Present: Cllr Liz Morawiecka (Chair), Cllr Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Cllr Lorraine Lewis
In attendance: Three members of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Cllr Tracey Prosser
1.2 Cllr Jackie Morris
1.3 Cllr Keith Ray
2 Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations
2.1 Cllr Morawiecka declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 6.2 planning application at Warham Court Farm, the land is adjacent to her property and The Pavilion as the applicants are known to her and did not take part in any discussion.
2.2 Cllr Geeson declared an interest in item 7.1 to consider a donation to Teamtalk being a member of St Michael’s church roll.
3. To approve the minutes of meeting on 13th November and discuss action points
3.1 All Cllrs RESOLVED the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting on 10th November 2021 and were signed by the Chair Cllr Morawiecka.
4. Public open session – to receive comments from the public on parish matters
4.1 A member of the public raised concerns over the fibre optic broadband connection for a few properties on Breinton Common which Gigaclear have not yet installed. Gigaclear have advised that the connection is scheduled for the third quarter of 2022 but this is subject to change.
Action: Resident to forward email correspondence with Gigaclear to the clerk and councillors to consider action.
5. To receive a report from Ward Councillor Bob MatthewsCllr Matthews advised that the A480 bus services between Credenhill and Kington are being taken over from Yeomans and a more regular service may be provided.
Herefordshire Council is in full support of improving the condition and pollution of the River Wye. National legislation needs to be brought in to attempt to progress the issue nationwide.
The A438 from Bridge Sollars to Belmont is being considered for improvement at a meeting with senior officers. An upgrade is required as it is a very busy road regularly used for commuting to Credenhill.
The new planning application at Three Elms is still awaited and residents will be consulted. The bypass not going ahead and caused problems for the proposals.
5.1 Due to Covid 19 all scheduled meetings of the council have been cancelled and not much is developing.
6. Planning
6.1 To receive an update on recent decisions – no recent decisions
6.2 To consider comments on current applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council
– P/204242/FH Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm Demolition of existing barns within the grounds of a Listed Building. Proposed new farm shop and cafe and office accommodation buildings with associated car parking area – Amended plans
Councillors were advised that decisions between the case officer, Highways and the applicant were still ongoing and RESOLVED not to make any further comments at this stage
– P/211939/FH The Pavilion Hill Road Breinton – Proposed of use and extension of former tennis pavilion to form a single dwelling.
Ward Councillor Matthews informed the meeting that the case officer was hoping to make a decision week commencing 20th December. No issues were concerning the Greyfriars Ward Councillor Toynbee. Councillors RESOLVED not to make any further comments.
– P/214052/FH 317 Kings Acre Road Hereford – The works include the replacement of a single storey rear extension with a single storey rear and side extension – comments by 21st December 2021.
Councillors considered the application and RESOLVED not to make any comments on the application bring a standard home improvement.
– P214237/PA1 175 Kings Acre Road Hereford – Proposed single storey rear extension which will extend beyond the rear wall of the dwellinghouse by 4.50 metres. The maximum height of the enlarged part of the dwellinghouse is 3.24 metres and the height of the eaves of the enlarged part of the dwellinghouse is 2.97 metres – comments by 17th December 2021
Councillors considered the application and RESOLVED not to make any comments on the application bring a standard home improvement.
– P213951/O Land adj Eaton View Breinton Common Hereford HR4 7PR – Outline planning permission for the erection of one dwelling and garage – comments by 30th December 2021
Members of the public raised concerns over the access to the site, flooding, condition/suitability of the road, overlooking of neighbouring properties and overhead low electric cables.
Councillors acknowledged the potential damage to utility services to existing properties. It was also noted that there had been no record of bats living within 500m of the proposed development in the Ecological Survey. The council would not be liable for any repairs for wear and tear caused to the access bridle path as it is not adopted, and also very narrow.
Councillors RESOLVED to object to the planning application in line with the objection to the original planning application. The objection was included concerns over:
- the access
- the supply of services to neighbouring properties
- surface water disposal
- housing needs
- the ecological survey and HRA screening report
- compliance with the relevant NDP policies.
