Minutes of Meeting
held on 14 October 2015
Present: Liz Morawiecka (Chair), Jackie Morris, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray, Anthony Powers
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, Tom Davies (internal auditor), Graeme Adkin (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Tony Geeson, John Wade, Rob North
2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book. No declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of meeting 19th August and matters arising
3.1 Minutes agreed and signed. No matters arising.
4. Clerk’s report
4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 30th September.
4.2 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
Village Hall (mtg 19/8/15) £18.00
Lengthsman £104.40
HALC (clerk training) £30.00
Print cartridges (90%) £26.98
Clerk salary (Sept & Oct) as agreed with Parish Councillors
4.3 Cheques were signed by Jackie and Lorraine. Liz initialled the invoices.
4.4 Clerk updated Cllrs on a few issues.
4.5 Clerk to liaise with Mike Gill regarding Himalayan Balsam on Wye Valley Walk and works on Breinton Road.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr
5.1 Bob advised that the Nature Trust will cut back growth and undertake ditching work along the Green Lane in due course.
5.2 Local government funding will be cut next year.
Police report
5.3 No mention of Breinton in the police reports for the previous 2 months.
Footpaths Officer
5.4 In John’s absence, GA advised Cllrs that the sign post on Green Lane had been replaced as previously advised, and the area around it had been strimmed.
Village Hall
5.5 Lorraine advised that Gill Parker is the Treasurer of the VHMC.
Tree Warden
5.6 In Nicky’s absence, GA advised that Nicky will be taking part in the launch of the Hereford Tree Warden Network on 7 November.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
6.1 Tony had previously circulated a written report of the current situation, requesting that Cllrs authorise the Steering Group to make changes to the NDP (on advice from Kirkwells) following the meeting with the Hereford Planners, and with a view to appointing an independent examiner. Liz proposed the resolution, seconded by Jackie, and carried unanimously.
6.2 Liz proposed, and Cllrs agreed, to vote further thanks to Tony for his unstinting dedication and work to get the NDP through the process.
7. Local Development Plan – Core Strategy
7.1 Liz updated the meeting. The Core Strategy is likely to be adopted by HC this Friday.
8. Precept 2016/17
8.1 Cllrs considered the draft figures prepared by GA.
8.2 Agreed to adjust figures to allow for likely reduction in P3 and Lengthsman grants from HC in 2016/17, and also further expenditure for completion (and follow up actions) of the NDP.
8.3 Hopefully reach agreement at the November mtg.
9. Fireworks Party
9.1 Cllrs agreed further arrangements for the Fireworks party.
9.2 GA to discuss further with Rob North.
10. Lengthsman
10.1 Cllrs agreed to accept the quote for repairs to BT16.
10.2 GA to liaise with farmer, Locality Steward and Lengthsman for works around Warham.
11. Planning
11.1 No applications to consider.
12. Correspondence
12.1 No further discussion points.
13. Website and IT kit
13.1 Cllrs considered the options identified by the reports from NG and GA.
13.2 Cllrs agreed the ‘site map’ circulated in GA’s email
13.3 Cllrs agreed to include a “comments” box and a “subscribe” box on the website, but to exclude the option for “opinion survey”. The proviso being that we would change these options if they proved to be too time consuming, or did not work effectively.
13.4 Cllrs agreed that GA seek confirmation from NG and TG before forwarding to Mark Millmore to action.
13.5 Cllrs agreed for GA to purchase the laptop and projector as recommended by Mark Millmore and HALC.
13.6 GA to submit the Transparency Grant claim form on this basis.
14. December meeting
14.1 In view of GA’s absence from the December meeting, Cllrs agreed to cancel the December meeting.
15 Items for next agenda
15.1 No points identified.
Meeting closed at 9.00pm
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 25 November 2015