Councillors present: Cllr Tony Geeson (elected Chair), Cllr Liz Morawiecka, Cllrs Lorraine Lewis, Cllr Jackie Morris, Cllr Tracey Prosser, Cllr Keith Ray.
In attendance: Ward Cllr Matthews, one member of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)
Councillors present: Cllr Tony Geeson (elected Chair), Cllr Liz Morawiecka, Cllrs Lorraine Lewis, Cllr Jackie Morris, Cllr Tracey Prosser, Cllr Keith Ray.
In attendance: Ward Cllr Matthews, one member of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 The Footpaths Officer, John Wade, passed on his apologies for not being able to attend the meeting.
2. To receive declarations of interest and consider requests for dispensations
2.1 Cllr Liz Morawiecka declared an interest in item 7.1 planning application P/204242/FH Warham Court Farm and did not take part in an discussion.
3. To approve the minutes of the meeting on 16th February 2022 & discuss actions points (no decisions)
3.1 Councillors RESOLVED the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting on 19th January 2022 and were signed by the Chair Cllr Geeson.
3.2 The clerk advised that the two current domains (.uk and co.uk) can be transferred to the the same regisitrar who will be used for the gov.uk domain, which was approved at the Janaury meeting
4. Public Open session – to receive comments from the public on parish matters (no decisions)
4.1 A resident asked about the approximate timescale for the new village signs. The council advised that the symbols which had been chosen for the signs had now been approved by Herefordshire Council who had resent the quote, which remained the same as the quote originally received on 10th June 2021. This quote had again been approved by the parish council who have instructed Balfour Beatty to proceed. An invoice shall be raised Herefordshire Council and once payment is made for the signs then the order shall be processed and the work scheduled.
5. To receive a report from Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
5.1 Cllr Matthews has asked about the traffic survey which was reported to have taken place, but there is not anyone who is aware of this survey having taken place. This seems very strange as permission would have been required to carry out such a survey, but no one seems to have any knowledge about it.
5.2 The phosphate levels within the Herefordshire watercourses are being discussed between ministers and positive actions are being progressed, including communications with Welsh authorities. Alternatives for chicken manures for chicken manure are being considered, such as heating, substantial funds are going to towards landowners outting aside land and protection of land near adjacent to water sources.
5.3 The planning application at Middle Barn, Breinton P214377/FH has been approved.
5.4 Warham Court Farm P/204242/FH Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent is now the top priority and a decision expected within the next 10 to 14 days.
5.5 A council tax is set to rise by 2.9%
6. To receive an update on planning application recent decisions
6.1 P/211939/FH The Pavilion Hill Road Breinton – Proposed of use and extension of former tennis pavilion to form a single dwelling – refused
7. To consider comments on current applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council:
7.1 P/204242/FH Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm Demolition of existing barns within the grounds of a Listed Building. Proposed new farm shop and cafe and office accommodation buildings with associated car parking area – Amended plans.
Councillors RESOLVED to not make any further responses at this time
7.2 P200100/FH – Breinton Court, Breinton HR7 4PG – Proposed single storey extension to rear, with demolition of covered verandah – extension granted by case officer to respond by 17th February 2022.
Councillors RESOLVED not to make any comments on this planning application.
8. Finance
8.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:
– Breinton Village Hall £18.00
– Clerk’s expenses £267.09
Clerk’s salary as agreed by Cllrs
8.2 The 123 reg direct debit for the breintonparishcouncil.gov.uk domain was noted.
8.3 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the direct debits from the parish council bank account:
- Ionos 1 & 1 email £4.19 monthly
- Information Commissioners Officer £35.00 annually
- 123 reg (.uk domain renewal) £14.39 annually
- 123 reg (.co.uk domain renewal) £14.39 annually
It was noted that the EE WiFi widget has been cancelled as it is no longer required since the village hall now has broadband
8.4 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the transactions made since the previous previous report, the bank balance and bank reconciliation at 17th January 2022
Current account: £33,105.57
Reserve bank: £500.00
8.5 Councillors reviewed the budget monitoring document. The parish council’s expenditure to date for the year financial year 2021-2022 was below the budgeted amount and and councillors acknowledged that further progress needed to be made to meet the planned budget.
9. To consider the eligibility to adopt the General Power of Competence
9.1 Councillors RESOLVED to adopt the General Power of Competance having considered and confirmed eligibility that the parish council meets the required two criteria:
1) The number of councillors on the council who were elected at the most recent relevant election must be at least two thirds of the total number of councillors. Elected councillors include those would stood at an uncontested election. Co-opted or appointed councillors do not count.
2) A qualified clerk who holds one of two recognised sector specific qualifications, either the CiLCA or Level 4 qualification from the University of Gloucestershire or its predecessor institutions. Councillors noted the clerk’s achievement of the the Certificate in Local Council Adminstration on 15th December 2022.
