Minutes of Meeting
held on 16th November 2016

Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Anthony Powers, Jackie Morris, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis.

In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, John Wade (Footpaths Officer), Preb Rob North. 3 other members of public, Graeme Adkin (Clerk).

1. Apologies for absence

1.1 Keith Ray

2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations

2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book.

2.2 Tony advised that as a member of the Church congregation, he would not participate in the discussion of the vote on the donations to St Michael’s Church.

3. Minutes of meeting 12th October and matters arising

3.1 Minutes were agreed and signed.

3.2 No maters arising.

4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay

4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 30th September.

4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
PIP Printing £248.96
NDP stationery (reimburse TG) £47.10
Lengthsman £829.80
Village Hall £40.50
Clerk salary – (November) as agreed by Parish Cllrs
Clerk reimbursed exps –
Fireworks £240.00
Heggies (sausages) £20.00
Sainsburys (vege burgers & TY wines) £23.50
Bookers (burgers, rolls etc) £42.39
Sainsburys (additional cider) £8.60
Ream paper £2.50
Print cartridges £35.98 £372.97

4.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.

4.4 Clerk reported on works undertaken by the Locality Steward and Balfour Beatty.

5. Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

5.1 Cllr Matthews reported on the concerns of planning officers regarding the Three Elms development, specifically regarding the removal of trees, highways issues and 3-storey houses along KAR.

5.2 HC proposal to borrow £10m. They have provided a 10-year lease to the football club for the pitch.

5.3 Public transport – HC are reviewing costs of the service.


5.4 Clerk advised the Cllrs that Breinton was not mentioned in the November police report.

5.5 Also reported recent theft of footpath gate.

Footpaths Officer

5.6 John had nothing further to report.
Village Hall

5.7 Lorraine advised that at their recent meeting, the VHMC offered congratulations to the BPC for the excellent work carried out with the NDP.

5.8 The VH annual meeting will take place in December and they are looking for additional members to help out. They would like to arrange community events in the Hall and would welcome ideas.

5.9 VH committee requested the BPC provide a Christmas tree for the Church. Jackie to pursue this matter.

Tree Warden

5.5 Clerk summarised Nicky Geeson’s latest report, which concentrated largely on the potential loss of trees and hedgerow as a result for the Three Elms and Taylor Wimpey developments along KAR.

6. Neighbourhood Plan

6.1 TG reported that Breinton’s referendum was (currently) showing the highest percentage of residents voting in favour of their NDP in Herefordshire.

6.2 There was discussion regarding the next steps following the acceptance of the NDP. No decisions as yet, but Clerk to pursue earlier HALCRO report on “quiet lanes”.

6.3 Lorraine gave heartfelt thanks to Tony and Nicky Geeson for the tremendous efforts in initiating and progressing the NDP over the last 3 years and to see it through to a successful completion. All agreed and a round of applause followed.

7. Precept

7.1 GA summarised the changes in the draft figures for 2017/18, following the adjustments at the previous meeting.

7.2 In view of the increased costs for the recent fireworks, Cllrs agreed to adjust the figures for a further £50 for the 2017/18 precept.

7.3 The initial draft precept figures have therefore been adjusted to take account of increased expenditure on lengthsman, P3, display boards and fireworks.

7.4 Clerk to revise figures and circulate prior to December mtg for final agreement.

8. Motorists speeding along Kings Acre Road

8.1 Residents of Fayre Oaks Caravan Park (not in Breinton) are seeking a Community Speed Watch scheme. They have approached Hereford City Council to take necessary steps to initiate this process.

8.2 Parish Cllrs agreed to support working with Hereford City Council in this matter, but would not proceed alone.

9. Fireworks

9.1 The event was a great success. No food waste, so food purchases were better than last year.

9.2 As yet, not sure if BBQ is damaged. Lorraine to check.

9.3 Vote of thanks for Rob’s efforts in the run-up and with the fireworks.

10. Lengthsman

10.1 No work for the lengthsman this month.

10.2 Clerk to advise Woodlands Trust regarding damaged interpretation board.

11. Planning

Recent decision

11.1 Clerk advised that permission granted for application 163120 – Fox Down – variation of previous permission – amendment to extension and inclusion of balcony.

Applications considered previously by Breinton Parish Cllrs (no decision as yet)

11.2 161280 – Warham Court Farm – retrospective and change of use. Cllrs agreed to support this application but with conditions.

Applications considered by Cllrs, (including discussion with public)

11.3 163446 – land adjacent to Hala Carr, Breinton Lane – (application for approval of reserved maters for 5 houses, following outline approval (152388).

Cllrs listened to comments from the public before discussing further the application. Agreed to raise specific concerns about the application, with the Planning Officer.

11.4 163345 – land west of Huntington Lane (Construction of up to 80 residential units and a locally equipped area of play, and a foul-water pumping station.

Several concerns raised, including ground water protection zone, and development within corridor for WRR.

Clerk to draft objection.

11.5 Clerk to contact Planning officers to see if policy on contacting other agencies has changed.

12. Correspondence

12.1 No points arising, but Clerk to forward to Cllrs recent emails received.

13. Items for next agenda

13.1 Precept. Fireworks. Lengthsman.

Meeting closed at 21.15hrs

Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair

Date of next meeting – 16th November 2016