7. Finance
7.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:
– John Finch Computers £75.00
– Breinton Village Hall £18.00
– Two new noticeboards £500.00
– Clerk’s salary as agreed by Cllrs
– HMRC (PAYE) Oct, Nov, Dec £225.00
A decision could not be made on the Teamtalk donation as Cllr Geeson declared an interest resulting the council not being quorate to discuss the matter
7.2 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th November 2021 and the bank reconciliation
7.3 The cheques were signed, bank reconciliation, bank statements and invoices initialled and dated.
8. To discuss the budget 2022-2023 calculations
8.1 Councillors RESOLVED to maintain the budget and set the Precept at £13165.00 for financial year 2022/2023.
9. To receive an update on the Village Hall
9.1 There have been no committee meetings since the previous Parish Council meeting.
9.2 Despite the Covid rule change, there has been no change in the advice the village hall users. A few users have been lost, but all remaining users are leaving the hall in good condition. Any new users are met in advance to through the protocol.
9.3 The hall is currently making an annual loss of approximately £1000 due to Covid 19, but currently has a sufficient balance to cover this until the situation recovers.
9.4 Committee members have all been affected personally by the pandemic, but their continued work regardless is recognised and appreciated. The Chair, Cllr Liz Moraweicka thanked Cllr Lorraine Lewis and all the committee members for their continued commitment.
10. To receive an update on the crime within Breinton
10.1 In October 2021 one violence/sexual offences crime was reported in Yew Tree Gardens
10.2 No report available for November.
10.3 Updates are available at https://www.police.uk/pu/your-area/west-mercia-police/hereford-rural-north-southside
11. To receive an update from Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) on recent works carried out
11.1 The meeting was updated by the clerk on the recent works within Breinton.
Weekending 19th November
- Kings Acre Road – tree crown raised
- Kings Acre Road – fway patching job raised
Weekending 26th November
- Kings Acre Road – speed limit signage cleaned
- C1190 – number of cway potholes raised for repair
Weekending 3rd December
- Kings Acre Road – fallen tree branch obstructing fway removed
Weekending 10th December
- 1190 – cway pothole repairs
- Kings Acre Road- fway patching completed
12. To receive a report from the Footpaths officer and consider any necessary actions
12.1 The footpaths officer reported that the majority of footpaths are in ok condition for the time being.
12.2 On BT2 between the Green Lane Park Homes and Wyevale Wood the foothpath has sunk. There used to be a stone drain to take the water away but the now ditch floods and new drainage is needed to prevent further flooding.
12.3 There is a council notice on BT20 just before the river bank which states the path is ‘closed due to erosion’ and beyond 200 yards is unusable. The path has been closed by the Council so a request for the path to be removed from the definite map is supported by the footpath officer. Permission for the footpath marker post to be moved to another path should be sort in advance of repositioning.
12.4 Cllr Liz Moraweicka advised that the Cider Museum are looking into opening their orchards up to the public with an aim to get the permissive footpath reopened.
13. To identify further works for the lengthsman
13.1 Cllrs RESOLVED to replace the noticeboards at Breinton Common and water tower with the two new noticeboards, which are now complete. Cllrs agreed to Cllr Tony Geeson to collect the noticeboards and store them until the lengthsman collects them to be installed.
Action: Clerk to ask the lengthsman for a quote for the installation of the two boards and supply of the supporting posts.
14. To consider the next actions or the Tree Planting Plan
14.1 No date has yet been confirmed to meet with the Church Commissioners land agent,
Action: Clerk to chase the land agent regarding a date to meet up to discuss the possible planting locations.
15. To consider councillor’s attendance at HALC training sessions
15.1 Cllrs RESOLVED to approve Cllr Tracey Prosser’s attendance at the next Leading Lights training session. HALC to confirm the date in January 2022.
16. To discuss correspondence received
16.1 No comments were made on the correspondence received since the last meeting.
17. To receive requests for items on the next agenda
17.1 Teamtalk donation
17.2 Noticeboards
17.3 Tree Planting Plan
17.4 Gov.uk website
Signed …………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting – 19th January 2022