1.2 Eligibility is to be confirmed after every relevant annual meeting (every four years) and will therefore be reviewed at the annual meeting in May 2023.
10. To consider HALC and NALC subscriptions 2022-2023
10.1 Councillors RESOLVED to continue the subscription to HALC/NALC 2022 – 2023 is £702.35 (HALC affiliation fee £190.00; HALC subs £339.94; NALC £55.35 plus VAT).
11. To consider a response to the Herefordshire Council Spatial Options Consultation
11.1 Councillors RESOLVED to submit a response to the Spatial Options consultation as it is an opportunity for the parish council to state it’s views on the plan and the effects on Breinton parish.
11.2 The response was to include the coordinating policies with climate emergency and conserving the outstanding natural environment and green infrastructure assets currently outside the Areas of Natural Beauty, protecting high grade soils and reducing phosphates. The response was to focus on the direct impact on Breinton parish and the need for more affordable homes as opposed to second/holiday homes. The parish council also agreed the draft plan was vague and required more specificity.
11.3 Councillors RESOLVED to Cllr Tony Geeson to draft a response to the consultation for approval and the clerk shall submit the same before the deadline on 28th February 2022.
12. To receive a report on the Village Hall
12.1 Cllr Lorraine Lewis provided an update from the village hall committee. A coffee morning is going to be arranged once a month and residents shall be encouraged to attend. PCSO Christina Howard contacted a member of the committee regarding Neighbourhood Matters, where residents can register their interests and make contact with any concerns. are looking organise something for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
13. To receive an update on the recent crime within Breinton
No crimes were reported in December
No report available for January yet.
Updates are available at https://www.police.uk/pu/your-area/west-mercia-police/hereford-rural-north-southside
PSCO Christina Howard has been sent the upcoming meeting dates to attend when it suits her to deliver a talk in neighbourhood matters
14. To receive an update from Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) on recent works carried out
14.1 The clerk updated the meeting on the recent works carried out within the parish.
Week ending 21st January 2022
- C1190 – number of cway pothole repairs
- Breinton Lane – cway pothole repair
Week ending 27th January 2022
- C1189 Breinton – job raised to remove fly tip of car tyres
- Kings Acre Road – tree works completed
Week ending 4th February 2022
- Prow BT 4 Breinton – fallen tree branch across route cut back
- Bridleway BT 4 – fallen tree branch removed
- A480 pedestrian traffic lights reported to street lighting for failure
Week ending 11th February 2022
- Prow BT2 Breinton surface defects repairs and made safe
- Kings Acre Road – verge markers cleansed
- Kings Acre Road – hedge cutting completed
Action – clerk to ask Balfour Beatty to collect the purple rubbish sacks and tyres near the white posts in Warham and the brash/debris on Kings Acre Road left following the volunteer group clear up of the lime trees as agreed.
15. To receive a report from the footpaths officer and consider neccessary actions
15.1 The PROW team are to advise on the footpath closure process for BT20.
16. To discuss current works for the lengthsman and consider further necessary works
16.3 Balfour Beatty are providing stat plans for two locations as the lengthsman cannot provide a quote without these plans. The first location is for the ditch on C1189 near the junction with BT6 as the lengthsman had located a cable which has been laid by Gigaclear. The proposed ditch will be need to be smaller and narrower than originally expected, so will require more work than orginally thought. The second location is on the C1190 from its junction with the C1189 to its junction with footpath BT6.
16.2 Councillors agreed to ask the landowner to clear the ditch on the east side of the C1190 from the junction with the C1189 to the entrance of Wyecliffe House and to clear the pond north of Church House, Lower Breinton and ensuring that the exit to the east is clear.
Action: Clerk to write to landowner to ask for ditch/pond clearance
17. To consider a bid for the Drainage Grant available from Herefordshire Council
17.1 Coucillors RESOLVED to submit a bid for the drainage grant to include all the drainage works that have the lengthsman has already been instructed to carry out including the annual works schedule.
18. To receive an update on the Tree Planting Plan and consider the next actions
18.1 Councillors noted that the agent for the Church Commissioners land in Breinton had not responded to numerous requests for a site visit with a parish council representative.
18.2 A member of the public’s suggestion to plant trees within the gaps in the existing hedgerows was considered by the councillors and considered as a prospective option.
18.3 It was noted that the Mayor of Hereford planted a tree with a plaque on the Pippin Trust land on Green Lane, Breinton.
19. To discuss correspondence received (no decisions)
19.1 No questions were raised on the correspondence received since the previous meeting.
20. To receive requests for Items on Next Agenda
20.1 Breinton’s Heritage, Update from Breinton Charities and Hereford Community Land Trust.
The meeting was declared closed at 8.45pm.