Minutes of Meeting
held on 19 August 2015
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Jackie Morris, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray, Liz Morawiecka
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, John Wade (footpaths officer), Tom Davies (internal auditor), Graeme Adkin (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
1.1. Anthony Powers
2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 Councillors signed the book. No declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of meeting 8 July and matters arising
3.1 Minutes agreed and signed.
3.2 Tony advised that the Three Counties Orchard Project will commence training at the Community Farm in the near future.
4. Clerk’s report
4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 30th June.
4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
Grant Thornton (audit – £100 + £20 VAT) £120.00
Reimbursed exps (gifts to internal auditor and footpaths officer) £24.99
Clerk salary (August) £*****
4.3 Clerk updated Cllrs of various matters.
4.4 Agreed that Clerk to write to National Trust regarding issues at Breinton Springs.
4.5 After discussion, Cllrs decided not to have a further meeting towards end of September.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr
5.1 Bob advised of the proposal of HC to impose street-parking charges in the city. Parish Cllrs all opposed to the proposal.
5.2 Access to water hydrants has been improved in the Parish, and ditching around Green Lane has also been improved.
5.3 Bob commented on several planning issues, and supported Parish Cllrs action to make sure we are notified of any application on the boundary with neighbouring parishes, or if they are likely to impact on Breinton Parish.
Police report
5.4 GA updated the Cllrs on recent matters. Advise National Trust manager of incidents at Breinton Springs.
Footpaths Officer
5.5 John advised the Cllrs of recent works along the bridleway on Green Lane, which should improve the drainage.
5.6 Lengthsman will be asked to install finger post.
5.7 Discussion of proposed change to route of PRoW along Wyevale Way. Cllrs have no objections, as long as Wyevale confirm they are content for the change to be made permanently, and that Herefordshire Council ensure that the definitive map is updated to reflect the change.
Village Hall
5.8 Lorraine advised that the VHMC are seeking a new Treasurer, as the current one will be moving away from the area.
5.9 Next VHMC mtg will be held on 9th September.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
6.1 Tony gave a report on the current situation. The NDP was submitted to HC on 24th July, and the consultation period will end on 15th September.
6.2 If all goes well, it is hoped the referendum will take place in February 2016 and with the NDP becoming law in April.
7. Local Development Plan – Core Strategy
7.1 Liz and Bob updated Cllrs regarding the current situation with the LDF.
8. Community Led Plan
8.1 GA summarised the progress on the Community Led Plan to date. Work on the NDP had prevented further work being carried out, but a surprising amount had been achieved since adoption in February 2014.
8.2 Cllrs agreed that the next steps would include: – updating the CLP work plan, better use of the website to publicise work carried out by the BPC, and an article in Teamtalk requesting donation of ground for a playground or sports field.
9. Fireworks Party
9.1 Cllrs agreed the best date would be Friday 6th November. GA to contact Rob North.
10. Herefordshire Council – Corporate Governance Review
10.1 Cllrs discussed the possibility of Herefordshire Council carrying out a CGR in 2016/17.
10.2 GA to draft response to circulate to Cllrs before responding to HC. Cllrs do not want any changes to the Parish Boundaries or the number of Cllrs, especially as more work is being delegated down to PC level.
11. Lengthsman
11.1 Some works have been identified by the footpaths officer – see above.
11.2 Lorraine will contact a resident to trim a tree overhanging the lane to Breinton Common. GA to do the same elsewhere in the Parish.
11.3 GA to contact landowners/tenants/managers to ensure ditches are cleared before the winter rains arrive. Also to request BB clear culverts, drain covers etc.
12. Planning
12.1 GA advised that the application for a hot tub at Middle Barn had been approved, with conditions.
13. Correspondence
13.1 No further discussion points.
14. Items for next agenda
14.1 Precept
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 14 October 2015