Minutes of Meeting held on 13th November 2019

Present: Anthony Powers (Chairman), Tony Geeson, Jackie Morris, Lorraine Lewis, Liz Moraweicka, Keith Ray

In attendance:  John Wade (Footpaths Officer), Rob North (Reverend), PCSO Adam Westlake and PC Bart McDonagh, 3 members of public and Emily Godsall (Clerk).

  1. Apologies for absence
    1. Bob Matthews
  2. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
    1. None declared
  3. Minutes of meeting 16th October, Action Points & Matters Arising
    1. Minutes agreed and signed
    1. The meeting was updated on the success of the Fireworks Party
  • National Trust Land at Breinton Springs
    • Iain Carter (NT manager) did not attend the meeting so will be invited again to a forthcoming meeting.
  • Clerk’s Report
    • Cllrs approved the following payments:
  • Clerk’s salary        £286.16
  • Village Hall            £18.00
    • Cllrs signed cheques and initialled invoices to verify amounts reported.
    • Chairman updated the Cllrs on the situation with NatWest bank (changes of address and online banking) which he hoped would be resolved shortly.
    • Cllrs were updated on Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.
  • Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

  • No report

Police report

  • PC Bart McDonagh & PC Adam Westlake attended the meeting to discuss concerns over the recent increase and nature of the crimes occurring in Breinton.
    • Cllrs were assured that the recent crimes reported had not raised any concerns for community safety, which the police have an obligation to protect.
    • Everyone was encouraged to inform the police of any concerns.
    • Chairman thanked PCSO Westlake & PC McDonagh for their attendance. They hoped that that one of the police team would be able to attend meetings, periodically in future


  • Cllrs discussed the problem with dog walkers on footpath BT2A not sticking to the footpath in the field immediately south of junction with BT4 and possible actions to target the issue. Clerk to ask HALC for clarification as to parish council and landowner responsibilities.
    • BT16 has been obstructed by a manure heap directly on the footpath. Lorraine to discuss with landowner.

Village Hall

6.5          The committee held a meeting in October, have a new treasurer in Mike Harries and have several upcoming events.

Tree Warden

6.6          No report

  • Report from Parish Summit on updating of NDPs and Core Strategy
    • Chairman updated the meeting on the status of made NDPs now being deemed to be ‘out of date’ after 2 years since adoption, in the context of the county’s ongoing lack of a 5-year housing land supply and of the anticipated revisions required to the Core Strategy. Meanwhile the in housing policies such NDPs will carry less than ‘full weight’ in local planning decisions.
    • Cllrs agreed that after Herefordshire Council’s decision on the Hereford Transport Package (including western bypass) due in January they will consider the options on revising the parish NDP. A separate working party might be needed.
  • Precept 2020-2021
    • Cllrs considered the revised figures for the budget and precept.
    • Tony proposed the precept be maintained at the 2019-20 amount. This was seconded and unanimously agreed by Cllrs.
  • Public Consultations Affecting Breinton
    • None
  • Environment & Amenities Working Group
    • Cllrs considered the revised quote from Shelley signs for both oak and aluminium lecterns.
    • Tony proposed the aluminium lecterns, which Jackie seconded. Cllrs unanimously agreed to accept this quote.
  1. Lengthsman
    1. Cllrs all agreed to accept the Lengthman’s quote for the installation of the four replacement gates on BT2A, all with a case-hardened sleeve.
    1. Concerns were raised over the state of the ditches causing deep flooding on the roads.
    1. Cllrs agreed for the clerk to ask locality steward, Mike Gill, to inspect the four areas of greatest concern and to allocate responsibility for the maintenance of the ditches.
  1. Planning
    1. The meeting was updated on the recent planning decisions.
    1. Cllrs and members of the public discussed planning application 193578 Banbh Farm Breinton and agreed to submit a further objection.  
  1. Correspondence
    1. Clerk to ask Nepeta for size and price for purchasing further Dropbox space.
  1. Items for next agenda
    1. British Legion Donation.
    1. Reimburse Rev. Rob North’s expenses on fireworks & Jackie’s  food expenses for the fireworks party.
    1. PCC’s request for annual donation to TeamTalk and churchyard maintenance costs

Signed ……………………………….                                                                    Date  ……………………………..

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting: 11th December 2019