the vote on either item.

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting on 16th December 2021 & discuss actions points (no decisions)

4.1    Councillors RESOLVED the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting on 16th December 2021 and were signed by the Chair Cllr Geeson.

5. Public Open session – to receive comments from the public on parish matters (no decisions)

5.1 A resident raised the planning application P213951/O at Eaton View, Breinton Common. The determination date was 15th December, but a decision notice had not yet been issued.

5.2 Ward Cllr Matthews advised that the application was still under decision and will update when a decision is made.

6. To receive a report from Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

6.1 Cllr Matthews advised that the planning application P211939/FH at The Pavillion, was almost certainly to be recommened for approval

6.2 The application at P210542/F Upper Hill farm is  still be considered, but the planning officer seems to be happy with the application.

6.3 The consultation period for Warham Court Farm P/204242/FH Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent ends on 20th January. Ward Cllr Matthews had advised the planning officer that if the application is to be recommened for aprroval he has put put in a request for determination at Planning Committee.

6.4 The case officer for Middle Barn P214377/FH is awaiting the Parish Councils comments before making a decision.

6.5 Cllr Matthews contacted Balfour Beatty regarding the flooding issues throughout Breinton including near Warham Farm. Balfour Beatty acknowleged that there is work required including the collapsed culvert on C1189. The new legislation provides the county council with the power to speak to landowners, enforce action or carry out the work and bill the landowner for the work. Cllr Matthews advised Balfour Beatty that he is in support of the power to take any necessary action.

6.6 The Three Elms development P/162921/F will be on a reduced scale compared to the original proposal, because the bypass is not going ahead. The volume of traffic produced by the original application would have created to much pressure on the existing roads. Cllr Matthews will try to obtain the figures from the surveys carried out in connection with this application as Breinton residents are concerned with speeding issues.

6.7 A council tax rise is preposed towards an increase in the funds required for adult services needs.

7. Planning

7. To receive an update on planning application recent decisions

7.1.1 No updates received

7.2 To consider comments on current applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council:

7.2.1 P/204242/FH Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm Demolition of existing barns within the grounds of a Listed Building. Proposed new farm shop and cafe and office accommodation buildings with associated car parking area – Amended plans.

Councillors RESOLVED to make a further objection to the application upholding the concerns of the original objection which included the doubts over economic benefit and environmental sustainability, the increase in traffic and impacts on the highways, and concerns over the future of the community farm and inconsistencies within various documents.

7.2.2 P/211939/FH The Pavilion Hill Road Breinton – Proposed of use and extension of former tennis pavilion to form a single dwelling.

Councillors RESOLVED to not make a further comments on the application at this time.

7.2.3 P214377/FH Middle Barn, Pigeon House Farm Breinton – Variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission. (S120698/FH) – Construction of covered parking (car barn) – to amend the internal layout including the addition of a first floor and amendments to the external appearance and installation of two rooflights. (Retrospective) – Consultation end date 16th January – Approved extension until as soon as possible after the meeting.

Cllrs RESOLVED to support the application with the recommendation for a condition to ensure the building can never become a separate dwelling nor under separate ownership. The original application was signed off by the planning officers and it is interests of all involved for this matter to be resolved.

8. To consider the draft Memoradum of Agreement with Breinton Charities and Hereford Community Land Trust

8.1 A draft Memoradum of Understanding and Housing Needs Survey between Breinton Charities and the Hereford Community Land Trust (HCLT)  has been drawn up by Andrew Johnson (HCLT) regarding Breinton Charities land on Green Lane, Breinton which was circulated in advance of the meeting to councillors.

8.2 Councillors RESOLVED any approval of the Memorandum of Agreement was subject to permission from the Charity Commissioners.

8.3 A draft Housing Needs Survey for Breinton was drawn up by Breinton Charities and HCLT who advised that Herefordshire Council do not have the capacity at the the moment, but a individual has been identified who is able to complete the survey.

8.4 Councillors RESOLVED that a Housing Needs Survey would be beneficial to the parish. Funds were included in a previous precept for a Housing Needs Survey and it could collaborated together with the NDP update.

9. Finance

9.1    Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:

– Breinton Village Hall £18.00

– Donation to Teamtalk magazine £1000.00 (Cllr Geeson took no part in the decision or the vote)

– Clerk’s salary as agreed by Cllrs

9.2 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the transactions made since the previous previous report, the bank balance and bank reconciliation.

Current account balance:                   £33,105.57

Reserve bank account balance:              £500.00

10. To consider a domain for the website

10.1 Councillors RESOLVED to change to a government domain for the website for security purposes and for Nepeta to assist with the change over, which is estimated at 2 to 3 hours work at £50 per hour.

Action: Clerk to make application for government domain.

11. To receive a report on the Village Hall

11.1 Cllr Lorraine Lewis advised that there is a meeting of the village hall committee next week and one new member has been recruited.

12. To receive an update on the recent crime within Breinton

12.1 In December 2021 a criminal damage/arson was reported near Breinton Common, violence/sexual offence on Conifer Walk, a burglary and a violence/sexual offences on A438 near Swainshill.

12.2 No report available for December

12.3 Updates are available at

13. To receive an update from Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) on recent works carried out

13.1 The clerk updated the meeting on the recent works carried out within the parish.

Weekending 16th December 2021

– Completed the Hereford monthly c/u safety inspection with colleague

– Completed Hereford A road monthly safety inspection with colleague

Weekending 6th January 2022

–  C1189 – Breinton location signage raised for repair

–  C1189 – cway pothole raised for repair

14. To receive a report from the footpaths officer and consider neccessary actions

14.1  The clerk advised that the footpaths officer has advised that all the footpaths are currently in good condition for the time of year.

14.2 Due to personal circumstances the reports for the next month will be limited, but councillors were happy to wait and not appoint a new officer in the meantime.

15. To discuss current works for the lengthsman and consider further necessary works

15.1 Cllr Tony Geeson reported on the meeting he had with the lengthsman on Saturday 14th January 2022 to collect the two new noticeboards. The councillors were in admiration of the craftsmanship which had gone into producing the quality of the noticeboards. The lengthsman shall produce a quote to install the boards now he is aware of the fittings and posts required.

15.2 The lengthsman also discussed the drainage works which included in the annual works order, which the parish council sent. A stat plan is required for the ditch location on C1189 near the junction with BT6 as the lengthsman had located a cable which has been laid by Gigaclear. The proposed ditch will be need to be smaller and narrower than originally expected, so will require more work.

Action: Clerk to ask Balfour Beatty for a Stat plan for the location on C1189 which is required for the lengthsman to carry out these works for flood prevention.

16. To receive an update on the Tree Planting Plan and consider the next actions

16.1 Councillors RESOLVED to answer the questions raised by a landowner regarding a potential location for planting trees as follows:

1) The trees would be planted along the new fence if the landowner is happy with this

2) The species planted would include hazel, rowan, hawthorn, common oak, silver birch, wild cherry, elder, dogwood and holly

3) The number of trees would depend on whether the landowner would like a hedge or indivual trees. Both would be subject to the distance of the fence line in question and the spacing requirements for each tree.

4) The parish council would be responsible for the maintenance of the trees.

17. To discuss correspondence received (no decisions)

17.1 No questions were rasied on the correspondence received since the previous meeting

18. To receive requests for Items on Next Agenda

18.1 Herefordshire Local Plan Spatial Options consultation, HALC subscription, Code of conduct

The next meeting of Breinton Parish Council will be held on 16th February 2022